For prevention and treatment - Baytril 10, instructions for use for birds
When raising birds, special attention should be paid not only to their diet, but also to the health of birds. Often mortality occurs in the herd due to a number of diseases, especially among young animals. The drug Baytril 10 will help to cope with diseases and prevent their appearance, the instructions for use for birds of which have a clear list of infections that fall under its influence.
It is a bioavailable antibiotic that quickly penetrates into the body of birds, with a wide spectrum of action. It can be used for all types of birds of different ages, from day old chicks to adults. It is especially important to start treatment on time, until the infection has spread to the entire subsidiary farm and does not lead to complications.
When is the use of an antibiotic indicated?
The drug is used to treat all poultry. It is shown at diseases the respiratory system and the gastrointestinal tract, namely:
- mycoplasmosis;
- streptococcosis;
- necrotizing enteritis;
- salmonellosis;
- colibacillosis;
- hemophilia.
The antibiotic quickly penetrates the body by absorption through the stomach. It retains its effect for another day and is eliminated almost completely.
Baytril 10 - instructions for use for birds
Antibiotic treatment is carried out by drinking the birds - the solution is added to the water and given to chickens or adults. Usually a 3-day intake is sufficient, and during this time the bird should only drink water with medicine. In difficult cases (mixed infections, salmonellosis), they are soldered for 5 days.
You can not give an antibiotic at the same time as drugs from the macrolide group, tetracyclines. Also, simultaneous treatment with chloramphenicol and non-steroidal drugs is not used. In addition, Baytril is also contraindicated for laying hens, since it accumulates in eggs. In case of urgent need, you can also drink the layers, but in this case the eggs are thrown away and not eaten.
The dosage of the solution depends on the weight of the bird - for each kilogram, 10 mg of the drug is needed. Usually such a drink is prepared, taking into account the age of the birds and the characteristics of some species:
- chickens: for 1 liter of water - 0.5 ml of Baytril 10%;
- adult chickens: for 10 liters of water - 5 ml of antibiotic;
- broilers: for 10 liters of water - 10 ml of the drug.
After treatment with Baytril, regardless of its concentration, it is possible to slaughter a bird only after 1.5 weeks. The timing is calculated based on the last day of drinking.