Is it true that Dzhungarian aconite cures cancer?

Dzhungarian aconite for cancer treatment Information about whether it is possible to cure cancer with aconite is very controversial. The use of Dzungarian aconite for the treatment of cancer was recorded in the medical works of Ancient Tibet. Let's start with the fact that there are different forms and localizations of this disease. Cases of the therapeutic effect of alcoholic tincture of aconite on certain forms of cancer and benign neoplasms have been recorded.

History of the use of aconite in medicine

the use of Dzungarian aconite in medicine

In the middle of the 19th century, the first mentions of the use of aconite for cancer treatment appeared (Lancet magazine, England). At the same time, homeopathic doses were selected. In the 20th century, aconite tincture was used by oncologists in a number of countries.

Tincture of aconite in folk medicine and homeopathy is traditionally used to fight cancer. It is considered both as an auxiliary tool and as the main one. There are references to the positive results of using aconite extract in the complex therapy of melanoma and other oncological lesions of the mucous membranes and skin.

Since aconite is very poisonous, only micro doses of its tincture can be taken inside. The treatment regimen is selected individually by the homeopath. It is important to constantly monitor the body's response and well-being. With a pronounced negative reaction of the body, the drug is immediately canceled.

Interesting facts:

  1. Solzhenitsyn mentions that aconite was successfully used to treat cancer (Cancer Corps). He writes that it was the Issyk-Kul root (aconite) that saved him from cancer.
  2. Along with aconite, hemlock is used for the treatment of oncological diseases. A regularity has been noticed - hemlock can support in the fight against cancer of the intestines, genitourinary organs, and the fighter - against cancer of all organs that are located above the waist. Moreover, aconite is considered the most poisonous and dangerous. He will not cope with cancer on his own, but it is possible that he will play a role in complex treatment.
  3. In oncology, it is advisable to use aconite to reduce pain and heal damaged tissues, as well as to slow down tumor growth, and fight metastases.

For what forms of cancer is it recommended to use

study of the properties of Dzhungarian aconiteIn homeopathy, fighter's tincture is used for various types of cancer, including metastases. Aconitine is able to penetrate deeply into tissues and negatively affect tumor cells. It is also indicated for benign neoplasms.

In order for the tincture to be beneficial, it is important to prepare it correctly and choose the optimal dose. However, in homeopathy, this remedy is widely used in the complex fight against cancer. If you decide to use Dzungarian aconite in cancer treatment, an experienced homeopath or herbalist can tell you how to take it. In official medicine, this plant is now not used.

Useful poison or medicine

aconite root tinctureAconite is classified as a poisonous plant. It contains alkaloids - aconitines, which in a lethal dose can cause respiratory arrest. Even in ancient Tibet, it began to be used for medicinal purposes, including for the treatment of cancer.

Aconitines can easily penetrate the skin! You do not need to prepare the product yourself. You can buy tincture of Dzhungarian aconite at homeopathic shops or order online. The latter method is more risky, since there is no guarantee that you will be sent a high-quality drug, and not a fake.

Very aggressive substances are always used to treat cancer.They have many side effects. Alcohol tincture of Dzungarian aconite can negatively affect cancer cells, but it has the same effect on healthy tissues.

Medicines that are officially approved to fight cancer can be controlled. They are selective. The use of aconite tincture is quite risky. To achieve a lasting therapeutic effect, you will need to increase the dose step by step.

careful use of Dzhungarian aconiteTincture of Aconite Dzungarian is used in homeopathy for the treatment of a number of diseases, including the fight against cancer. At the same time, homeopaths emphasize that it is necessary to achieve such a concentration of the drug in the blood, which would reach the maximum allowable threshold. It is individual for different patients. Therefore, the dosage must be selected very carefully. If you decide to take Djungarian aconite for cancer treatment, you should start with microscopic doses.

Dzungarian aconite, the treatment for which is not approved by WHO, is not included in traditional cancer treatment regimens. It is not used at all in mainstream medicine.

In Bulgaria, China, India, aconite tincture is officially approved for use. In the USSR, the drug was also used for the complex treatment of cancer.

Surgeon-oncologist T.V. Zakaurtseva carried out thorough research and developed her own method for the treatment of oncological diseases. Before removing the tumor, she conducted a course of treatment with tincture of aconite. The operation was performed after aconitine slowed tumor growth and activity. The course of treatment with aconitine was repeated afterwards after the operation. It was noticed that aconitine inhibits the growth of cancer, eliminates metastases.

Features of cancer treatment with aconite

Since aconite is not used in official medicine, the oncologist will not take responsibility for such treatment.

With the complex treatment of cancer with aconite, sometimes positive dynamics are observed:

  • metastases slow down, their number decreases;
  • if you use the product correctly, irreversible processes hardly develop in the tissues and organs;
  • with the correct dosage, there are a minimum of side effects;
  • aconitine is able to slow down the development of the tumor and even slightly reduce it;
  • depression, pain, intoxication decreases.

Schemes for the use of aconite in alternative oncology

Most often, the drug is used in homeopathy. An extract of 10% alcohol is used from tubers, leaves of turnip or red aconite. These are the most toxic species. It is best to use an insulin syringe to achieve maximum dosing accuracy. It contains 1 ml, which corresponds to 40 drops.

Do not use a pipette for dosage. It gives a high margin of error that can cause overdose.

It is better to take the tincture on an empty stomach or a couple of hours after a meal. Drops are diluted in a quarter of a glass of chilled boiled water. The daily dose is gradually increased. If at first it is 1 drop, then on the 20th day it will be 60 drops. Then the number of drops is reduced using the reverse order. The treatment cycle will be 39 days. This is a rough diagram. It needs to be selected individually.

The standard treatment is three courses. There is a break of two weeks between each. If a sustained positive effect is achieved, treatment is stopped. In case of relapse, therapy can be repeated.

If a slightly poisonous plant species is used for the preparation of the tincture, then the dose will be measured in ml, and not in drops.

"Tsarist" method of tumor treatment with aconite

It was developed by the practicing homeopathist V.V. Tishchenko. This technique also uses tincture, but it is recommended to drink only one drop of the drug per day. It is diluted in 100 ml of water. Every day only once, on an empty stomach, you need to drink a drop of the drug. The course of treatment is until recovery.

Do not take aconite tincture with herbal decoctions!

Risks of use

dried aconite rootIf you will be using aconite tincture, it is important to remember the signs of poisoning with this plant:

  • urge to vomit;
  • the tongue, cheeks, lips, fingertips grow numb;
  • there is a feeling that goosebumps are running through the body;
  • thirst appears;
  • the temperature jumps;
  • in case of severe poisoning, the muscles of the legs, arms, face twitch, vision deteriorates, breathing is difficult.

It is strictly forbidden to taste even a tiny part of the aconite tuber! Dzhungar aconite root is extremely poisonous. Even 1 gram can contain a lethal dose of aconitine.

As you can see, Dzhungarian aconite in cancer treatment can only be used informally. It is important to take into account the type of tumor, its size, localization, the presence of metastases, the dynamics of treatment. Of course, tincture alone cannot be used. Treatment should be comprehensive. He is carefully selected by an oncologist. Ask your doctor if it is possible to supplement the complex treatment with aconite tincture.

Cancer needs to be fought - video

  1. lyudmila

    Thanks for the info. I am going to start treatment for my husband, but I am stopped by the fact that in 2010 he suffered a heart attack. Is it possible to receive aconite in our situation?

    • Natali

      Unfortunately, our site is not medical. We provide information to readers about the medicinal properties of the plant. Consult your doctor to get reliable information about the possibility of using aconite specifically in your case.

  2. lexander

    Tell me how to properly prepare the most tincture of Dzungarian aconite. Because on the Internet they write something to someone, but how to cook correctly, I'm not sure what they write. Do you have exactly the right cooking recipe? Thank you in advance for your response.

    • Olga

      Good day! The articles on our site are for informational and informational purposes only. We do not provide medical advice, we do not make diagnoses, we do not recommend treatment. We do not discuss or explain the correctness of the recipes and other information submitted in the Internet resources. Therefore, unfortunately, we cannot help you with your question.

      • Galina Demyanko

        it is not clear how to take aconite. 3 times a day and add one drop at a time? You don't write that 3 times a day. Only then will there be 60 drops in 20 days. Clarify

        • Olga

          Sorry, but our site only summarizes information from publicly available sources and provides it to its readers for purely familiarization. We do not provide medical advice on either the diagnosis or the treatment regimen, even in the field of traditional medicine. All questions, and especially regarding the use of poisonous plants such as aconite, decide with your doctor.

  3. Galina

    Hello. In your recommendations and visual aids, you show n-ku and aconite extract, and you give the use everywhere for tincture. Is there no difference in the use of these two drugs?

    • Olga

      Both in this article and in the video below it is about the use of aconite tincture. As for the recommendations and tutorials for use, our site does not provide them, sorry. We collect only information from all available resources and offer our readers and visitors to review. Consult your doctor for advice.


