Can a nursing mother eat pineapple
Breast milk is the ideal food for a rapidly growing and developing baby. A woman's milk contains substances that are necessary not only to maintain strength, but also to form the vital systems of the child's body. Not only are the components of milk easily absorbed, thanks to breastfeeding, the baby is reliably protected from infectious and inflammatory diseases, the development of his psyche is more effective.
Since the baby is entirely dependent on receiving breast milk, the mother at this time needs to diversify her menu as much as possible, including all groups of useful foods, especially those rich in vitamins and microelements. These include a variety of fruits.
In this regard, women often have a question: "Is it possible for a nursing mother to have pineapple?" How useful is this fruit and will it not lead to undesirable consequences?
The composition of breast milk depends on the diet
With all the desire to include a wide variety of foods and dishes in the diet, sometimes young mothers forget about the main thing - health. But the table of a nursing mother should be absolutely safe for the woman herself, and especially for the baby. Everything that the mother eats is reflected in the baby's well-being.
And even extremely healthy products can become a source of serious danger if consumed without measure and caution.
Doctors constantly emphasize that both pregnant and lactating women urgently need vegetables and fruits. But about the inclusion of exotic fruits in the diet, which include the pineapple loved by many nursing mothers, the hottest debates flare up, and the most frequent questions are asked.
Benefits of pineapple for breastfeeding
Pineapple is appreciated for its juiciness, original sweet and sour taste, bright aroma and abundance of nutrients contained in the light yellow pulp.
According to biochemical studies, 100 grams of peeled fresh fruit pulp accounts for:
- 0.4 grams of protein;
- 86 grams of water;
- 11.5 grams of carbohydrates;
- 0.4 grams of fiber.
Pineapples are extremely rich ascorbic acid, they contain beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B12 and PP, valuable macro- and microelements, as well as many acids, aromatic and essential oils.
It would seem that such a product should certainly be included in the menu of nursing mothers, but pediatricians and nutritionists are not so optimistic. So what are the benefits of pineapple for breastfeeding? And how can this exotic fruit harm the health of mom and baby?
In addition to the fact that fresh pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps to maintain tone, performance and protect the body from external factors, the use of pulp allows:
- reduce blood viscosity, thereby reducing the risk of thrombosis and varicose veins;
- improve the quality of blood vessels and the work of the whole of cardio-vascular system;
- prevent or significantly reduce the accumulation of cholesterol;
- effectively remove edema and prevent their appearance in the future;
- reduce joint and muscle pain.
At the same time, a woman who uses pineapple while breastfeeding should not be afraid for her own weight, because the pulp of a ripe pineapple contains only 48 kcal per 100 grams.
As a source of essential acids and vitamins, pineapple has a beneficial effect on the protective functions of the body, gently boosting the immune system. Therefore, the use of the fruit is especially useful in the cold season and off-season.
After childbirth, many mothers experience nervous strain, frequent mood swings and signs of impending depression. Pineapple containing potassium, which improves oxygen supply to the brain, can help get rid of such unpleasant symptoms in a nursing woman. In addition, the pulp of the exotic fruit strengthens the heart, relieves chronic fatigue and stimulates the production of serotonin.
Thanks to a small amount of pineapple in the menu, you can improve the work of digestion and quickly get rid of toxins and excess moisture.
Are canned pineapples in syrup good for nursing mothers?
But to the question: "Is it possible for a nursing mother to have canned pineapples?", An unambiguously negative answer should follow. Although the juiciness and appearance of the product is preserved in a colorful jar, most of the beneficial properties of the pulp of fresh fruits are irretrievably lost.
As a result of heat treatment, ascorbic acid, the predominant vitamin in pineapple, breaks down.
Since some unripe fruits are sometimes used for the production of industrial canned food, a lot of sugar is necessarily present in the recipe to give them taste and long-term storage of the product. And this means that the calorie content of canned fruits increases dramatically. In addition, the syrup contains artificial preservatives, flavor enhancers and even dyes that make canned pineapple not only useless for a nursing mother, but also harmful.
Why is pineapple harmful to a nursing mother and her baby?
First of all, pineapple in a nursing mother can cause a severe allergic reaction or signs of food intolerance that appear a few days after consumption.
If a woman's body reacts quickly and vividly to the ingestion of an allergen, in children, doctors observe a slowed down, and sometimes completely hidden course of a progressive process that covers many organs and tissues.
An allergic reaction to pineapple covers the respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems, manifests itself in irritation and itching of the skin, redness and swelling of the mucous membranes, difficulty breathing and swallowing, digestive and respiratory disorders. Children with allergies are overly excitable, eat poorly and sleep poorly. This does not end the negative impact of pineapple on the health of a nursing mother.
Fresh fruits are rich in acids that can negatively affect the condition of the tooth enamel, as well as cause discomfort with increased acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.
So is pineapple okay for a nursing mom? Not a single specialist will undertake to give a clear and unequivocal answer to this question, since all women and their children have their own predispositions and characteristics of the body.
If, before giving birth, the expectant mother regularly consumed this product, without noticing any negative consequences, it is obvious that pineapple can also be eaten during breastfeeding, adhering to strict measures and caution. In the case when the pulp of an exotic fruit is a new product for a woman, it is better to postpone the tasting until the baby starts feeding on its own.