How to fight a wireworm: effective ways and methods

wireworm fighting Any garden planting is susceptible to attack by various larvae, beetles and pests. Controlling wireworms and other pests is a necessary crop conservation measure. In order for this fight to be effective, you need to know how the plant is affected and how the lesion manifests itself on the site.

How the plant is affected

The very name "wireworm" already speaks of the mode of action. Wireworm infects the plant, in particular its root system, but not completely, so it is almost impossible to notice external signs of damage. However, for planting root crops, this is very dangerous, since the plant, for example, potatoes, may look healthy outwardly, but the plant no longer has fruits, that is, potatoes. When harvesting, it may turn out that it simply does not exist.

The wireworm lives in the ground and is very difficult to see on the surface. If he is on the surface of the earth, he quickly buries down. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy it immediately if it is found while digging up the earth.

How to deal with a wireworm

There are several ways to deal with a wireworm, such as:

  • chamomile;
  • potatoes and others.


Chamomile is used for soil cultivation in this way:

  1. All parts of the plant in a small amount (1 handful) are cut, filled with water, and infused after boiling.
  2. It is necessary to insist the solution before cooling, and then strain.
  3. The broth is poured over a plot of land.

The finer the chamomile is cut, the faster the solution is brewed.


This method is used either in autumn or late spring. They use potatoes like this:

  1. The potatoes are cut lengthwise.
  2. Each half is put on a stick or dry branch.
  3. A shallow hole is dug in the aisle and with a cut down, and a beacon up, the potatoes are buried.

Potatoes give off a smell that attracts wireworms. Therefore, you need to constantly dig up this bait and burn the wireworm that will be on it.

To combat the wireworm, you can use potato peels that fit in a jar. It gives off a lot of smell. This can is buried in the ground, and the wireworms creep into the smell. They will all be in the bank.

These simple methods will help to combat this pest.


