Allium decorative bow creates real special effects on the flower bed

allium decorative bow Allium is an ornamental onion bred exclusively to delight and amaze. Sadly, these flowers are often bypassed when choosing lilies for themselves, crocuses, tulips and daffodils. But with such an amazing culture, it is easy to make the effect of magic on a flower bed. The violet-blue palette, created by meter-long stems topped with fluffy spherical blooms, plays with delightful colors in the rays of the crimson sun.

Some gardeners really like the culture. She does not demand royal attention to herself. The flower grower will only need to find a suitable place for it and plant the bulb or bush correctly.

Allium decorative bow for flower beds

Such perennials feel great in the neighborhood not only with other crops, but also with weeds. They create delightful landscapes when they grow in the background of a front garden or surrounded by tall grass. They are also called mountain bows, because some varieties reach 180 cm in height, and the globular inflorescences are 25 cm in diameter.

Remarkably, in spring, its shoots cut through before other plants. At the same time, delicate greenery is in original harmony with the ice snow cover. Nevertheless, it blooms later than everyone else - in May (in the southern regions, as well as in the middle lane). Closer to the middle of the litas, the green mass, and later the peduncles, begin to dry out. This little curiosity with allium (decorative bow) spoils the appearance of the flower bed a little.

It is recommended to remove wilted foliage only after it is completely dry, so that the plant bulbs do not experience a deficiency in nutrients.

Great variety of varieties

In nature, there are about 600 varieties and hybrids of the Onion family. Many giant varieties are especially impressive. One of them is the "Giant Onion", the spherical bloom of which reaches the size of the head of a 7-year-old child. A thick, dense leg extends up to 1.5 meters or more. But for an alpine slide or rockery, undersized varieties are suitable, such as:

  1. "Karatavsky". It is distinguished by its large snow-white blooms and wide leaves, like an orchid, but only with a bluish bloom.
  2. "Molly". Its yellow, star-shaped flowers are clustered in large bouquets, which are delightfully overshadowed with many thin, elongated leaves.
  3. "Onion Blue". It throws out cornflower-blue buds in the middle of summer, when other varieties have long faded.

Entrepreneurs start selling bulbs from August to November, so they plant them very late. They are not afraid of a cold snap, although with stagnant water caused by abundant and prolonged rainfall, they begin to rot.

Allium is a decorative onion, which must be planted in groups and, preferably, use different varieties that differ in both color and growth. Still, it is worth remembering that the culture does not lose its presentability even during the period of seed setting. Amazing boxes look beautiful in a flower bed, as well as in dry compositions.


