"Sanitaries" for the garden - lacewing
The lacewing helps gardeners to fight small pests. In some countries, these insects are specially bred for the massive destruction of parasites. In the garden or in the garden, they are real "orderlies". However, their presence in the house makes the owners unpleasant. In order to treat them correctly, you need to know what benefits they bring. In this case, you should familiarize yourself with the main methods of dealing with them.
External features
The lacewing is a light green insect. Has either bright or muted color. It has antennae and three legs on both sides. Their distinctive feature is translucent wings. The larvae got their name due to the unusual color of the eyes - gold with a shimmer. It is worth noting that the shiny, blue-veined wings make the insects look luxurious. In this regard, they were given another nickname - fliernits.
Elongated jaws are located at the edge of the head. With their help, she probes vegetation until she finds parasites. Therefore, it can spoil the vegetation.
The oblong body of the larvae, 1.5 cm in size, is covered with small warts, and also has a sparse hairline. Midges move very quickly and dexterously. The protective reaction of the lacewing is the release of a pungent and unpleasant scent. It is he who scares away enemies.
Life activity
When the owners know the peculiarities of the lifestyle and behavior of fliernits, then it will be easier for them to protect their homes from their invasion. It will also help gardeners, on the contrary, create favorable conditions for their breeding. So, the ordinary lacewing has unique behavioral features. Here is some of them:
- the maximum activity of adults is in the evening;
- does not tolerate prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
- settles in shady and damp places: under leaves or in the grass;
- midges begin to crawl out of their shelters in the spring at temperatures above 10 ° C;
- they flock to the bright light of electric lamps, thereby penetrating into the house;
- lay several dozen eggs (on long strings) nearby aphid colonies.
The larvae spend winter in attics, in the crevices of houses or under the bark of trees. If the owners want to get rid of them, then you need to make an effort to pull them out.
These "defenders" can be found in a personal plot or vegetable garden. Those who are engaged in greenhouses should also be attentive to the appearance of flares. Still, experts recommend even adding these "orderlies" to your vegetable garden, garden or greenhouse. They will help get rid of dozens of pests.
In nature, there are two types of midges: predators and non-predatory individuals. The latter feed exclusively on inanimate organisms: aphid secretions, pollen or flower nectar. When asked whether the lacewing is a pest or protector, one can answer unequivocally that it acts for the benefit of gardeners. Its larvae eat over 80 types of pests, such as:
- caterpillars;
- spider mites and other types of mites;
- shields;
- aphid and its larvae;
- moths;
- Colorado potato beetle eggs;
- leafhoppers;
- woodworms;
- mole;
- poisonous spider cocoons.
The midge feeds only on soft-bodied insects. For 7 days, each individual kills up to 200 aphids, insects or eggs. Fecundity of females ranges from 200 to 400 eggs in their life.
Control methods
Outdoors in the natural environment, this insect has a lot of benefits. Nevertheless, the fleur-eater brings troubles to the tenants when it enters the house. It won't be difficult for her to get inside. Its "vehicle" can be either flowers (violets, begonias), or wooden building materials.
The first habitat of midges is indoor flowerpots. Then they settle in furniture and food.
Fleurnice are very tenacious and reproduce quickly enough. Therefore, many are faced with the problem of how to get rid of a lacewing. You can fight these insects with the simplest methods or things:
- Light. In the dark, turn on a lantern on the street and open the windows. She will react to the light and fly out.
- Vacuum cleaner. Collect adults with technique, and strangle the laid eggs.
- Ultrasound. A wave of sound hits the insect's brain, and they fall dead.
- All kinds of sprays. Only then you need to ventilate the room well.
- With solutions. The most reliable is 0.5 l of water and 25 g of vanillin. Sprinkle infected plants once every 7 days.
- High fever. Bring the flowerpot with the larvae to heater, fireplace or convector.
- An adhesive trap. During flight, the midge will touch the tape and hang on it.
Also, the owners of log cottages should sound the alarm when these larvae appear. Their presence testifies to the appearance of carpenter beetles, which destroy the walls or floors of a cobbled house.
However, when destroying a lacewing, one should always remember about its invaluable role in nature. Therefore, it is better to use humane methods to eliminate it.
You are deeply mistaken. The lacewing is the worst pest. Devours leaves on honeysuckle and lilacs. This is noticed not only by me. Many people and even the most famous gardeners know and write about this. Its benefits are written only on Wikipedia, and everyone thoughtlessly takes information from there and places it on their sites.
Vladimir, seeing the eaten leaves and lacewings on them, many believe that the lacewings have eaten them too, whereas thanks to the lacewing and other beneficial insects, the leaves were not completely eaten, which is not to say about the leaf-eating small insects included in the lacewings menu. They do not feed on the foliage of lacewings, but adults love sweet secretions from plants and their flowers, but did you know that many plants, with an excess of moisture, remove it through the mouths of the leaves - the so-called GUTTATION, and when the lacewing eats sweet secretions, then it also seems interested in foliage - I assure you, Vladimir is not interested in gold-eyed foliage as food, it is a predator and voracious, especially its larvae, which need to be eaten continuously for growth.