Rescue of a florist and indoor plants - aqua soil for flowers, how to use

I bought aqua soil for flowers in a flower shop, how to use it correctly? I took it for planting orchids, but it is very interesting to know if it is suitable for other plants. I didn't calculate with the purchase, and there are a couple of bags left, if I plant royal geranium in it, will it grow there?

aqua primer for flowers how to use A perennial problem for most indoor plant lovers who cannot often devote time to their green pets is watering. No flower can survive without water, so everyone needs regular watering. And if suddenly you need to leave for a long time and there is no one to look after the collection, aqua soil for flowers will help out, we will tell you how to use it.

Characteristics and features of aqua soil

how to use aqua primer

Aqua soil is called polymer colored balls or other geometric figures. They are mainly used in decorative design. This is a denser type of hydrogel that is the foundation of hydroponics. Like a hydrogel, these balls absorb moisture and then gradually, in small portions, release it. It is the metered release of water that avoids frequent problems caused by waterlogging. At the same time, the polymer completely provides plants with life-giving moisture.

Despite its advantages, artificial soil cannot replace real soil. Besides water, it contains no nutrients. Therefore, neither flowers nor other plants can constantly grow in the aqua soil unless fertilization is applied. But for rooting cuttings or temporary planting for a period of long absence of the owners, it will be the best solution.

Aqua primer for flowers - how to use

indoor flowers in aqua soilPolymer soil is sold in dry form and needs preparation:

  • the balls are poured into a bowl;
  • fill with water;
  • leave for a day.

When the aqua primer is filled with liquid, the remaining water is drained and it is ready to use. Such soil can be poured into the florarium, flowers can be planted in it or cuttings can be rooted. As for adult plants, before planting, they are necessarily well cleared of the ground by washing the roots. The polymer is laid out in a glass container (it will be so beautiful) and the bushes are carefully in aqua soil

Only moisture-loving indoor flowers that do well in the shade can grow in the aqua soil. And that is not very long. The service life of the balls is no more than 6 months, after which they need to be changed or transplanted into the soil substrate. Alternatively, use the pot-in-pot planting. This is when a pot of earth is inserted into a container with aqua soil, for example, for orchids... There is one more condition. Obligatory weekly application of the mineral complex of fertilizers, because they are not in the polymer, and the flowers have nowhere to take food.

Step-by-step instructions for using a hydrogel (aqua soil)


