Effective Strawberry Pest Control: Getting to Know the Enemies and Action Plan
In addition to unfavorable weather conditions, insects can spoil the crop. Strawberry pest control requires timely intervention and effective methods. First of all, by the appearance of the culture, the gardener determines who settled in the bushes of garden strawberries. The list of such "tenants" is impressive:
- flea;
- weevil;
- spider mite;
- aphid;
- nematode;
- leaf beetle;
- slugs;
- birds.
Once the farmer understands the reason for the danger, he can safely launch an attack. For this, many use both chemical preparations and folk remedies. Whether the procedures help or not depends largely on a well-designed action plan.
Strawberry pest control begins
The first guest will be a cruciferous flea
Nondescript bugs received such an honorable name due to their diet. They find real pleasure in eating the Cruciferous family:
- cabbage;
- radish;
- radish;
- horseradish;
- turnips;
- swede.
It is in the garden where they are grown that the flea is most often found. On the same strawberry, which is planted near such a bed, in the blink of an eye this beetle settles. Simple tips will help get rid of its invasion:
- Moisten the area regularly, because insects cannot tolerate a humid environment.
- Plant repellent plants near the culture. The aromas of cilantro, marigolds, garlic, dill, onions, tomatoes, calendula and potatoes have a stunning effect on parasites.
- Periodically pollinate the bushes, as well as the aisles with wood ash, which can be mixed with tobacco powder, lime or road dust. The components are taken in equal proportions.
- Apply traps. Soak the pieces of fabric with machine oil (preferably used oil), and then spread them around the perimeter of the planting 4 meters.
Most of all, the flea prefers to feast on young greens. Its larvae wake up in spring at + 15 ° C. It is advised to deal with them without delay, otherwise within 2-3 days the foliage will turn into perforated lace.
The best results are guaranteed when using chemicals. Spraying with insecticides is carried out only in the evening. At this time, the beetles nestle comfortably on the leaves.
Second gentleman - spider mite
The arachnid insect has gained worldwide fame for its "persistent nature". Getting rid of a dumb person is often difficult. When it seems that he is finished, he reappears. Observing the foliage that is changing will help detect its presence. Often they are:
- take cover with a cobweb;
- turn yellow;
- curl;
- become wrinkled;
- fall off.
The Caesar preparation for strawberries is very relevant. The components lead to paralysis of the insect's nervous system. Abundant spraying of leaves is done in the evening or in the morning. The air temperature should be within 15-20 ° С. The product can be combined with other substances, with the exception of alkaline substances.
The berries themselves are underdeveloped and dry out quickly.You can observe the listed symptoms both in spring and after harvest. They get to plants through seedlings or working tools. Their active life is facilitated by a humid (80%) and warm (20-25 ° C) climate. In such cases, the gardener is faced with the question of how to treat strawberries from a tick. Those who are not inclined to experiment will gladly use drugs of biological origin:
- Fitoverm.
- Vermitecom.
- "Aktofit".
Nevertheless, the enteric-contact substances acting in their composition are not able to destroy the eggs laid by the female. For this reason, spraying is repeated every 14 days. At the same time, farmers are successfully using other techniques.
If the tick has infected more than 70% of the bush, then the most effective control of strawberry pests will be to remove the infected foliage. It is better to mow it and moisten the soil abundantly.
Next, systematically apply top dressing. As a result, the culture will have time to form again before the first frost.
Method # 1
Many people successfully use tincture from onion peels or cooked garlic extract. Separate components (200 g of raw materials):
- pour 10 liters of liquid;
- insist up to 5 days;
- mix;
- filtered;
- spray the planting.
The prepared solution serves as a good deterrent. Another popular remedy for pest control of strawberries is spraying the area with a hot solution of potassium permanganate.
Even in the aisle, they practice planting intoxicating crops. These include: lavender, common tansy, rosemary, cat mint and dalmatian chamomile. Their blooms create a heady halo that will neutralize the mites.
Method # 2
Carrying out the listed activities is not a guarantee of getting rid of the "elusive" insect. Therefore, more powerful insecticides for strawberries are used. These include:
- "Karbofos". With a solution (in a 10-liter bucket, dilute 3 tablespoons of the preparation), it is recommended to process the land immediately after picking the berries. The procedure is carried out at a temperature above + 25 ° C, trying to moisten the foliage abundantly.
- Chloroethanol. Used when processing young foliage. For a site of 100 m², you need 10 liters of water and 15/30 ml of the drug.
- "Karote Zeon". Use as soon as new shoots appear. To prepare the solution, take 5 ml of insecticide and dissolve in 10 liters of liquid. This amount is enough for a planting of 100 m².
The use of special technology will help to enhance the effect. Up to 2 liters of the product are applied per 1 m². Watering should be as abundant as possible. After that, the bed is covered with an impenetrable cloth for 2 hours.
One-time processing of strawberries with "Nitrofen" is carried out in March / April or late autumn (150 g of paste for 10 liters of warm liquid). The solution is also advised to process the soil. The strong chemical neutralizes pests that are half asleep after winter.
Mrs. aphid
The favorite place for these green / black larvae is the back of the leaf. They especially like the young seedlings they attack. As a result, the sprouts are covered with a sticky mass, but not only:
- leaves curl up and dry out;
- the buds remain unopened;
- berries stop growing.
The provided photos of aphids on strawberries colorfully demonstrate this process. The use of insecticides, "Fitoferm", "Aktara" or "Fufanon" should be included in the last turn. Prior to that, such infusions are successfully used:
- Tomato leaves. Prepare it like this: 0.5 liters of boiling water, scald chopped greens (2 cups) and stand for several hours.
- Infusion of hot pepper. Pour a spoonful of ground chili with 4 liters of water. 6 drops of soap are added. Insist 8 hours, and then filter.
- Chopped garlic. Five teeth are crushed. Add to them half st. l. oil, 500 ml of water and liquid soap (1 tsp). This is what pest control strawberries are often sprayed with.
- Tobacco broth. A bucket of liquid (10 l) is added to the dried leaves (400 g). Leave for a day.Then boil for 2 hours, filter and fill the missing volume.
- Soap solution. For half a liter of water, take a tablespoon of liquid soap or shavings.
The prepared preparations are stored in a cool place. Glassware is chosen, it is desirable that it be hermetically sealed.
The ubiquitous leaf beetle
The bug is 3-4 mm in size, yellowish, even slightly brown in color, has an unusual appetite. It gnaws at the pulp / core of the leaves, leaving only one film, as well as coarse veins. Its larvae, which emerge from eggs after 14 days, are placed on the back of the greenery or on the petioles.
Small “islands” on the surface indicate the presence of the strawberry leaf beetle. Because of this interference, the culture is quickly depleted and lost. Therefore, you need to take the following measures:
- in the spring (before flowering) or at the end of the season, apply pesticides (Karbofos or Karate);
- after picking berries, carefully and regularly loosen the soil;
- spray the planting with fragrant wormwood broths or dandelion/ garlic;
- in March, pollinate the aisles with tobacco dust (if you do this later, the fruits will absorb the smell and become bitter) or wood ash.
Gardeners successfully use Antichrusch for strawberries. To process 0.2 hundred parts, you need to dilute 10 ml of the drug in 5 liters of water. The solution is applied by the root method, abundantly watering the garden bed. Apply it only once a season.
It is worth remembering that planting Potentilla near the garden attracts the leaf beetle. This is his favorite delicacy. It is also important to periodically change the mulch. Pupae of beetles often settle in this cover.
Taking into account the above recommendations, strawberry pest control will bring the expected result. As a result, the family will be able to reap a luxurious harvest, and most importantly, enjoy the exquisite taste of garden berries.