Assembling and review of the Belarus BP-4200M chainsaw

Chainsaw Belarus BP-4200M Chainsaw "Belarus" of the BP-4200M model is a non-professional, but quite high-quality tool with high technical characteristics. The engine power of this chainsaw is 4200 watts. The idling speed of the engine is 1280 rpm. The bar is 45 cm long. This bar is designed for a 72 link chain. When ready to work, the weight of the chainsaw is 7 kg. Consider the complete set of the chainsaw and its assembly.

Chainsaw complete set

The chainsaw kit includes two tires with the manufacturer's corporate logo. Also in the box, in addition to the case with a two-stroke engine, there is an upper starter cover with a hand brake, two chains for 72 links, an assembly and operating manual, a bag with tools for servicing a chainsaw, a container for mixing two-stroke oil and fuel. In the tool bag you will find a spark plug wrench, a file, an additional starter rope, a funnel for filling the engine with fuel mixture, a coarse filter for fuel and two nuts for assembling the chainsaw.

Chainsaw body

The body of the Belarus BP-4200M chainsaw is made of metal. The upper case cover is plastic.

There should be no seams or joints on the outside of the cover of an original chainsaw.

On the back of the top cover there is a recess with a handle for removal. If you scroll it, the cover can be removed without using wrenches. The cover can also be removed by unscrewing the three fixing screws.

There is an air filter inside the chainsaw, which must be cleaned regularly. Removing the filter exposes the fuel plug and engine.

Always check your chainsaw air filter when buying. It should completely cover the fuel plug. It should be a plastic rectangle divided into six sections. Each section must have a special mesh.

Chainsaw assembly

Bus needs to be installed chainsaw into a special hole. The tire is then secured using the supplied nuts. After removing the chainsaw cover, filter and fuel plug, put a chain on the tire. On the side panel of the body there is a special hole for a spark plug wrench. Using it, you need to firmly pull the chain onto the bar.

It is important to secure the chain so that it cannot be pulled back more than 0.5 cm.

On the front of the body there is an oil barrel for lubricating the chain. Fill in only two-stroke oil and keep it always full.


