Sensation! Amaranth treats cancer

amaranth cures cancer The herbaceous plant contains dozens of trace elements and vitamins, but the most important component in it is squalene. For this reason, amaranth treats cancer. The chemical compounds in its composition destroy free radicals. Therefore, those who are predisposed to the formation of malignant tumors or already have them should include in the diet the well-known variety of shiritsa. Everything is useful in it: from the roots to the tip of the leaves, but the seeds are of particular value.

The plant consists of 16% protein. This component is the builder of the whole organism, since it supplies the cells with the necessary amino acids. Most will appreciate it because it does not contain gluten, which is contraindicated in some patients.

Amaranth heals the incurable

Abroad, the crop is grown in large quantities. Then expensive drugs are produced from it. Therefore, many believe that this plant is the future. Already today, luxurious flour is made from it, as well as healing oil. Foliage, stems, and roots are often dried to make teas or decoctions. The infusions made from fresh shchiritsa are amazing. Such mixtures are used for different purposes. They are relevant for:

  • diarrhea;
  • respiratory tract diseases (asthma, tuberculosis and bronchitis);
  • hemorrhoids;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • high cholesterol;
  • obesity.

The maximum effect is achieved with complex therapy. Therefore, one should not expect homeopathy to solve all problems overnight. As noted by scientists, this is a long and difficult road to recovery. Nevertheless, amaranth heals many inflammatory processes in the body. Moreover, the healing of old wounds is also within his competence. The complex of vitamins that enter the body stimulates the brain. The other constituents of the herb regenerate the skin, making it:

  • snow-white;
  • velvet;
  • clean.

Therefore, in cosmetology, oil is used as a rejuvenating agent. Women replace them with cream and lotion. They regularly try to make masks.

Small grains serve as an original powder for bakery products. Fresh leaves are crumbled into salad... They taste like spinach.

Enjoy your meal

It remains only to add herbaceous culture to your menu. Start with breakfast. The seeds are successfully used to make an amazing porridge that can compete with many culinary masterpieces. No oil is added to it, because amaranth is a fairly oily plant. Prepare it this way:

  • 1 cup seeds
  • pour 3 tbsp. liquids;
  • add prunes or other dried fruits.

Simmer all this over low heat for 15 to 20 minutes, until all the moisture is absorbed / boiled away. At the same time, grains can be germinated and consumed to saturate the body with fiber. Some people grind them in a coffee grinder and then use them as a condiment.

Research shows that amaranth heals many severe ailments. At the same time, its nutty flavor makes baked goods, as well as ordinary dishes, extremely tasty.


