Fascinating germination of adenium seeds

adenium from seed A tropical desert flower on a windowsill in a Moscow high-rise building or somewhere in the northern regions of the country deserves a round of applause. Adenium is not just a houseplant, but a real work of art. Its marble caudex resembles more a sculpture than a root part of the trunk. You can grow such an exhibit on your window using seeds. Of course, they are expensive, but the result will pay off with interest.

Secret sowing technique

The first step is to pay attention to the age of the seeds. Excellent germination is observed in annual specimens. Those that are stored for more than 12-17 months are not very suitable for sowing, but they can sprout.

Some growers recommend planting several varieties of plants at once. Before this, the grains are soaked in warm water. After that, they are left in liquid either for a day or overnight. Otherwise, a few hours will be enough. When the seeds settle and swell, they can be transferred to the ground.

It is recommended to take filtered water, not tap water. Many people oppose reverse osmosis systems. They say that this is dead water. However, practice shows a completely opposite result.

Choose a thin plastic container with multiple compartments. The cells are filled with ordinary soil from a vegetable garden or forest. Remarkable, but for seedlings adenium it is not at all necessary to select substrates intended for succulents. But peat tablets are inappropriate in this case. Then a number of simple manipulations are carried out:

  • the soil is thoroughly moistened with water;
  • leave for a while to soak;
  • make grooves;
  • immerse the seeds shallowly into the hole, placing them in a horizontal position;
  • fall asleep with earth;
  • cover with a transparent form of thin plastic.

Place the container in a well-lit place. In this case, the temperature in the room should not fall below 30-35 ° C. If it gets cooler by a few degrees, then the sprouts lose their germination. Observing such planting conditions, in four days, the appearance of the first shoots is boldly expected. It is not necessary to water the substrate during this period.

When the sprout has cut through, and it still has the husk from the seed, then it must be carefully removed. They hold the plant with one tweezers, and remove the skin with the other. Yet sometimes it does not give in, then it is softened with water.

To provide the young adenium with a moist environment, the pot with the seedling is placed in a container of water. Subsequently, the earth will take as much liquid as the sprout needs for full development. When the seedlings reach a certain height, then you can start diving. For this, a planting substrate is prepared, consisting of half of peat and several types of baking powder.


