An irreplaceable product in the core diet - white beans, the benefits and harms of hearty beans

Tell us, can white beans really have a therapeutic effect, the benefits and harms of this product for the body? The doctor advised to cook it more often and give it to our grandmother. She is already of advanced age, and recently began to notice signs of atherosclerosis in her. They took me to the hospital, unfortunately, the diagnosis was confirmed, although so far only the initial stage, mainly associated with memory lapses. They did not give her any special medications, they said not to be nervous, and more often eat beans. How will she help?

white beans benefits and harms The dishes prepared from it are light, but at the same time they quickly and for a long time saturate the body. This is a familiar to all white beans, the benefits and harms of which are not limited to the field of cooking. It is included in many weight loss diets and is also used in traditional medicine. Thanks to the huge amount of nutrients, hearty beans will not only satisfy your hunger. But they will also have a beneficial effect on the work of internal organs and the whole organism as a whole.

White beans - the benefits and harms of legumes

boiled white beans

It's no secret that beans can replace meat in terms of protein content. But, unlike the latter, "bean protein" is not so heavy on the stomach and is almost completely absorbed. Boiled white beans contain fewer calories than red beans, but bypass them in vitamin C. And although white beans have less organic matter and vegetable protein, they are more fibrous than red ones, with a soft pleasant texture.

Useful substances are found mainly in the fruits of beans, but some of them are also in the vegetable part, especially in the valves of the pods. Of the vitamins, the most in the beans of the B group, and of the minerals, copper, manganese, phosphorus, iron and magnesium are in the lead.

Interestingly, with a low calorie content, beans contain quite a lot of carbohydrates, almost 50 g. This makes them an excellent source of energy.

Useful properties of white beans

beneficial properties of white beansHearty bean dishes they will saturate the stomach, provide energy, and help cope with problems, namely:

  • improve metabolism, immunity, potency;
  • relieve edema;
  • lower blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol levels;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • strengthen teeth, hair, joints;
  • cleanse the kidneys, liver, blood vessels;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • normalize the work of the intestines, pancreas, kidneys;
  • smooth and neutralize the symptoms of atherosclerosis;
  • will serve as the prevention of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, vitamin deficiency, anemia, oncology.

When can beans be harmful?

white beans contraindicationsAlthough white beans are less gas-forming than red beans, they also cause flatulence. Therefore, infants, lactating and elderly people with a weakened body are not recommended to use them.

You should also exclude beans from your diet in the presence of such diseases:

  • gout;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • increased acidity.

Uncooked beans, both white and red, should not be eaten. They irritate the intestinal mucosa and can even lead to poisoning. Therefore, it is necessary to use beans only after heat treatment, as a result of which toxic substances are destroyed. And so that flatulence is not so annoying, it is better to soak the beans for a couple of hours beforehand.

Useful properties of beans


