The drug "Alirin-B": instructions for the use of the fungicide
Among the large number of fungicides presented at market, "Alirin-B", the instructions for the use of which are quite simple, is especially popular among summer residents. It is a bacterial pesticide with a wide range of actions. The drug not only reliably protects plants from pathogenic microorganisms, but also provide them with good immunity.
Alirin-B: description, action of the fungicide
Alirin-B has a simple and absolutely safe for humans composition: hay bacillus, a beneficial bacteria that lives in the soil. She suppresses the majority fungi. The product is suitable for indoor flowers, horticultural crops, garden plants. The product belongs to the 4th hazard class.
The analogues of the remedy for the effect on plants can be considered "Fitosporin", as well as "Bactofit".
The drug does not accumulate in plants. Leaves, vegetables, berries can eat immediately after processing.
It is a contact fungicide that:
- It is used for prophylactic purposes, elimination of fungal infections: scab, root and gray rot, septoria, rust, alternaria, moniliosis, late blight, rhizoctonia, peronosporosis.
- Increases the content of vitamin C and proteins in fruits by 25%.
- Reduces the amount of nitrates in vegetables and berries by 30-40%.
- Reduces the level of phytotoxicity of the soil, restores its initial properties after treatment with chemicals.
- Restores the natural microflora of the earth.
"Alirin-B" is produced in powder and tablet form. In large farms use the first option. In the form of tablets "Alirin-B" used by summer residents and housewives to process indoor plants.
Alirin-B: instructions for use
This fungicide is intended for use in vegetable gardens and greenhouses. They are processed with vegetables, berries, fruit trees, lawn grass... The solution is irrigated with the plants before planting in open ground.
Rules for using the tool:
- For watering. 2 tablets of the drug are taken in a bucket of water (10 l). This amount of the mixture is calculated for 10 m2 vegetable garden.
- For spraying. The solution is prepared from tablets: 2 pcs per 1000 ml. You also need to add adhesive - a few drops of detergent to a bucket of water. Instead, they use "Epin", "Zircon" or "Ribav-Extra".
It is necessary to process plants in calm and dry weather. It is also not recommended to spray crops early in the morning, when the dew has not yet melted.
Application for vegetables
So that plants are not affected by various diseases, caring summer residents carry out preventive measures in autumn and spring. When there are already visible lesions, a lot of time and effort has to be devoted to saving the plants.
For the purpose of prevention
To protect vegetables that are grown in greenhouses or outdoors beds, before sowing the site should be treated with "Alirin-B". The soil is watered either sprayed, then dug 15-20 cm deep. Two more times after this is processed at intervals of 7-10 days.
Put 2 tablets of the drug on a bucket of water, and carefully everything mix. The resulting mixture is treated with 10 m2 plot. Can apply the product directly into the planting pits, 0.2 liters in each recess. For of this, 1 piece of "Alirina-B" is dissolved in a liter of pure water.
Before using the fungicide, you should carefully read the instructions.
With a disease
If vegetables are affected by late blight, they settled root or root rot, then they are watered three times during the entire growing season. The frequency of procedures is 7 days. To do this, dilute 2 fungicide tablets.
In order to prevent development powdery mildew and all types of rot, anthracnose, septoria and other fungal diseases, it is necessary to spray the plants two or three times within 14 days. Thus, you can process vegetables, berries, flowers.
If the first signs of the disease are found, then 2 or 3 sprays are carried out at intervals of 5 days.
To protect potatoes from late blight and rhizoctonia, you should process its tubers just before planting. Fungicide consumption is 5 tablets for every 10 kg of planting material. After landing potatoes are also treated against late blight. The plants are sprayed first, when they close the ranks. Re-processing is carried out 10-12 days after first. The solution is prepared as follows: 10 liters of liquid are combined with 1 fungicide tablet. This product is enough to spray 100 m2.
Berry processing
In case of illness, strawberries are sprayed with gray rot, be sure to add sticky. The first treatment is carried out until the buds appear, then after flowering culture. The third time is sprayed after harvest (tablet combined with a liter of clean water at room temperature).
The tool copes with powdery mildew settling on currant and with gray mold that infects gooseberries. The processing scheme is the same. One tablet is stirred in 1000 ml of liquid. Spray before and after flowering, as well as when setting berries.
Trees, grass, flowers: spray feature
So that fruit crops are not affected by scab, as well as moniliosis, they are sprayed for prophylaxis. Trees are first treated until buds, then when they bloom. The third time the procedure is carried out after 15 days after the second. To do this, use an Alirin-B tablet for each liter of liquid.
Lawn grass
The product is able to protect against rot damage and lawn grass. 2-3 days before sowing, the lawn is watered with a solution, then dug up about 20 cm deep.
It is also necessary to process the planting material. For this 1 tablet of fungicide is stirred in 1 liter of water. The resulting liquid is sprayed grains and leave them to dry completely in the open air.
If rust, powdery mildew has settled on the lawn, septoria, it needs to be treated a couple of times at intervals of a week. With a strong defeat it is permissible to alternate the use of "Alirin-B" with other chemical means.
Indoor floriculture
Fungicide "Alirin-B" can be used to treat indoor plants from root rot, tracheomycosis. When transplanting flowers, land first poured abundantly with a solution of 1 liter of liquid and 2 tablets of the drug. 1 m2 soil requires from 0.10 to 0.20 liters of liquid.
To water the flowers, prepare a solution of 1 fungicide tablet and 5 liters of water. Each instance will require from 150 ml to 1 liter of the mixture. Water the plants 1 or 2 times every 14 days.
The solution for spraying is prepared from 2 pieces of "Alirina-B" and 1 l water. Such a remedy copes well with gray mold of powdery mildew.
Complex use of the drug, as well as preventive spraying and watering of plants will give the desired effect.