Brugmansia: common cultivation methods

Once I saw a blooming brugmansia, I just fell ill with this miraculous tree. Tell me how to grow brugmansia at home? Can you do this with a twig?

brugmansia At first glance, brugmansia is not remarkable - an ordinary tree with large leaves is not very often found in private estates. But when the flowering period begins and the entire crown is hung with huge gramophones of the most varied colors, even the great skeptics admit, that brugmansia can become the main decoration of the summer garden. And then they ask themselves the question - how to grow brugmansy? This is not at all difficult to do, if you take into account the generally accepted recommendations of practicing flower growers.

The most common ways to grow brugmansia are:

  • grafting;
  • sowing seeds.

Brugmansia from cuttings

brugmansia cuttings

The easiest and fastest way to grow brugmansia is by cuttings. Rooted cuttings from an adult bush quickly take root, and the young plant blooms earlier.

Cuttings can be harvested both in spring and early autumn, but with spring cuttings, the percentage of planting material survival is much higher.

For cuttings, it is necessary to cut off the branches from the top of the tree, while too long can be divided into parts, leaving shanks 20 cm long.For cuttings, brugmansia is used, which has reached a height of at least 1 m.

Put the finished cuttings in water for rooting or immediately plant them in a nutritious substrate, after removing the lower leaves. When the roots are formed on the cuttings left in the water, they must be transplanted into a separate dish. Plants are transplanted from the substrate when the roots completely fill the container.

Brugmansiya from seed

brugmansia from seed

If it is not possible to take cuttings from an adult plant, you can use the seed method of growing brugmansia, because it is not so difficult to find seed in flower shops.

It should be borne in mind that growing brugmansii from seed will take a long time, since the seeds germinate for a very long time (almost two months). In addition, bloom will only come next year.

You can sow seeds from mid-winter to early spring in fertile soil, previously shed with potassium permanganate. Treat the seeds themselves with a growth stimulator and scratch the surface a little in order to at least slightly accelerate germination. Keep the container under a hood until sprouts appear.

It is necessary to dive the seedlings into a separate dish when up to 5 true leaves are formed on the seedlings. When the roots completely fill the pot, transplant the brugmansia to a permanent place in a large, at least 10 l, tub and leave in the garden until the onset of cold weather.

Video about growing brugmansia through cuttings


