We fight aphids on cherries
Unfortunately, black aphids on cherries are quite frequent, especially in neglected gardens, where there is no one to care for the trees and weeds grow under them for pleasure. But even their regular removal will not be able to protect cherries from black aphids, because they can fly from neighbors, spreading their larvae throughout the garden.
A feature of the small pest is its ability to reproduce rapidly: during one season, from 14 to 20 new generations of aphids appear. If you do not take urgent measures, these small insects will soon inhabit the entire garden, and not only cherries. Aphids feed on juice from buds, leaves and young branches, as a result of which the cherry does not receive nutrients. The leaves begin to dry out, and the tree itself gets sick and disappears. In such conditions, it is useless to expect a harvest - if there are berries, then they are small and few. Therefore, it is important to fight pests in a timely manner and know how to spray cherries from aphids in order to save the future harvest and prevent it from destroying the tree.
Season of appearance aphids in the garden - early spring, when young leaves begin to form.
Harmless folk remedies against aphids
If aphids have just appeared on the cherry and have not yet had time to multiply, it will be advisable to spray the cherry with folk remedies. Depending on the time the pests appear, the tree must be treated with the following infusions:
- Before bud break - infusion of onion peel (0.5 kg per bucket of water), aged for 2 days.
- During flowering - infusion of celandine (3 kg of green mass per 10 liters of water), infused for 2 days.
- After flowering - with an ash solution (dilute 300 g with water, boil for 30 minutes and add more water to make 10 l).
Treatment with folk remedies must be repeated after 10 days, as well as after rain.
Aphid preparations
In the case when aphids massively attacked cherries, more effective means will be needed to destroy them. Of the most effective drugs, it is worth highlighting:
- Confidor;
- BI-58 New;
- Karbofos;
- Fufan;
- Aktara;
- Actarin.
The latter can be used while setting berries. All chemicals are applied no more than 3 weeks before harvest.
To prevent the appearance of pests, cherries should be cut off annually, clearing the crown of dried and improperly growing branches, whitewash the trunks lime, and also prevent ants from settling.