Autonomous water supply system
The best option for a country house is a centralized water supply system. But if it is impossible to provide such water supply, then you need to think about an autonomous water supply system to the house. The water source can be a well or well... Each water source has its own advantages and disadvantages.
The advantage of the well is that you can equip it yourself. The well is dug to a depth of 5 to 12 m, so it can be made only in the place where the groundwater is close to the soil surface. As a rule, the well is dug only up to the third horizon. Without installing a filtration system, the water from the well will not be potable. To install the correct filtration system, you need to know the biochemical composition of the water. This can be done in any laboratory. Specialists, based on biochemical analysis, will select suitable filters.
There are two types of wells: artesian and shallow drilling. Artesian well drilled to a depth of more than 100 m. The advantage of such a well is that for its operation it is not necessary to install additional equipment (pump and filters). Due to the high ground pressure, the water rises without the help of a pump. Also, at a depth of 100 m, the water is clean and drinkable, so there is no need to install a filtration system in an artesian well. The disadvantage of such a well is its cost, and also the water is often too mineralized. In general, water supply to a private house using an artesian well is a worthwhile investment, if you plan to live in a private house all year round - such a source of water will not dry out.
A special permit is required to drill an artesian well.
Due to the high cost of an artesian well, water supply in private houses is done using a shallow well. Such a well can reach a depth of 65 m, but more often a well is drilled with a depth of 45-50 m, depending on where the water horizons are. At this depth, the water can still be polluted. However, filters in the water filtration system for a well are installed coarser than for a well water supply system.
Well drilling, unlike well construction, cannot be done without special equipment. But a shallow well is contaminated less often than a well and dries up more slowly, therefore it is more rational to supply water through a well.