How to prevent anthurium diseases

Anthurium is ill The indoor flowers that people from distant countries serve are beautiful, but they are slaves who were placed in a cramped pot and a different climate. Can a plant thrive in conditions alien to it? Only imitation of the native climate allows you to get a healthy, beautiful flower. At the slightest deviation from normal conditions of detention, anthurium diseases arise. At the first changes in the type of bush, it is necessary to analyze the conditions of detention.

Diseases of anthurium at home

A healthy flower captivates with its beauty. The condition of the plant can suddenly change. Any diseases arise for reasons:

  • non-compliance with the requirements of agricultural technology;
  • infectious diseases;
  • insect pests brought in from the outside.

Root rot

Moreover, the first of these reasons is always present. A weakened plant can accept bacteria and germs. Failure to comply with quarantine and hygiene can lead to the reproduction of pests. In order not to have problems with treatment, you must comply with the conditions of keeping your pets. Anthurium diseases in the photo demonstrate the loss of the decorative effect of the plant. Take a look photo of tradescantia!

There are people who basically do not keep animals and flowers in their living quarters. They believe that the zoo and indoor maintenance are violence against wildlife. A bouquet of fresh flowers is unacceptable for them, one cannot rejoice at the ruined life, even if it is plants.

Read also the article: myrtle flower home care photo!

Dry spots on the leaves of anthuriumNon-infectious plant diseases are associated with the appearance of spots on the leaves, their discoloration, or growth retardation. Sometimes brown spots or mildew on the neck of the plant become visible. What to do if spots appear on the anthurium? A lot can be learned by the nature of the deformation:

  1. If dark dots appear on the leaves of anthurium, gradually expanding, it is cold. The same spots can appear from sunburn when the summer sun comes into direct contact with leaves.
  2. The reason for the appearance of stains can be irrigation with unsteady water or water of increased hardness. If scale forms on the teapot over time, this is a sign of stiffness. Such water must be defended for a long time before watering or passed through a softener filter. Another way, mainly for rural areas with hard water from wells, is incomplete freezing of water in a tank. In this case, the ice will have a lower salt content than the remaining water.
  3. Other physiological reasons for the appearance of dark spots and drying of the plate from the edge can be drafts and low temperatures in winter. Abundant watering is also accompanied by a signal of dark dots on the leaves. What to do if spots appear on the anthurium? Remove provoking reasons and patiently wait for the results.
  4. Yellow or pale leaves of plants or spots of this color indicate that there is not enough light for the anthurium. In addition, it can be a signal that the roots are sick and do not provide food for the plant.
  5. The general pallor of the leaves signals a lack of nutrition. The same is indicated by the absence or weak growth of the plant, the absence of flowering. If the plant has been transplanted recently, then it needs feeding. Sometimes it is better to transplant the plant. At the same time, prepare the desired composition of the substrate or buy ready-made soil. Disinfection of the soil and planting pot is necessary.
  6. If the irrigation regime is violated and the roots of the anthurium have rotted, then this will affect the yellowing and drying of the leaves, the brown neck of the anthurium, possibly mold. The plant needs urgent resuscitation.In this case, all affected parts must be removed and the wounds must be sprinkled with an antiseptic, crushed charcoal, cinnamon powder or wood ash.

Anthurium leaves turn yellow with improper watering and plant root diseaseDiseases of the leaves of anthurium in the photo show characteristic damage, but often the help of specialists is required to accurately determine the disease. Drafts are detrimental to the plant. This is especially dangerous in winter. Insufficient humidity in the surrounding air is the answer to the question of why the leaves of the anthurium dry. On the other hand, leaves can die off naturally due to aging. If the leaves are curled into a tube, remove the anthurium deep into the room, the light is too bright, he closed his eyes.

Infectious diseases of anthurium include problems caused by the introduction of spores and microbes into the body of a flower. The difference between these diseases is that they can destroy the entire home green world if not dealt with. Spores are transmitted and multiplied quickly in cramped conditions.

Anthurium is affected by spores and microbesThe root causes of disease depend on the grower. The brought shoot, taken from a diseased plant, may already harbor viruses, for which there are no effective remedies yet. They affect the vascular system. And the infection can be transmitted through a dirty tool or insects. The acquired plant must be quarantined for two weeks, isolated from other plants. And only then move into the general composition.

A purchased or independently compiled earthen mixture should be heat treated, spilled with hot strong potassium permanganate, you need to add crushed charcoal, a long-acting drug from rot "Glyocladin". It will protect the roots from late blight, fusarium and similar diseases. Competent care of anthurium - barrier diseases.

Bacterial lesionDiseases that are transmitted to anthurium from the external environment can be:

The causative agent of septoria, Septoria fungus spreads in a humid and warm atmosphere. The characteristic brown spots with a yellow rim on the leaves signal anthurium disease. The leaf dries up; when watering, the spores move to other parts of the plant. The plant will die if it is not treated in time with copper-containing fungicides.

Anthracosis is a very common disease called powdery mildew. The disease is caused by the fungus Colletorichum. The spread of this disease will lead to quick drying of the leaves, stems and root system. Anthracosis begins on the leaf blades, the appearance of brown spots with black dots in the center. This is controversy. They scatter and germinate when moistened, and for the atrium this event is vital.

Sick leaves are wiped with a fungicide solutionAtrium care for septoria disease consists in reducing watering and spraying with the addition of copper fungicides. The soil is treated with Abiga-Peak. If the plant cannot be cured, it should be destroyed by burning. The ceramic pot needs to be well calcined. Dishes that cannot be burned must be destroyed.

If the plant is infected with rust, then orange loose pads on the leaves will be visible. Such a plant should be wiped with a fungicide solution, but not sprayed so as not to infect healthy leaves. It is better to burn diseased infected leaves.

The healthy part of the plant can be used for plantingFusarium wilting is a formidable disease of anthurium at home. It affects all plants, affecting the root system and leaves. The signs are the sudden wilting of the entire bush. The first signs may be unnatural bending of the peduncles, strong and rapid yellowing of the foliage. Copper preparations, soil treatment with glyocladin are suitable for the fight. The best way would be to wash the plant from all particles of soil, soak it in a weak solution of foundationol for a little, cut off the affected parts and plant in a new dish.Old soil and plant debris must be destroyed.

Anthurium insect pests

Anthurium pestsInsects common on home flowers include:

  • aphid;
  • thrips;
  • shield;
  • spider mite;
  • root nematodes.

They all suck the juice from the plant, depriving it of nutrition. At the same time, signs of the presence of pests can be found during hygiene procedures that are regularly carried out with good care.

We grow healthy anthuriums - video

  1. Yulia

    Hello, can you please tell me how to cure a flower? And is this disease dangerous for nearby plants? thank

    • Olga

      I would check the roots, and there are a lot of dry residues inside the bush. Clean everything, change the soil, treat with fungicide. Try not to flood the flower, from this it quickly begins to rot. Drafts must also be excluded - it is from them that spots appear on the leaves in the first place.

  2. Yulia

    And here's another photo of the roots

    • Yulia

      Thank you very much

  3. tamara

    Hello, please tell me how to get rid of pests like a turtle, lemon is usually infected with these pests, and my Anthurium got sick. one flower at a time.

    • Olga

      If you mean some kind of growths or hard warts on leaves and petioles, then this scabbard is a very unpleasant pest, which can only be gotten rid of mechanically. The drugs are powerless against it, you will have to tear it off manually. To make the task at least a little easier, wipe the top of the shield with a swab dipped in alcohol.
      For slow growth and poor flowering, pay attention to the conditions of the flower. This can be caused by an “uncomfortable” pot (too large or, conversely, small), high temperature, lack of lighting or nutrients.

  4. Oksana

    I bought a baby anthurium. At first everything was fine, but now the foxes have tried. I pulled it out of the ground, the roots are rotten and the white bloom scares me. What to do?

    • Olga

      Try to clean up everything that is rotten, there seem to be living half-roots on top. Treat with fungicide and root in fresh soil. The pot also needs to be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

  5. Oksana

    Like this

  6. oksana

    good evening! flower / plant like green, mmm without yellow brown dots, leaves. it feels good. but for several days now the leaves have sank ... as if weakened and it is hard for the stems to hold their leaves. What could be the problem? thank you very much. well, I’m never a gardener (((

    • Olga

      It happens with mine if I forget to water, but after watering the leaves rise again. Or maybe you flooded it, on the contrary, and began to rot? Check the soil in the pot, water if necessary, or let it dry well. Otherwise, the presence of a fungal disease is possible.

  7. oksana

    rather, I flooded it ((((although I watered once a week, but how to dry it out? just pull it out of the ground? Today I transplanted it from an old pot into a new one, with a different dry soil, filtering the roots for overflow ... let's see ... hope to come to life ... ..thanks for the answer!

    • Olga

      Since you have transplanted it, then try not to fill in the new soil in the future. And the earth dries up itself, it's just that it is not watered for some time. You do not need to pull out the plant, you can carefully (!), So as not to damage the roots, slightly loosen around the bush so that air can enter.

  8. Tatyana

    Good afternoon, help please, not so long ago I bought a handsome Anthurium, but he probably doesn't like something very much, please help me save

    • Olga

      Your anthurium is sick with septoria, you need to urgently take action, otherwise the flower will die. To do this, it is better to transplant the bush into fresh soil, while examining the root system for rotten roots. After removing them, soak the remaining roots in Fundazole solution. Cut off the affected leaves. In the future, you need to water the flower very carefully, avoiding stagnation of moisture.

  9. Tatyana

    And further

  10. Olga

    Hello . Help me understand what's wrong with the leaves. These pimples look healthy only on young leaves.

    • Olga

      sorry old ones look healthy, but the young ones are such nonsense

    • Olga

      Bumps on the leaves may be due to over-watering, but these tearing spots look more like a fungal infection, possibly septoria. In any case, the flower cannot do without the help of fungicides, and preferably copper-containing (at least copper sulfate).

  11. Alexandra

    Good day! Please tell me what's wrong with the anthurium. The leaves turned yellow in places. And how to "make" it bloom?

    • Olga

      In anthurium, the leaves begin to turn yellow from an excess of fertilizers in the soil or if the dressing was done on dry land. This also happens from waterlogging - in this case, yellow spots indicate problems with the roots. If you have not fed the flower, check the root and treat it with a fungicide if you find rotten roots that need to be removed. Only a healthy plant will bloom, and if proper conditions are created for it, which can be found here

  12. Anna

    Please, help !!! What's with the flower Since March 8th Everything was fine and now it began

    • Olga

      In anthurium, torn leaves appear if the air in the room is too dry. It is much worse if it is the result of a disease, such as root rot. It is necessary to inspect the roots - if they have become creamy or acquired a brown tint, become covered with mucus and become limp, then there is rotting. Then everything that is affected (both roots and leaves) must be cut off and the flower must be transplanted into fresh soil, treated with a fungicide.

  13. Kate

    Hello, tell me what's wrong with the flower. All the leaves on the back have become brown in small specks

    • Olga

      It seems that the pests were in charge, such spots appear in the places where they "feasted". Most likely, these are thrips. Treat the flower with Fitoverm or Agravertine.

  14. Natalia

    We gave a flower a month ago. A couple of days ago the leaves sank and holes appeared in the leaves. What should I do?

    • Olga

      What about watering? If it's rare, this could very well happen. Otherwise, the reason lies in the roots. I would take out a bush and look at the roots, if there are already rotten ones, they need to be removed. Even if everyone is healthy, Fitosporin can be treated for prevention.

  15. Alexandra

    Good day!
    Acquired a rooted anthurium shoot about a month ago. About 2 weeks ago, I discovered a sticky leaf and, apparently, a false scale. I treated the leaves with alcohol (I did not touch the soil!) And isolated them in another room. The flower is on the windowsill. Still not transplanted. Now, after 2 weeks, the leaves began to deform, turn pale and, in addition, dark spots appeared on the leaves. Apparently, it is high time to transplant and treat with fungicide? Cut off the affected leaves? I have only 3 of them and 2 of them have dark spots ...

    • Olga

      Do not touch the leaves yet, try to transplant them into fresh soil, having previously treated with Fitosporin or another similar drug. At the same time, carefully inspect the roots for rotten ones. If there are no insects, the problem may lie inside the pot.

      • Alexandra

        Well thank you!

  16. Alexandra

    I will also attach one photo of another leaflet.

    P.S .: I examined all the sheets, I did not find any pests.

  17. Ludmila

    Please help me figure out the problem. New leaves have appeared on my flower, but they are all deformed and in brown stains. Old leaves in good condition. The problem is only on the leaves that have just appeared

    • Olga

      It seems to me that someone is eating tender young leaves - black dots that look like bite marks. Change the color of the soil to fresh and treat with a fungicide.

  18. Olga

    Hello, I bought the black prince anthurium, a week later I planted it in another substrate, but I forgot to share it. The plant has several layers. Can I leave it this way or should the kids be separated?
    And it also looks like someone is eating it) in the photo you can see

  19. Olga


  20. Olga

    One more

  21. Yulia

    Good day. I ask you for help. I bought a very rare Anthurium color - bright pink pearl. Leaves and some flowers are healthy, without damage. besides this there were two flower buds. The next day after the purchase, one bud turned black, I cut it off. A week later, transplanted into a new pot and soil. Some of the roots were rotten (removed). The remaining bud grew a little and also began to turn black. I cannot figure out what is the reason and how to help the plant. Thanks in advance for your consultation.

    • Olga

      If the roots were rotten and you just cut them off and transplanted them, you will have to disturb them again. The flower needs to be treated with a fungicide for the disease, a simple transplant will not give anything. It is necessary to kill the fungus before the whole bush rotted away.

  22. Vyacheslav

    For the treatment of anthurium from septoria, Fusarium fungicides are advised on your website, but it has not been on sale for a long time (Samara), what can be used to replace it, there are several options for Abiga-Peak or Fitolavin, if so, then options for use. another. Desirable faster, Anthurium may die, thanks in advance. Photo no.

    • Natali

      The article was published in 2015. During this time, a new generation of drugs appeared on the market, and the old one was removed from production. You can use both drugs, they work equally well. Apply fungicides according to the instructions on the packaging. For the treatment of indoor plants, the dose cannot be increased.

  23. Yulia

    Hello! Tell me what is with my anthurium, I am attaching a photo from the outside and from the inside of the leaves .. I treated the other day with a drug for aphids and all kinds of living creatures, but what if it's something else? the most interesting thing is that on the same windowsill there is an anthurium of a different color and everything is fine with it ... regular watering, the earth is a substrate for orchids
    A source:

  24. Bunishche

    Tell me what is it with the anthurims?

  25. Bunishche

    But on another Anushka.

  26. Bunishche

    And so!

  27. Bunishche

    Here's what I found on the leaves.

  28. Vyacheslav

    Hello, I wrote to you on July 18 about my problem with Anthurium, thanks for the answer, well, I have questions again. I removed diseased leaves and peduncles treated healthy leaves with Abiga-Peak fungicide by hand rubbing the leaf, watered the soil, then took the flower out of the pot and checked the roots, the roots turned out to be white, that is, visually completely healthy. According to the instructions, you need to do two treatments with a period of 7- 10 days, I actually wanted to change the soil after Abiga Peak (now with which I bought it, a little more than a month), and treat Anthurium with the fungicide Fitolavin, because it penetrates into the plant. whether to completely change the soil (strong stress of the plant), whether it is necessary to cut off healthy peduncles (sorry) and whether treatment with Phytolavin is generally needed (consolidation or safety net of the treatment carried out by Abiga-Peak).Please advise, thank you in advance.

    • Natali

      You bought an already sick plant. You will have to make a difficult choice between flowering and saving the plant for future flowering. I would try to save the flower using a hard method. Before doing subsequent processing of the plant, it is necessary to rid it of the transport soil, which is also infected with the disease. You can process the plant 100 times, but when the soil is diseased, it is useless. My actions: 1. Remove peduncles, diseased leaves. 2. To clean the roots from old soil and to desenify them in a solution of potassium permanganate. 3. Treat the new soil and pot with boiling water. 4. Plant the prepared anthurium in a new soil. 5. Create greenhouse conditions for the plant with regular ventilation until the first new leaf appears. 6. Spill with the selected fungicide immediately after transplanting.

  29. Vyacheslav

    Good evening Natali. Thank you for the advice, tell me how to properly dilute the manganese so as not to burn the roots and the processing time, and which fungicide is better to shed new soil with Fundazol or Abiga-Peak, I bought the Semiramis Gardens for orchids, thank you in advance.

  30. Tatyana

    Can you please tell me what's wrong with my anthurium, rusty spots appear on young leaves and flowers, the more the leaf grows, the larger and brighter these spots become? What to do? Can't determine what it is

    • Olga

      I understand that there are mainly spots on the back of the sheet? Then it most resembles rust - a fungal disease. You can destroy the fungus with Topaz or Ordan. In order to prevent the disease, the flower is periodically treated with Fitosporin, especially if it grows in conditions of low temperature and high humidity.

  31. Tatyana

    Yes, spots on the back of leaves and flowers. I will treat, thank you very much for the advice !!!

  32. Helena

    Hello! Please tell me what's wrong with my anthurium, the leaves turn yellow, turn black

    • Olga

      Either this is the quality of the photo, or your flower is rotting. In any case, you need to check the roots and change the soil. Cut off all affected parts, and treat the bush itself with a fungicide. You have several plants there - you can plant it, maybe it is also cramped for him.

  33. Irina

    Tell the layman in flowers what to do?
    They presented a flower, I immediately transplanted it, but in a rather large pot, I did not fertilize it. At the beginning, all the inflorescences died out, and then the leaves began to turn yellow and dry.
    Transplanted again. When transplanting, I noticed that some of the roots look dried out, and some of the roots are just the usual pink color.
    However, after transplanting, the leaves continued to turn yellow and dry as in the photo.
    On the reverse side of the sheet, nobody and nothing was noticed.
    Please tell me how to be.

    • Olga

      Anthurium leaves dry if irregularly or excessively watered. Another flower can react in this way to dry air, drafts, or suffer from pests and diseases. In your case, it looks more like a fungal disease, possibly anthracnose. If the roots were in order during transplantation, just cut off the damaged leaves now and treat the bush with Topaz or Trichodeomin.

  34. Natalia

    Hello! I bought anthurium in a store two months ago - it had roots as if with mold. I processed them with potassium permanganate, planted aurica gardens for orchids by transferring them into new soil, overlaid them with sphagnum and rarely water them, because it dries out slowly in my wet apartment. A month later I bought another anthurium - both adult plants.he was also planted in the same soil. at the second, the leaves began to dry up, I attach a photo. I found the same signs in the first, but less. then the same thing with the monstera. all stand in different places, the same with ginger. First, the leaf breaks in a strip, then it dries up around it and turns yellow along the edge. behind it is deformed by some pimples and wrinkles. roots, which are visible with some kind of whitish-brown powdery bloom. what could it be?

  35. Natalia

    hello again)) I wrote to you yesterday, and the next morning I found a small orange tick on one plant. is it possible that anthuriums eat a tick and they additionally suffer from septoria. I read and this reason seemed to me the most probable. another new anthurium, which is now actively blooming, threw out a flowering twig, which was immediately dried up - I removed it. what's wrong with him?

    • Olga

      Judging by the characteristic spot, your flower really has septoria. We'll have to transplant it again into fresh soil and treat it with fungicides containing copper. Diseased leaves need to be cut off.
      As for ticks, they also love anthurium. If you find them, you need to get rid of by bathing the flower in the shower and treating it with Fitoverm 2-3 times, depending on how neglected its condition is. Just don't do everything at the same time.

  36. Natalia

    Thank you very much for the advice, I will try to treat it))

  37. Ludmila

    how to cure my flower?

    • Olga

      Your flower is sick with anthracnose. Immediately transplant into fresh soil with rinsing of the roots with potassium permanganate. Treat the bush itself with a fungicide (Fitosporin or Baktofit). It is necessary to do 2-3 treatments with a break of 2 weeks.

  38. Irina

    Advise how to save the flower. Filling in? Diseases? All leaves have brown dry spots that break through.

    • Olga

      I think it looks more like a fungus. Torn dry spots, of course, come from too dry air, but there is a yellow rim around them, moreover, you write that this is a massive phenomenon. Change the soil to it and carry out several treatments with available fungicides.

  39. Ludmila

    Thanks a lot, one more question I have cut out all the infected leaves is it good or bad?

    • Olga

      You did the right thing. The flower will recover and grow new ones.

      • Ludmila

        Thank you very much, I would sooner recover !!!

  40. Irina

    another type of plant

  41. Natalia

    Good evening. Please tell me what's wrong with the baby? I ordered a teenager, there are dark spots on the leaves, and the roots bother me, will it survive? Tell me what to do?

    • Olga

      What about the roots? Not visible in the photo, but judging by the spots, it seems to me that the young anthurium is already sick. Most likely a fungus, possibly anthracnose. You can't do without fungicides. Check the root, cut off any suspicious roots. The leaves will also have to be cut off. Plant in fresh soil, treat with an available fungicide such as Fundazol.

  42. Irina

    Good day! Please help me, what's with the flower?

  43. Irina

    Good day. Tell me, please, a week ago I bought an anthurium Utah, after 3 days spots appeared on the leaves. Today I came home from work, and the sheet was wrapped on one side.

    • Olga

      Typical spots occur when a flower is damaged by a fungal infection, in particular, septoria. Transplant the bush into new soil to remove the affected leaves and treat with a fungicide according to the instructions.

  44. Ira

    Good day. A stain appeared on the leaf. What could it be. thank

    • Olga

      Most like anthracnose. You will need fungicides (Fundazol, Fitosporin), and preferably two treatments with a break.

  45. Ann

    1. Suddenly flowers and leaves were covered with some kind of drying stains. This is even on the flowers and leaves that have not yet opened.
    The roots are also out of order.
    What can it be and how to treat it?
    * It was poured during transplantation (the transplant was with native soil, just a larger pot was chosen and the earth was filled up), a month and a half ago, the earth did not dry out for a long time (2 weeks) while watering was stopped.
    The roots on which there are lesions fall apart easily if rubbed, but not wet.
    2. Can this flower be sprayed from a spray bottle?
    3. If the tips of the leaves of a flower dry in dry air, it can be kept in a "greenhouse" of org. glass?
    Thank you very much for your answer.

    • Olga

      Most likely, because of the overflow, problems began, first with the roots, and then with the aboveground part. We urgently need to save the flower. Free from the old earth, cut off all rotten and missing roots, cut the cuts with coal. Transplant into a new soil and treat with a fungicide, preferably twice, with a break (according to the instructions for the drug that you purchase). With regard to spraying, it can be carried out, but not during the period of illness and not on flowers. And in greenhouse conditions, anthuriums also grow well, because they like high air humidity (but not soil).

  46. Irina

    Hello. Can you please tell me what's wrong with the plant? There are shiny spots on the back of the sheet, and dry beige spots on top. No pests are visible.

  47. Marina

    Hello. Dark spots appeared on the back of the leaf. What is it? And how to treat it?

    • Olga

      It looks like rust. Treat with a fungicide, Topaz works well in such cases.

  48. Catherine

    Hello! I'd like to save my favorite flower !!!

    • Olga

      It seems to me very similar to thrips. Judging by the fact that almost the entire leaf is in spots and dots, insects have long hunted on it. It is better to treat with Fitoverm (spray, hold for a day under the bag, and then rinse).

  49. Irina

    Hello. Tell me, please, the root is in order, and already on the third bush they disappear without even blooming, then a flower, then a leaf.

    • Olga

      There can be many reasons: diseases, pests, lack or excess of food. If the roots are okay, look for pests in the soil. Remember how long ago the flower was transplanted and fed. If the soil is fresh and everything is on schedule with top dressing, it can be treated with a fungicide for prevention.

  50. Irina



