Luxurious bromeliad flower with easy home care
Almost all exotic crops require special attention, but not bromeliads, for which home care consists of a few simple procedures. Therefore, the plant increasingly appears on the windowsills of our compatriots. In addition, the flower won the hearts of flora admirers with its unique decorativeness. What attracts bromeliad to itself? What are the most popular varieties? How to grow and propagate a culture? What is the secret to successful home care? Find out what the experts are saying.
An exquisite guest from the tropics
The genus has over 2000 species. For home cultivation, only terrestrial crop varieties are used. The exquisite indoor bromeliad flower is a perennial herbal culture. Thanks to the developed root system, it feels great in a flower pot. The main shoot has a shortened character, but this does not spoil its appearance at all.
Cute glossy leaf plates are painted in deep green. They are compactly assembled into a root leaf rosette. They are shaped like elongated ovals with a scalloped frame. A long shoot grows from the central part. It is crowned with an exquisite capitate, racemose or paniculate inflorescence.
The petals are painted in the following colors:
- scarlet;
- yellow;
- pink;
- Orange;
- lilac;
- coral;
- citric.
When the plant fades, miniature berries or capsules appear. They look very beautiful against the background of green foliage. In the natural environment, the fruits are used to prepare tonic drinks. Some varieties of crops are used as raw materials for the production of natural fiber.
Thanks to the efforts of breeders, bright two-tone specimens appeared.
Bromeliad varieties for every taste
Simple home care of bromeliads has allowed scientists to create many varieties. Let's get acquainted with the most popular options.
Large-crested bromeliad or pineapple
The culture began to be called so because of the lush tuft. First, it is located on top of the inflorescence. Then, it descends to the seed. In the natural environment, large-crested bromeliad occurs up to 100 cm in height. It has long leaves with spiny edges. It blooms with bright buds, which turn into golden fruit. In indoor conditions, the plant is much smaller. However, in beauty it is not inferior to its tropical relatives.
In nature, the species settles on tree trunks, but it receives moisture from the environment. It is this ability of bromeliads that attracts fans of indoor plants. At home guzmania grows up to 50 cm. Its exquisite bracts are a bright decoration. They come in orange, purple, or red. The buds remain on culture for about 60 days, after which they are transformed into bolls.
Ripe seeds can be used to propagate the Guzmania bromeliads.
The eastern part of Brazil is considered the homeland of the variety.There it is found in various shades. Indoor bromeliad Criptanthus does not have a distinct stem. The leaf plates form a bright root rosette. From the outside, they resemble a starfish. The culture is appreciated for the decorative color of the foliage. After flowering, it dies.
For subsequent reproduction, daughter shoots are used.
The variety is popularly called the "shiny sword" for its unusual decorativeness. To date, more than 100 varieties of bright perennial have been bred. From the side, the flower resembles a lush bush without stems.
Depending on the variety, leaf plates are of the following shades:
- dark green;
- striped;
- purple;
- bright purple.
During the period when bromeliad blooms, it looks just gorgeous. Spike buds appear in the 4th year after planting in spring or summer. Some varieties bloom at the end of December, bringing joy to the owners.
A distinctive feature of the variety is the silvery stains on the leaf plates. They resemble fish scales. Usually the spots disappear due to lack of lighting or touching hands. Ehmeya blooms with miniature buds of a pale pink color, which stand out brightly against the background of monochromatic or striped foliage. An adult culture grows up to 50 cm.
The perennial crop is characterized by narrow foliage that forms a compact rosette. At the base, it is colored green. And then a red-brown tint appears, giving the flower a special decorative effect. Tillandsia blooms, like all bromeliads, once in a lifetime. In summer, a spike-shaped inflorescence of a flat shape emerges from the center of the outlet. Its height is about 16 cm, and its width is about 7 cm. The ear is decorated with many blue-blue buds that bloom for only 24 hours. But they bloom alternately within 60 days. It turns out to be an unforgettable sight.
Gourmet bromeliad, home care
An attractive tropical guest can be purchased as a flowering specimen or as a young bush. When choosing an exotic, they carefully check whether there is any damage on it. If the culture is without inflorescence, it is immediately transplanted into a new container. Thanks to this, the plant quickly adapts to a completely new environment. Flowering specimens are left in a pot, but sent to "quarantine". This is how the owners protect other indoor flowers from possible infections that bromelia can bring. Home care consists of traditional treatments. Let's get to know each of them to ensure a decent existence for a tropical guest.
Suitable soil
Before transplanting the exotic into a new container, prepare the substrate. The plant loves light, slightly acidic and drained soil. It is prepared from components:
- peat;
- sand;
- wood ash;
- sphagnum moss;
- coconut fiber;
- expanded clay.
The prepared soil for bromeliads is poured onto a baking sheet and sent to a hot oven. The procedure will help to eliminate pests and pathogenic microorganisms from the substrate.
The plant is best planted in a wide, not very voluminous, but spacious pot.
Habitat, illumination, temperature
The tropical culture grows wonderfully in conditions that resemble the natural environment. Therefore, it is placed in a room with a high level of humidity. It is good if it has an aquarium or air conditioner.
In addition, the plant needs abundant lighting. It should be diffused so that the sun's rays do not leave burns on the plates. A suitable area is the windowsill located on the east side of the house.
In winter, bromeliads need additional lighting. It is made using phytolamp, directing light to the ceiling.
The flower does not like drafts. However, it constantly needs fresh air. Therefore, the room is regularly ventilated. At the same time, the optimum temperature is maintained between 15 and 25 ° C.
Humidification features
Since the bromeliad comes from the rainforest, it is very fond of water. In the summer, it is watered every day. True, they do it in small portions. In order not to flood the indoor culture, a small amount of water is left on the pallet. So that it does not evaporate, pour a little sand or small pebbles. In winter, the plant is moistened once a week.
As you know, the "tropicana" absorbs nutrients not only with the root system, but also with the leaf plates. Therefore, it is sprayed once a month if the room temperature is above 25 ° C.
Artificial procreation
When an exotic gives people his farewell bouquet, the florists understand that it's time to think about new items.
The breeding procedure for bromeliads consists of simple operations:
- observe new shoots for 3 months;
- then they are carefully cut;
- the tips are sprinkled with charcoal;
- dry;
- planted in separate pots.
The container is filled with light soil consisting of peat and sand. Water and leave the seedlings to take root. The process takes about 2 months. Therefore, the sprouts are watered regularly.
Planting of young specimens is carried out from early February to mid-April.
Sometimes it happens that young seedlings do not throw out their buds for a long period. And I really want to see their exotic beauty. Experienced growers know how to artificially make bromeliads bloom. For business, you will need rotted bananas or apples. Fruits are folded in a plastic bag and placed next to the tropical exotic. But before that, thoroughly wipe dry all the sinuses of the leaf plates. Under the influence of fruit vapors, the plant throws out inflorescences faster.
A detailed acquaintance with the tropical beauty arouses appropriate delight. Bright foliage, unusual buds, exotic pineapple. Simple home care for bromeliads encourages you to start a plant on your windowsill. The main thing is to plant a flower on the windows on the east side. Provide it with diffused lighting. Water regularly and propagate wisely.