Now you know how to save your plants from fungus - Bordeaux mixture, instructions for use

Tell me what the Bordeaux mixture is used for, instructions for the use of this drug are very necessary. Is it sold ready-made or do you need to mix something yourself? I have never just used it before, but here the trouble happened. Apple trees began to rot, and both the fruits and the leaves are gray. A neighbor came, looked, and said that only this mixture can be saved.

Bordeaux mixture instructions for use When growing any crops, be it berry bushes, trees, vegetables and even flowers, practically never do without their diseases. The most common are fungal infections that not only rob crops but also completely destroy plants. One of the most effective drugs against fungi is Bordeaux mixture, the instructions for the use of which must be carefully followed. This is exactly the case when an overdose can cause even more damage to a tree or bush. It is important not only to make the correct concentration of the working solution, but also to know when and in what form it can be used.

In what cases is Bordeaux mixture used

when boros mixture is used

Bordeaux mixture is a solution that contains two separate preparations: lime and copper sulfate. When they are mixed and interact, a "lethal" concentrated liquid is obtained, which destroys the fungus and protects plants from its appearance.

With this solution, fruit and berry, garden and flower crops are processed for treatment and prevention:

  • scab;
  • coccomycosis;
  • clasterosporium disease;
  • anthracnose;
  • perforated spot;
  • rust;
  • gray rot;
  • fruit rot;
  • powdery mildew.

Bordeaux mixture - instructions for use and preparation

Bordeaux mixture componentsFor treatment of cultures use a solution of "strength" 1 or 3%. It is prepared immediately before spraying, mixing the components in strict sequence:

  1. For a 1% solution, 150 g of lime in 5 liters of water are quenched.
  2. 5 liters of hot water are poured into a separate dish and 100 g of copper sulfate are dissolved in it. Allow it to cool to room temperature.
  3. Mix both solutions, slowly pouring vitriol into the milk of lime.

You can extinguish lime in an iron bowl. But vitriol needs to be dissolved only in glass or plastic containers. Otherwise, it will react and lose its properties.

The technology for preparing a 3% solution is the same, only more components are taken: for 400 g of lime, 300 g of copper sulfate. The amount of water remains the same, 5 liters each, which are finally mixed into a common solution.preparation of working solution Bordeaux mixture

With a stronger solution of Bordeaux mixture (3%), cultures are treated to treat already manifested diseases. In this case, you can spray them only in early spring, before bud break. Or in the fall, when the leaves fall. During the growing season, only a 1% solution is used for processing the green mass for treatment or prevention.

What is Bordeaux liquid

bordeaux liquidIn stores, you can still find a liquid preparation in bottles called "Bordeaux liquid". This is a ready-made concentrate of both components, lime and copper sulfate - that is, the same Bordeaux mixture.

The drug just needs to be diluted with water:

  • to obtain a 1% solution - 100 ml per 10 liters of water;
  • preparation of a 3% solution - 250 ml per bucket of water.

Preparation and application of Bordeaux mixture


