Fighting cabbage diseases
Often after harvesting cabbage, due to lack of free time from gardeners or for other reasons, leaves and stumps remain on the site. Of course, until next spring, most of the cabbage residues will rot, and the rest will in any case be removed before the start of the planting period. However, such waste can cause enormous damage to the site if the cabbage has been affected by diseases. Pathogenic spores are able to penetrate the soil and, with the arrival of heat, will begin to actively multiply, affecting the planted plants.
Some of the most common diseases in cabbage are:
- keel;
- mucous bacteriosis.
Cabbage keel
The second name of the disease is root cancer. Affected plants outwardly practically do not differ from others, except that the leaves wilt slightly and turn slightly yellow. However, when digging a stump from the ground, the diagnosis can be made immediately: the small thin roots seem to swell due to the growths formed on them.
The cause of the disease is a fungus that quickly develops in moist soil, and it is impossible to cure diseased plants. They must be removed and disposed of.
Keela is very easily transferred to other plants through the soil in which fungi remain, therefore, the soil from the area on which diseased crops grew should also be removed.
After the destruction of the diseased cabbage, the beds must be treated with a solution of Bordeaux liquid. It will be possible to plant such crops there not earlier than in 5 years.
For prevention cabbage diseases keel on the beds is recommended to apply fertilizers with a predominance of calcium, ash and colloidal sulfur.
Mucous bacteriosis
Bacterial rot affects weakened plants not only of cabbage, but also of other crops, especially in the presence of damage and in conditions of prolonged rains. It is most pronounced during storage of the crop in a room with a high temperature or during transportation.
When the first signs of rot appear, cabbage bushes must be sprayed with a solution of the Binoram drug. For the prevention of the disease:
- shed the wells with the same solution;
- pickle seeds;
- before planting seedlings, treat its roots with Phytoflavin.
In addition, the temperature regime should be maintained during storage of the crop.