We choose beautiful ampelous flowers for hanging pots
Every hostess wants to see a beautiful and tidy yard. You can solve this issue by planting ampelous flowers for pots, photos and names of which are presented below. These are unique plants. With their help, it is easy to decorate a balcony or terrace, as well as hide imperfections from the human eye.
What kinds of flowers are there for growing in pots?
To make the ampelous flowers beautiful, watering should be carried out daily, and on hot days - twice a day.
The main types of hanging ampel flowers for pots:
- Chlorophytum. It is a perennial ornamental deciduous plant with narrowish light green leaves. The buds are small. When loose, they have a snow-white shade. This type of plant does not need special care. Chlorophytums - the most unpretentious flowers for growing in pots. They thrive both in the shade and in the sun. Such plants can be planted in any kind of soil. The flower tolerates short-term drought well. Even if the leaves have withered, they recover very quickly after watering.
- Begonia (ampelous). A richly flowering culture, with proper care, which is abundantly covered with colorful flowers. The buds can be up to 8 centimeters in diameter. Depending on the variety, flowers are double, semi-double and simple. They often take on red and coral hues, but they can also be orange, white, yellow, crimson and burgundy. Begonia blooms from early spring to late autumn.
- Morning glory or bindweed. This is one of the most popular plants. It can be grown both outdoors and indoors. To morning glory for a long time she pleased with her flowering, she needs to provide a lot of light and water often. The uniqueness of the flower is the shoots that resemble a vine. Deciduous plates are narrow. The flowers are presented in the shape of a funnel, delight with their unusual appearance for only one day, after which they wither. But this behavior of the plant is little noticeable, since many new buds appear on the shoots every day.
- Fuchsia (ampelous). An incredibly beautiful plant, the flowers of which can take on different shades. The buds are medium in size. When loose, they can be double, simple and semi-double. These are the best flowers for planting in pots in the country. They are picky about leaving. In order for the plant to bloom profusely, it is enough to systematically water it and feed it occasionally.
- Bacopa (ampelous). A perennial variety, but gardeners often use it as an annual. Flowers and leaves are small. They can be white, blue, purple and pink. Bacopa blooms throughout the summer. Wintering is best tolerated on a glazed balcony, where the air temperature is within 50 FROM.
No less popular hanging flowers for pots on the street are dichondra, calibrachoa, petunia.
The latter type, due to the variety of shades, is often used to create interesting compositions. Petunia gained its popularity thanks to its bright and large flowers.If the plant is properly planted and the minimum maintenance rules are followed, it will decorate the site throughout the summer season.
Growing ampelous flowers in pots
To keep flowers for hanging pots outdoors healthy, there are some secrets to growing them. Many people who want to decorate the yard with them do not know how to plant flowers in pots. Knowing the intricacies of this procedure, you can achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.
It is necessary to plant flowers on a cloudy day or in the evening.
To grow a new plant, you can use seeds, cuttings, or cuttings. The second method is more efficient. Plants grown in this way are less sick and delight with abundant flowering.
Sowing seeds should be done in early spring. To make the grains germinate faster, you should use a mini greenhouse. The first shoots can be observed after one or two weeks. As soon as two leaves appear on young flowers, you can start transplanting into a separate flowerpot.
Before planting, the cuttings must be rooted. To do this, they should be placed in water for several days. After the roots appear, transplant into the soil.
Ampel flowers care:
- Location. All types of ampelous plants prefer well-lit places. It is not recommended to place the pots in the southern part of the site and in a draft, this can harm the flower. In the shade, the number of buds will decrease significantly, and the shoots themselves will stretch out.
- The soil. Saplings should be planted in light soil that will pass water well. You can buy the land or cook it yourself. To do this, thoroughly mix two parts of soil and peat, as well as 0.5 parts of sand.
- Top dressing. Fertilize the bushes once a week. To do this, you can use universal means or special-purpose compositions for each of the types.
- Watering. It is recommended to irrigate with settled water. In this case, the liquid should not be icy. It is best to use water for irrigation, which has stood outside for a day.
In order for ampelous flowers to have enough nutrients, they should be planted in pots ranging in size from 3 to 5 liters. The volume depends on how many pieces of plants will grow in it. If it is planned to plant several types of ampelous flowers in one pot, then the strength of the growth of each of them must be taken into account. This will help keep weaker plants from drying out.
For those who do not know what flowers to plant in pots on the street, it is recommended to pay attention to the list of species. All the varieties listed above are undemanding. They grow rapidly and bloom profusely. Proper care of ampelous plants will help radically transform any area, balcony or terrace.