Marigolds from cuttings - an extraordinary method of culture propagation
Few people know, and whether it is necessary at all, to propagate marigolds from cuttings. Some believe that this is a waste of time and also a mockery of the plant. Moreover, the culture grows beautifully from the seed. However, categorical or dogmatic in gardening is a bad omen. After all, experiments and experiments sometimes lead to amazing results. Often it is not known how the flowers will behave in a given situation / setting.
These representatives of the Astrov family have a unique ability to quickly take root and adapt to new conditions. The culture is successfully propagated in this way, since it instantly takes root in a new territory.
Marigolds from cuttings give luxurious inflorescences
Troubles often happen in life. By coincidence of certain circumstances, the seedlings may disappear. So, only a couple of copies remain alive. In other cases, flower growers buy very expensive varieties of crops, for example, "White Perfection". Of course, I want to decorate the entire perimeter with magnificent flowers flower beds... However, the amount of planting material does not allow this. Then the unconventional method of breeding marigolds from cuttings helps to make the dream come true.
The procedure is carried out according to the usual scheme:
- loose soil with neutral acidity is poured into a glass (500 ml);
- it is well watered so that it is sufficiently saturated with moisture;
- pinch off the top of each seedling;
- deepen the cutting into the ground;
- press the seedling tightly;
- place a container with a sprout in a bag with a fastener to create greenhouse conditions for it;
- placed in a sunny place subject to a temperature regime of 22-28 ° C.
After literally 7 days, the container is overgrown with roots. They appear even on the stem itself. In this case, the cutting itself stretches well. But what about the mother plant? For him, such an operation will be the beginning of a new life. The transformation of the seedling is observed already in the first week. New shoots grow from the side buds, while on each side and on each tier. The bush takes on voluminous forms. However, the plant changes completely when it blooms. Fragrant velvet buds stick around the branches so much that it is difficult to find leaves on them.
Many gardeners recommend processing the cut. First, they are disinfected with alcohol or brilliant green. When the wound is dry, it is sprinkled with charcoal. However, it is not necessary to carry out such a procedure, since the Astrovids have not too fleshy stems.
No matter how many for or against in favor growing marigolds from cuttings, this method allows you to propagate rare varieties, as well as make the flowering culture more lush.