Cherry diseases and the fight against them: photo and description

ripe cherry In recent decades, due to the spread of diseases of stone fruit crops, gardeners have faced a sharp drop in yields and even the need to cut down recently lush plantings. It is not surprising that among the burning topics the main place is occupied by cherry diseases and the fight against them, photos and descriptions of dangerous ailments will help owners of household plots to identify the problem in a timely manner, cope with it and establish prevention.

Until the middle of the last century, the unpretentious cherry that grew in gardens throughout the former USSR had practically no serious enemies. And old, proven varieties regularly delighted the villagers, albeit not the largest and sweetest, but numerous berries. But since the 60s, in a number of regions, cherry trees more and more often by the middle of summer stood almost without foliage, and fewer and fewer berries were tied on them. This is how the coccomycosis imported from the north of Europe manifested itself. Three decades later, Russian gardeners met another formidable enemy of stone fruit crops - moniliosis. Today, these diseases are the main, but not the only enemies of cherry orchards in Russia. Trees and crops on them are threatened by scab, perforated spots, gum flow and other misfortunes.

Read also the article: what are the beneficial properties of cherries?cherry disease

In the zone of the greatest spread of cherry diseases and pests are gardeners of the North-West of the country, the Non-Black Earth Region and neighboring regions. Cherry plantations of territories with a warmer and drier climate, for example, the Caucasus, the Volga region, the Kuban and the south of the Chernozem region, are relatively safe. But even here, without proper attention, care and prevention, there is a high probability of plant diseases.

Coccomycosis: a description of cherry disease with photos

coccomycosisThe greatest damage to the crop is caused by fungal diseases of cherry. One of the most dangerous and insidious is coccomycosis. The spread of the disease is facilitated by long humid periods, when the air is warmed up to 20-24 ° C. Such conditions contribute to the fact that the causative agent of the infection, the fungus Coccomyces hiemalis, grows unhindered, multiplies and affects plants.

The disease manifests itself in the summer, and its characteristic signs are primarily visible on the foliage:

  1. On the front side of the leaf blades, rounded brownish or reddish spots are formed.
  2. Gradually they grow, the tissues in the middle dry out, and areas with a pinkish bloom appear on the back of the leaf.
  3. The foliage affected by coccomycosis dies off and falls off in the second half of summer, leaving the branches almost bare.

early fall of leavesJudging only by external signs, coccomycosis could be considered a disease of cherry leaves. But this opinion is wrong! Due to the early loss of the green part of the crown, cherry trees are weakened and unprepared for wintering. As a result, some of the shoots die by spring, and damage is found on the trunk and skeletal branches.

Already in the first year after infection, the cherry reduces the yield, the quality of the pilaf decreases. If you do not urgently take up the fight against the disease, the cherry, as in the photo, will die in the next few years.

Premature leaf fall in the middle of summer should seriously alert the gardener. All fallen leaves are necessarily collected and destroyed, and the plants are treated with Bordeaux liquid, ferrous sulfate solution or systemic fungicides. Re-processing is carried out according to the instructions in 7-14 days after the first one.

fungal diseaseThe main measures to combat cherry fungal disease are aimed at destroying the pathogen and preventing its spread to healthy trees.

As a preventive measure in the risk zone, as well as in wet weather, which contributes to the spread of coccomycosis, spraying of cherries is carried out in the spring, even before the flower buds open, and at the end of the mass flowering of plants.

In this case, one must remember about the possible toxicity of the sprayed products. The fruits remaining on the branches are removed, hands, respiratory organs are protected with gloves and a respirator. For the action of the drugs to be as effective as possible, they must fall on dry foliage and act unhindered for 2-3 hours. Therefore, it is better to choose a calm, fine morning or evening for processing when there is no danger of sunburn.

Cherry moniliosis: photo of the disease and the fight against it

moniliosis cherryMoniliosis or monilial burn is already well known to gardeners of central Russia, Kuban, Chernozem, southern regions of Siberia and the Urals. In some areas, almost all cherry plantings are infected with a harmful fungus, but, in addition, the fungal disease of cherry, caused by Monilia cinerea, is just as dangerous for other fruit crops.

The primary infection of the tree occurs during flowering, when the spores of the fungus penetrate and grow through the pistil and peduncle into the wood tissue. However, noticing cherry disease in spring, gardeners often mistake its symptoms for the effects of freezing or unsuccessful chemical treatment.

Indeed, the branches, flowers and young leaves drying up under the influence of the spreading fungus are as if burnt. And lesions with moniliosis from the side look like large solid spots in the crowns of still recently completely healthy trees.

tree struckSecondary infection occurs through the fruit in which the spores of the fungus ripen. Outside, the berries look dry, mummified, often covered with a grayish bloom. They firmly adhere to the branches and, if not removed, persist until spring, becoming a new focus of infection.

Infection is facilitated by wet spring-summer weather, irregular pruning of the crown and violations of agricultural technology. If the prevention of cherry disease and its treatment are not given due attention, within several years the trees wither and die.

To minimize the number of foci of infection, be sure to:

  • the fallen leaves are removed, and the soil under the trees is carefully loosened;
  • cut off, capturing part of healthy wood, and destroy the branches affected by moniliosis;
  • remove and burn the remaining fruits.

foliage driesIn the spring, before the buds open, cherry plantings are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid or other contact fungicide. Re-processing is carried out in the second half of flowering. Particular attention is paid to plants that have already been attacked by a harmful fungus in the past. If cherry disease is noticed in the spring on previously healthy trees, you will have to resort to the help of systemic fungicides, for example, Skora, Topaz or Fundazol.

Cherry clasterosporium disease and treatment of the disease

clasterosporium diseaseHole spotting is in the third most harmful effect. Clasterosporium also belongs to fungal diseases of cherry and affects not only foliage and shoots, but also flowers. At first, the disease manifests itself as the appearance of brownish-brown spots. As they grow, the tissues inside dry out and crumble, leaving large rounded holes. Sick foliage dries and falls off, the affected berries also do not pour and dry up.

Spores of the harmful fungus overwinter:

  • in the soil;
  • on the remaining mummified fruits;
  • inside cracks in the bark;
  • on plant residues.

In addition to regularly cleaning and destroying fallen leaves and pruning the crown, cherries and the surrounding soil are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate or Horus for the prevention and treatment of disease.

Cherry disease, which develops as described in the photograph, requires urgent action. In this case, complex action fungicides or Bordeaux liquid are used.Full-scale processing is carried out in several stages, from the green cone stage to summer days, when there are just over 20 days before harvest.

Similar measures are taken to identify signs of brown spot and rust on fruit trees. In both cases, the gardener is faced with the appearance of brown, reddish-brown or red spots on the leaves and ovaries, which are a manifestation of the activity of harmful fungi. All of these diseases negatively affect the yield and consumer properties of fruits, weaken the plants. Therefore, with the slightest delay, the garden will need not only the fight against cherry diseases, but also with pests, for which the affected plants become desirable and easy prey.

Cherry scab: a description of the disease and its treatment

cherry scabMost often, scab, also caused by fungi, is found on apple trees and pears, but in personal plots it can also infect stone fruits. If you find, as in the photo, a disease on a cherry, the fight against it should be carried out as seriously as with moniliosis or brown spot.

Dark scab spots with a cracking center grow not only on foliage. They seize the berries that are pouring and drastically reduce the quality of the crop, making the fruits practically unsuitable for food and for processing.

A good measure for the prevention and control of cherry fungal disease is:

  • collection and destruction of fallen leaves;
  • timely formation and sanitary pruning of the crown;
  • digging soil under trees;
  • spraying plants and tree trunks with a solution of fungicide, copper oxychloride or bordeaux liquid.

As in other cases, processing is carried out in several stages in accordance with the instructions for the product chosen by the gardener.

Gommosis: description of cherry disease with photos

cherry gommosisGum drops appearing on the trunk and branches of the cherry are also a disease. Hommosis or gum flow can be caused by several reasons:

  • sunburn;
  • exposure to frost;
  • improper use of dressings;
  • neglected mechanical damage to the bark.

At first glance, a phenomenon that is harmless to the life of a plant is in fact a harbinger of the most unpleasant consequences. In the area where the cambium is disturbed, the correct development of the wood becomes difficult or stops, but access is completely open for harmful fungi, other pathogens of cherries and pests.trunk injury

In this case, it is equally important to prevent the appearance of new cracks, as well as to heal existing ones as quickly and efficiently as possible. In order to prevent gum removal after sanitary pruning and crown formation, it is imperative to carry out processing with garden varnish. The resulting damage is pre-irrigated with a 1% solution copper sulfate.

General measures to protect cherries from diseases and pests

healthy treeUnfortunately, fungal and related infections are so common today that it will no longer be possible to achieve a good harvest relying only on varietal characteristics and routine care. Preventive and curative use of fungicides in home gardens is the norm. But even the most effective remedies have their weak points. The fungus, already in the second or third year, is able to adapt to a previously effective drug. Therefore, chemicals have to be changed regularly, not forgetting about the observance of agricultural technology and elementary attention to planting.

In addition to spraying with fungicides, cherry trees need:

  • in the ongoing spring sanitary crown pruning;
  • in the regular rejuvenation of fruit-bearing trees to the wood level of 3-4 years;
  • in harvesting fallen leaves and removing even inedible, dry fruits remaining on the branches;
  • in competent fertilization and mandatory watering of the garden.

If diseases that are dangerous for stone fruit crops are common in the region, it is better for the gardener to take care of the selection of zoned resistant varieties and hybrids already at the stage of laying the garden. See photo of diseases of apple trees!

Details about cherry diseases - video

  1. Larissa

    CHERRY is sick: ripening, the berries become ugly, hollows appear on the berry. There is no presentation. The disease does not fit any description. What is it? How to fight?

    • Natali

      This is very similar to pocket disease, stone fruits are susceptible to it. When the fruit ripens, the bone is severely deformed or absent at all. Preventing and treating fruit deformities will require patience. Collect as soon as it is identified and destroy the affected fruit. This work must be done even before the formation of plaque on them and the dispersion of spores. Before and immediately after flowering, treat the garden with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate or 3% ferrous sulfate solution.

  2. Natalia

    This is what happened to the cherry. is there anything you can do to help. It was a good bush and bore fruit well. Thank.

    • Natali

      Your tree is either frozen under the return frost, or suffers from moniliosis. This is a common stone fruit disease. It is necessary to treat the kidney in the spring with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid and after flowering 1%.

  3. Natalia

    And last year the apricot also died. But they are far apart.

  4. Olga

    Stone fruits also die in the region, they urgently sprayed Bordeaux apricots, but after that they completely threw off their leaves and fruits, they are bald ((The neighbor did not spray, his apricot did not peel off.

    • Natali

      Processing on leaves is carried out strictly observing the norm. You need a 1% solution and nothing more. You can make 0.8%, but you cannot increase the content of copper sulfate. For prophylaxis, the kidneys are treated with a 3% solution, which is most likely done by your neighbor, protecting his tree.

  5. Tatyana

    Hello, help us deal with cherry diseases in our garden. In 2016, the disease appeared during the harvest season. The cherries showed signs of the disease before ripening this year. Tell me what kind of disease and control measures?

  6. Tatyana

    Photo of my cherry to the previous comment

    • Olga

      The symptomatology of the disease resembles one of the manifestations of moniliosis - fruit rot, when the green berries are still completely dry. At this stage, you need to remove all dry fruits from the tree and burn them. In the fall, when all the leaves have fallen off, treat the cherry with Bordeaux liquid. To prevent the situation from repeating itself, in the next season during the growing season the tree is subject to treatment with Fitosporin according to the instructions on the preparation.

  7. Olga G


    The leaves on the cherry on one side began to turn red. Next to her is a gooseberry, on the side where the cherry is, the same problem is observed ...
    What can it be and how to handle it?

    Thanks for the answer.

    • Natali

      Take a look at the bottom of the leaves. If you find pale pink pads opposite the red spots, then this is coccomycosis. The leaves must be burned and treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

  8. Teresa

    Hello, tell me what it is and what to do: the cherries began to ripen normally, turned red, and before they fully ripen, dried to the pits, hang as if they were dried in a dryer, some on the branches, and you touch them fall, but the main part holds tightly. Moniliosis is for sure, I understood from the article. But why did almost the entire crop dry up? What to fight with it?

    • Natali

      Use a pruning shears to cut a branch of a cherry with dried fruit. If the wood is brown inside, then this is the reason. The cherry is sick. In spring it can give leaves, bloom, but the fruits do not ripen. It is necessary to cut diseased branches to healthy tissue. Young shoots will go in the spring. Fruits can also dry out when the tree is affected by coccomycosis or clusterosporiosis.If the tree is damaged by diseases, it is necessary to remove the diseased branches, and in the fall (after the leaves have fallen), spray it well with 5-6% urea solution or in the early spring (before the blooming of the nights) spray the plant with 1% nitrafen solution.

      • Teresa

        thanks for the answer . The branch was cut, not brown, normal at the cut. Sorry, I didn't quite understand this: cut off diseased branches - that's practically everything, a bare trunk will remain. In the fall, we will spraying without fail, and in the spring too. Now the leaves are green, and the fruits are dark, as if ripe, but dried up. As I understand it, the fruits must be burned together with the leaves when they crumble

        • Natali

          It is only necessary to cut branches in the case of brown wood in the cut. Pruning cherries deeply does not harm the tree. Cherry grows new crown very well and quickly. New shoots grow on the skeletal branches, which will bear fruit in just a year. When a tree is damaged by coccomycosis or clusterosporia, it is necessary to fight. Falling fruit must be collected and burned.

          • Teresa

            Thank you very much for your help, we will experiment

          • Sergey

            Hello Teresa! I have the same problem. For two years the fruits have dried, I don't know what to do. I would like to know if you managed to cope with the trouble

          • Oleg

            Green cherry fruits turn brown, become watery and later become covered with a white coating

            • Olga

              It looks like moniliosis, at the stage of fruit rot. This spring, with its cold snap and rains, the conditions were most suitable for the fungus. Tsineb, Topsin-M, Horus cope well with moniliosis. But the time for processing them has already been lost, except to wait until autumn. Nowadays, it is better to use biological fungicides, for example, Fitosporin. Moreover, he does not have a waiting time and the drug does not accumulate in the fruit.

  9. Teresa

    green leaves on trees

  10. Nikolay

    This summer, on a cherry tree (5 years old), gum flow suddenly began very strongly on many branches, also a little on the central trunk. I cut off one branch, in the middle of the stem there is a small part of brown color. There were practically no fruits. The first half of the summer was very rainy. What to do?

    • Natali

      If brown tissue is visible on the cut, it is a bacterial lesion. Strong gum flow gradually leads to the death of the tree. Cut off affected branches until healthy wood appears on the cut. Treat with fungicide, brush with garden varnish or clay mash. In the fall, carry out a complete treatment with copper sulfate, apply fertilizer under the tree. Even heavily pruned cherries quickly restore their crown. In a year, the rejuvenated crown will already have fruits.

  11. Alexander Anatolyevich

    Good day! Two branches of a cherry crack and pull apart. How to save both branches or do you need to delete one? How to repair a crack?

    • Natali

      In your photo, the central conductor was bifurcated and one part of it had to be removed immediately. There is no point in installing the clamp now. We'll have to donate one branch. Remove the weaker stem. Make the cut above the break. Process the saw cut itself with linseed oil or oil paint. The crack must be cleaned and disinfected. Make a clay mug and coat the crack. Wrap the top with a cloth and leave until spring. If possible, do the saw cut at the end of September before the onset of frost.

  12. Alexander Anatolyevich

    Thank you so much. And what kind of clay is needed for a chatterbox. Will the one I dig up in the garden work?

    • Natali

      Yes, it will do. Yellow clay is usually used to heal cracks in trees.

  13. Sergey

    Cherry cherries have a lot of empty color, why is this connected?

    • Natali

      The photo is blurry. No pollination took place. Perhaps due to weather conditions the bee did not fly out.

  14. Tatyana

    Please tell me what is happening with the cherry: not all buds have blossomed, breaking the bud inside at the base, everything is brown, and it feels like there are waste products of some caterpillars or someone else, it seems that even a spider's web is visible in places in the kidney on the break ... Copper sulfate was treated twice - once in early spring, the second, when the kidneys swelled.

  15. Irina

    Hello, please tell me what could have happened to the cherry, flower buds began to sprinkle and froze, all the trees blossomed. and the cherry stands naked, on the branches some kind of white bloom. what could it be?

  16. Andrei

    Hello! I am from northern Kazakhstan. We have late spring this year. Trees began to blossom only at the end of May. Now the cherry has already faded, but some branches still stand with swollen buds and do not bloom. Please tell me what is the reason, and what to do with these branches? Just cut them out?

    • Olga

      Most likely, the kidneys just froze. I would not cut and injure a tree that is preparing to bear fruit just yet. Maybe it will get better a little, but no - so then you will cut it out.

  17. Svetlana

    Hello! Young, healthy cherries have recently developed rusty spots on the leaves. Spots on both sides of the leaf. What is it?

  18. Irina

    Hello! Tell me when harvesting cherries, they found such black growths on the berries as dried mud. They are not easy to clean, only with a brush. What could it be? What's that cherry disease?

  19. Ludmila

    Hello. Please tell me why the leaves and ovaries on the cherry dry up, there is no damage to the leaves. The soil is sandy, the last few days are hot and without rain. Could this be the reason? Leningrad region.

  20. Rmzia

    On the plum, foliage turns yellow and falls. All the ovaries, the tips of the twigs turn black, curl and fall off. It looks like coccomycosis. Can you spray trees with HOM or copper sulfate now? In the spring it was sprayed before flowering. Or do we use Fitosporin until autumn?

    • Olga

      In principle, it is possible, but here it is important not to overdo it with concentration. All the same, it is desirable to process copper-containing preparations before bud break. If you do the processing on the leaves, there is a high risk of burning them and "finishing off" the cherry. I would manage with fungicides for now.

  21. Gulnara

    Hello. On cherry varieties Molodezhnaya, the leaves turn yellow at the base of the branches. in the spring it was treated with HOM and against pests with Alatar, in May it was fertilized with urea and vermicompost solution. Planted last year. On the reverse side of the sheet, the view is almost the same, but less distinct. What is this - a disease or do you need feeding?

    • Olga

      From the words it is difficult to determine, most likely, this disease. Treat with garden fungicide.

  22. Arthur

    Good day. Prompt on a cherry (variety Malyshka, 4 years old) all branches drooped at once and in the wind they break off at the base, leaving deep wounds (sometimes to the core). With what it can be connected?
    Before that, she seemed to have had moniliosis (after flowering, there were many ovaries, but it rained). After that he treated it with Bordeaux liquid and cut off the damaged branches.

    • Olga

      Judging by the description, it is indeed very similar to moniliosis, its sad consequences. Most likely, the processing of Bordeaux was not enough, and it was not possible to stop the disease in time. Unfortunately, at this stage, the chances of saving the tree are very small, it is almost unrealistic. Try to change the fungicide and carry out another treatment, for example, Skorom.


