DIY aquaponics for personal use
Aquaponics is a way of growing certain types of fish and plants at the same time. This is done with the help of a special ecosystem, using steps to transform fish waste into useful substances for plants. DIY aquaponics is a pretty exciting experience. A private house is especially suitable for this, although a small system can be made for an apartment.
What is aquaponics
Aquaponics is a kind of symbiosis in which fish and plants are in a closed biological system.
Hydroponics is considered the ancestor of aquaponics. Its story began with the experiments of Johann Van Helmond, who proved that plant growth is possible without soil, preparing only water for their development. Experiments have shown that water is self-purified and can be assimilated by the root system of plants. This fact turned out to be quite attractive for aquarium fish lovers. This is how aquarium phyto filters appeared. Their inventor Nikolai Zolotnitsky proved that fish feel good in such water, and most importantly, they do not get sick. Aquaponics has received a new round of development recently, since many are interested in organic food.
The main essence of aquaponics is that fish in the process of their vital activity create waste that serves as food and fertilizers for plants. Plants, in turn, cleanse the aquatic environment, creating comfortable conditions for fish development.
Necessary equipment
DIY aquaponics will need to determine the location of the system, prepare equipment (mainly containers), select inhabitants, since not all types of fish are suitable for aquaponic systems.
You will need two containers. One is for growing crops, the other for fish. The containers should be fairly large, large and airtight. It is better to choose a plastic container for 1000 liters. The bottom of the fish container is covered with small pebbles and soil. Fish need to be provided with proper lighting and proper temperature conditions. Plumbing will be required for bacteria to multiply and circulate in the aquatic environment. In the container for plants, which should be placed above the first, you need to make two holes for moisture intake and for draining.
Thus, to make aquaponics with your own hands you will need:
- two containers;
- pallet;
- water filter;
- sump;
- hydroponic system for plants.
Aquaponics can consist of one section, or several subsystems. The step-by-step scheme for collecting an aqua farm with your own hands is very simple. The main thing is to build the right pipeline, which will require pump, which will maintain pressure, and a ball valve to shut off the pipe leading to the aquarium. Next, you need external and internal threaded fittings. The holes in the plant container must match the male fitting. A filter with mesh must fit into the female threaded fitting.
The siphon requires an opening of at least 3 cm from the bottom of the pipe. This will allow you to slowly draw water into the container and drain it quickly if necessary.To retain large pieces of debris, it is recommended to make a filter from a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. Holes should be made in it so that water gets inside it, and stones, roots remain outside.
A bypass pipe with a ball valve will help control the water flow for the upper tier of the plant system. A faucet with a pump will help return water to the aquarium.
How do-it-yourself aquaponics works
For aquaponics to work properly at home, you will need to adhere to some rules:
- The feed must be delivered consistently. There are two ways to do this. The first is to use several staggered fish containers and rigs. It can contain fish of different stages of development. The second method involves the development of fish of different ages in one container. At the same time, the sorting and catching of fish occurs monthly. This system is suitable for large farms and significantly saves space and costs.
- For the development of crops and fish, a certain amount of nutrients is required. It is necessary to regularly monitor the level of iron, calcium, potassium and other essential substances.
- Surplus feed must be removed in a timely manner, since some of it settles on the bottom. Nessesary to use filters and pallets for keeping clean. In addition, if you do not purify, then the waste is fixed on the roots, reducing the level of oxygen. This negatively affects the absorption of moisture and nutrients.
- Good aeration will be required. For the proper development of fish and plants, a certain level of dissolved oxygen must be observed. It is also necessary for the vital activity of bacteria.
- Regular pH control. This is the main indicator of water quality. If the balance is not observed, the growth and development rate of living organisms may decrease.
Aquaponics, with proper development, allows you to grow environmentally friendly products with your own hands.
Benefits of aquaponics
The main advantages of home aquaponics:
- only environmentally friendly materials are used, a complete rejection of harmful growth stimulants;
- high-quality water filtration provides the optimal amount of oxygen required for flora and fauna;
- significant savings in plant and fish nutrition;
- you can grow plants without reference to the season;
- if the installation turns out to be of an unusual design, you can enjoy a beautiful view;
- double result from doing business.
Collectors for aquaponics can not only be made independently, but also purchased ready-made.