Abiga peak - instructions for use of the drug

abiga peak instructions for use When choosing an effective and safe fungicide for plants, special attention should be paid to such a drug as Abiga Peak, the instructions for use of which gives reason to assert that it will easily relieve cultivated plants on your backyard from a number of fungal diseases. How to use it correctly, why you should opt for this particular chemical - in more detail in our article.

Composition and properties of the drug, scheme of action

composition and properties of the drug

The active substance of the fungicide Abiga Peak is copper oxychloride, which has medium toxicity, and acts on the causative agent of diseases of the fungal group by a contact method. Copper, which is part of the salt, blocks the growth and respiratory functions of the spore of the microorganism, which contributes to a decrease in its vital activity, as a result of which its pathogenic activity decreases and death occurs.

The most effective way of treating crops with this chemical is a finely dispersed cloudy spraying, which allows the active substance to penetrate into all parts of the plant where pathogens may be located, quickly neutralizing them.

Preparation of working solution and processing methods

preparation of working solution

Before you start working with chemicals such as Abiga Peak, be sure to read the instructions for use of this drug!

First, a stock solution should be prepared, for which 50 ml of the chemical is mixed with 1 liter of water. Next, the resulting concentrate is poured into 10 l of room temperature water and mixed well. The working solution is ready for use!

The processing and consumption of the working solution for each culture is individual, full information can be obtained from the table attached to the preparation.

Abiga Peak - instructions for use on selected crops

abiga peak for different plants

The suspension is used to combat diseases such as:

  • fusarium;
  • late blight;
  • peronosporosis;
  • cercosporosis;
  • scab on pears and apple trees;
  • powdery mildew;
  • oidium;
  • mildew;
  • bacteriosis;
  • moniliosis.

Abiga Peak has a particular value as a fungicide for the treatment of grapes, due to its wide spectrum of activity and hazard class, which allows multiple treatments during the season. In this culture, the drug is used to combat mildew, anthracnose, oidium.leaf damage

In addition to grapes, this suspension is used with high efficiency to destroy:

  • late blight on tomatoes (in the open field) and potatoes;
  • cercospora on beets;
  • stains and rust on flower crops;
  • peronosporosis on onions;
  • moniliosis and scab on fruit trees.

Plant processing rules and consumption rates

treatment of plants with abiga peak

The Abiga Peak solution is used only for spraying the green mass of a plant, there are no special nuances in this, the rules are quite simple:

  1. To improve efficiency, the crop should be cultivated from all directions. Make sure that the green sheets are moistened both on the underside and on the top.
  2. Spraying should be carried out using special sprayers. After use, the containers must be thoroughly rinsed under running water.

Abiga Peak is characterized by good compatibility with a large number of other preparations (insecticides, dressings, fungicides) used on cultivated plants.

When preparing a working solution from several preparations, a sign of incompatibility may be the precipitation of a flocculent sediment in the solution or the formation of foam.

Safety measures when working with the drug

plant processing rulesBefore starting work, it is necessary to wear closed special clothing so that the minimum amount of skin remains unprotected. Be sure to wear gloves, a respirator and goggles that will protect mucous membranes from the effects of chemical compounds.

Make sure there are no animals or children near the work area. The containers in which the working solution is prepared must be glass or plastic.

It is strictly forbidden to eat, drink or smoke in the place where work is carried out with Abiga Peak!

Plants should be processed early in the morning or in the evening, before sunset, in calm weather. The solution is resistant to washing off by rain and dew, which is an indisputable plus (the period before rain is 5.5 - 6 hours).

If the chemical does get on your skin or hair, rinse immediately with water. In the future, if the skin turns red, itches or other manifestations of irritation are observed, be sure to consult a doctor.

You can neutralize the spilled preparation with soda ash or baking soda, diluting 2 tablespoons in 1 liter of water.

The drug should be stored in a cool dark place, out of the reach of young children, away from food.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

A significant drawback of Abiga Peak is an exclusively contact action. The active substance is not able to penetrate into plant tissues. It makes sense to use it only when the disease has already manifested itself. For preventive purposes, this suspension has no effect.

Another important factor is that some fungal microorganisms have developed resistance to the drug, which negates the point in its use.

Among the advantages of Abiga Peak is safety for bees, photolytic and hydrolytic, that is, resistance to light, sun and water, which increases the effect of spraying many times over. An important factor is low cost, availability, simplicity and ease of use.

Drug analogues

Many copper-containing fungicides can be attributed to the analogues of Abiga Peak, but it is most similar to:

  1. HOMOM.
  2. Oxyhom.
  3. Bordeaux mixture.
  4. Cuproxat.

Growing a healthy culture is a great art. It is even more difficult to identify the cause of the disease, choose the right drug and apply it at the right time. Having studied the instructions and recommendations for the use of Abiga Peak, we can summarize that this tool is one of the most affordable, simple and effective to use at a summer cottage.

Contact fungicide Abiga peak - video


