Insecticide "Alatar": instructions for use or a guide to the pest
It is often very difficult for farmers to cope with an invasion of pests. Therefore, to combat gluttonous insects, they use the insecticide "Alatar", the instructions for the use of which explain how to effectively fight. Manufacturers recommend only 1 treatment. The waiting period is 20-25 days. In the case of spraying apple trees, the procedure is repeated 2 times a month after the first treatment. There are also other features of the use of this drug.
Toxic drug "Alatar": scope and chemical composition
In this regard, the insecticide is used in the fight against:
- scoops;
- leaf rollers;
- aphids;
- thrips;
- apple and other types of moths;
- moth;
- whites;
- leaf beetles;
- Colorado potato beetle;
- weevil;
- whiteflies;
- carrot or onion fly;
- leaf-eating caterpillars.
These pests are most often found in potatoes, cabbage, carrots and onions. In addition, an insecticide is applied to the garden in which they grow apple trees and pears. Ornamental shrubs, raspberries, currants and gooseberries are also sprayed with this toxic chemical. Moreover, "Alatar" is used for indoor plants. Instructions for use of the concentrated emulsion show that the dosage of the drug in this case is the same as in all the others. Only the flow rate of the working fluid is 1–2 l / 10 m².
Etching should be planned for dry and calm weather. The event is prohibited at the time of flowering crops.
Detailed instructions for the use of "Alatar" from the position of different manufacturers
The concentrated emulsion is diluted according to a standard recipe: 5 ml of a pesticide is added to 10 liters of liquid.
Nevertheless, manufacturers recommend using this dosage only for:
- fruit / ornamental trees;
- shrubs;
- flower crops growing in the open field.
They offer a completely different consumption of the preparation for vegetable crops - 5 ml per 4-5 liters of water. This amount of water solution is enough to process 1 weave. Such norms are given only in some instructions for the use of the Alatar insecticide. At the same time, farmers are advised to carry out only 1 treatment per season, and in the case of onions - two, but with an interval of 20 days.
Solution preparation method. 1-2 liters of liquid are poured into the container. Concentrate is introduced into it and mixed thoroughly. At the end, the emulsion is brought to the required volume - 10 liters.
Precautions: be careful - it's dangerous
Since the substance is very toxic and concentrated, all work with it is carried out only with gloves, rubber boots and a mask. It is impossible to store the working mixture for more than 12 hours. At the time of processing plantings with a suspension, the air temperature should be within 12-25˚С. It is forbidden to spray the pesticide against the wind. In addition, all manipulations with him are planned either in the morning (until 10:00) or in the evening (from 18:00).The duration of the etching process should not exceed 3 hours. After that, all containers should be destroyed, since the pesticide is highly toxic and belongs to the 1st class of hazardous substances.
In no case should the concentrate be mixed with other chemical compositions.
Gardener-laboratory assistant: rates of consumption of working fluid "Alatar"
Spraying of land is carried out only during the growing season of plants. The prepared working solution is consumed in accordance with the table, which is given in the instructions of "Alatara".
To combat insects of different types, dosages are recommended:
- fruit trees: 5 liters are applied under 1 adult specimen, 2 liters - under a young seedling;
- shrubs - up to 1 liter per bush;
- indoor plants: 1-2 liters per 10 m²;
- vegetable crops - 4 l / 100 m².
The most affected areas need more toxic composition. It is worth remembering that the drug is very aggressive, so the result of its action can be observed within the first hour. In addition, it is important to warn the neighbors who have an apiary about the etching process. Years of bees are best kept in the next 4-5 days. Garden work on the site is resumed only after 10 days.
In order to avoid the addiction of insect pests to the components of insecticides, experts recommend alternating it with other protective agents. Re-treatment with a systemic drug is carried out after 14 days.
Among other things, the instruction for the use of "Alatar" indicates that it can be used to destroy other pests.
Insecticide successfully copes with:
- bedbugs;
- cockroaches;
- ants;
- fleas.
To combat them, all surfaces in the house with which the parasites come into contact should be treated, with the calculation of 5 ml of the drug per 1 m². After 3 days, the chemical must be washed off. As you can see, this universal drug can become indispensable "helpers" for both the gardener and the housewife.