Effective weed control with rye
Weeds have a developed root system. Their seeds can be stored for 6 years, while their germination is maintained. Some types of turf are considered weeds. Such plants cover the beds with a green carpet. The turf cover is so dense that you cannot remove these weeds with a hoe or flat cutter. In addition, it is impossible to cut the green mass of the weed, since the above-ground part of the sod is too small. You can get rid of the dense turf cover on the beds with the help of a pitchfork and a shovel, digging up the root system of the turf and its entire aerial part. But this method takes a lot of time and effort. It will take more than one day to clear all the beds from the turf.
On farms and industrial turf fields, they are handled with strong chemicals. If the focus of the turf lesion is small, then use garden equipment and siderates. On large areas, green manures are sown with special combines. They break several furrows in the ground, into which rye seeds are sown at a distance of 5 to 7 cm from each other. In garden plots, you can sow rye into the turf by making furrows with a construction tool. A grinder is used to make furrows in a dense turfy cover.
Cutting furrows in turf
With the help of a construction grinder, you need to cut furrows in the ground, each 2 cm wide and up to 10 cm long. The furrows are cut at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Rye seeds are sown at a distance of 2 cm from each other.
Wear safety goggles when creating these beds to avoid injury to your eyes.
When the furrows are ready, they are well watered. After the water has been absorbed, the rye can be sown. Then the rye seeds are covered with earth and watered well again. At the rye planting site, constant humidity must be maintained in order to siderates have grown a powerful root system. After a week of abundant watering, the rye will take root, and after three - its root system will completely destroy the roots of the weed.
In three weeks it will be possible to mow the aboveground part of the rye, and the green mass will rot along with the sod. Rotten grass will be an excellent fertilizer for cultivated plants in the garden. It will also soften the soil, making it easier for crops with weak roots such as cilantro, basil, or broccoli to grow. After such preparation, you can sow the garden with cultivated plants.