How and how to treat grape diseases?

Grapes need treatment Like any crops, grapes are susceptible to many diseases. Sometimes this is due to improper care, and sometimes bad weather makes adjustments. In any case, you need to know the enemy in person and be able to fight him.

Diseases of grapes: description, signs

It is customary to divide grape diseases into several categories: fungal and viral. The first is the most famous and widespread. To cure infected bushes, fungicides are required. The second category is the most serious. In most cases, processing does not help, you have to completely remove the bushes, as well as observe quarantine measures.

Fungal diseases of grapes

  • Mildew grapes
    Mildew (downy mildew). The most common fungal disease of grapes. It manifests itself in the form of yellow spots and gray (moldy) plaque. Affected areas dry out quickly without proper treatment. The disease develops with lightning speed in wet weather. It is impossible to completely cure such a plant - the fungus is inside. It is possible only with the help of special drugs to prevent the course of the disease.
  • OidiumOidium (powdery mildew) is the second most common fungal disease. Affected leaves are covered with a gray bloom. The disease can occur at any time of the summer. A favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria is the air temperature within +25 degrees. Oddly enough, torrential rains can stop the spread of the disease. If the plant is severely damaged, the skin of the berries begins to crack, and the fruits become unusable. If you do not take any measures in time, you can be left without a crop, and after 2-3 years completely forget about the existence of the vineyard.
  • Alternaria is a fungal disease. The main sign is the presence of brown or silvery spots on the plant. Leaves, fruits, petioles, and also shoots are susceptible to the disease. If the blow fell on the berries, then they are covered with a white film, shrink and quickly deteriorate. A protracted spring is a favorable condition for the rapid development of Alternaria.
  • Vine bacterial cancerBacterial cancer is a fungal disease that mainly affects the vine. A clear sign is the growths that appear on the shoots. There are no remedies that would help heal the plant. Therefore, it is better to pull out the affected bush and burn it immediately. It is noteworthy that grapes cannot be planted in its place for three years.
  • Apoplexy is a disease in which there is a sharp death of the plant. Experts explain this phenomenon by the fact that pathogens arise in the plant that produce toxins. They then destroy the plant. Weakened bushes are most susceptible to this disease.
  • Gray rotGray rot is a fungal disease. It appears as a gray bloom. It can form on absolutely everything: shoots, antennae, inflorescences, fruits, etc. The crop is not fit for food. It is especially dangerous when the fungus forms on grapes. All fruits can be affected from one infected berry.
  • White rot - a clear sign of the disease, it is a white bloom on the stem and berries of the plant. Most often, the fungus occurs after hail - when the plant is damaged. Infected berries change color and subsequently fall off.
  • Black rotBlack rot is a disease in which purple spots form on the leaves and berries. Over time, they grow, and the affected areas shrink and fall off.
  • Verticilliasis - characterized by the rapid wilting of the shoots. In the acute form, yellowing and leaf fall are observed. The plant can become infected through damaged branches or through the ground.In the soil, the fungus persists for about 4-5 years, therefore, it is not recommended to plant grapes in an infected place during this time.
  • Armillariasis is a clear sign of the disease - wilting of leaves and root damage (they become rotten and acquire a brown tint). Usually these signs appear in the spring, and in the fall, yellow mushrooms grow on the dead bushes.

Viral diseases of grapes

Viral diseases are poorly understood today. The disease can be caused by a certain group of viruses. In particular, we are talking about infectious chlorosis, yellow mosaic, mosaic rezuha, etc. The main signs that may indicate a plant infection with a virus include:

  • Slow bush development;
  • Dying off of inflorescences;
  • Twisting or any deformation of the sheets;
  • Unusual color of leaves, for example, variegated;
  • Cracking wood.

Unfortunately, no measures will help in this case. The affected bush is simply uprooted and burned. The infected site is not used for new plantings for at least 5 years.

Getting rid of diseases: a list of the most effective drugs

The list of drugs that help fight grape diseases is quite a lot. Now we will talk about the most famous and effective ones.

Strobi fungicide: instructions for use for grapes

 Protection for grapes StrobiStrobi fungicide is a drug designed to fight fungal diseases. These include:

  • Late blight;
  • Peronosporosis;
  • Rust;
  • Powdery mildew.

It should be noted that this tool has many advantages. In particular, the preparation is safe for insects (this circumstance is important for beekeepers), and it can also be used during flowering.

Principle of action: the active ingredient is kresoxim-methyl. It lays down evenly on the leaf surface and creates a gaseous shell that protects the plant surface.

Application: a 10-liter bucket of water requires 5 g of "Strobi". It is necessary to treat the plant evenly with the prepared working solution. This should be done early in the morning on a sunny day.

 It is recommended to use the prepared product no later than 2 hours after its preparation. Otherwise, the long-awaited effect may not be achieved.

 During the season, processing is done 2 times (this is quite enough). The interval between them should be 10-14 days. The final treatment should be carried out at least one month before harvest.

Ridomil Gold: instructions for use for grapes

Ridomil drugThis drug has also become widespread. It is effective against mildew.

Principle of action: in the composition of "Ridomil Gold" there are such components as mancoceb, mefenoxam. The first protects the surface of the leaves, while the second penetrates the grape bush and thereby provides it with internal protection. After treatment, the plant will be fully protected for 2 weeks.

Application: To prepare a working solution, you will need 10 g of a product for 4 liters. water. Treatment takes place by spraying the working fluid on the plant. It is desirable to carry out this action during the growing season. The interval between spraying is 10-14 days. The last treatment must be done at least 2 weeks before harvest.

Ridomil Gold is a prophylactic agent. It helps prevent disease... If the plant is already infected, then first you should use a curative fungicide, and after it (after about 7-10 days), resort to the use of "Ridomil".

Topaz: instructions for use for grapes

Topaz preparationThis drug is effective against powdery mildew, oidium. It is produced in the form of an emulsion in ampoules.

Principle of action: after treatment, the active ingredient - penconazole, is quickly absorbed by the plant.Having penetrated inside, the agent does not allow the formation of new mushrooms. If the use of "Topaz" occurred at an early stage of the disease, then the effect will be most noticeable.

Application: one ampoule is enough for a 10 liter bucket. The prepared solution should be sprayed with plants affected by the fungus. It is best to do this early in the morning or in the evening in dry and calm weather. Re-processing of grape bushes can be done in 10-14 days.

During the preparation of the working solution, some safety measures must be observed. In particular, the use of special safety glasses and gloves is recommended.

Tiovit jet: instructions for use for grapes

The drug Tiovit Jet"Tiovit Jet" for grapes is in no way inferior in efficiency to the above means. He copes well with powdery mildew.

The active ingredient of the drug is sulfur. It is sold in the form of granules. The weight of one package, as a rule, is about 800 g.

Principle of action: when it hits the plant, sulfur is released, it then gets on the disease-causing cells and completely destroys them after a few hours.

Treatment with the drug should be carried out in warm weather. If the temperature is low, the sulfur will not evaporate, which means that the desired effect will not follow.

Application: Jet is very economical to use: 30-80 gr is enough for a 10-liter bucket of water. substances. Treatment is carried out by spraying, mainly in the morning. The drug can be used up to 5 times per season. When using the drug, do not forget to ensure that the working solution is evenly distributed over the surface of the sheet. Jet will start to work in about 2 hours after spraying.

Quadris: instructions for use for grapes

Quadris preparation for grapesQuadris - the use of this drug for grapes is very common. This is because it can help get rid of many diseases. Among them:

  • powdery mildew;
  • mildew, oidium;
  • alternaria;
  • late blight;
  • peronosporosis.

Application: The drug can be used both for prophylaxis and for the direct fight against the disease that has arisen. It is better to process (sprinkle) plants in the morning hours, when the sun's rays are not yet so merciless. The main feature of this remedy is that it must be alternated with other drugs. For example, you can first treat the plants with Quadris, then Horus, and then again with Quadris.

Principle of action: "Quadris" has a unique effect on the treated plant. Getting to the affected areas, it can nullify the disease that has arisen within 3 days.

The advantage of Quadris is that it combines well with many drugs. For 100% result, the product can be mixed with Ridomil, Topaz or Revus. The second undoubted plus is that this drug shows good results in wet weather, therefore, it copes well with fungal diseases.

Do not carry out treatment when the foliage surface is wet or precipitation is expected in the near future.

And one more important point - repeated use of the drug is allowed no earlier than 2-3 weeks.

Summing up, let's make an important note: the disease is easier to prevent. At the moment when the plant is already infected and clear signs of the disease began to appear on it, there is less hope for a good outcome. Of course, one must be prepared for the fact that even if the grape bush is lucky enough to recover, the yield will still decrease. In any case, the use of fungicides is justified and sometimes is the only way out of this situation.

Video about protecting grapes from diseases with fungicides

  1. Natalia

    I see that the grapes are beginning to become covered with gray bloom and dark spots, most likely powdery mildew. And tomorrow rain is expected for a day, bad weather. 3 days ago I treated it with colloidal sulfur, is it expedient today, before the rain, to treat Tiovit Jet or is it useless?

    • Natali

      I think it's useless. Better right after rain. This year the grapes are very sick. It is necessary to use both contact and systemic drugs. After rain, it is better to treat with contact.

  2. Camille

    Hello!!! Please advise me how to deal with mildew, iodium, black rot and whitefly butterfly, how many times should I spray, what should I mix?

    • Natali

      Hello! The article describes well all the recommendations for the processing of grapes for a particular disease. The only thing that can be added is the rules for conducting treatments with systemic and contact drugs. Treatment with systemic fungicides is carried out in the spring on unblown buds, after the formation of berries and in the fall after harvest. Contact fungicides are used after each heavy rain and fog, during prolonged rains.

  3. Helena

    Hello. Very small white pimples appeared on the back of the leaves. Neither the color nor the shape of the leaf has changed. What it can be and how to deal

    • Natali

      I would like to see a sick plant. Where are the problems on the leaves?

    • Olga

      The plant may be affected by downy mildew. It is necessary to remove all leaves with a large area of ​​damage from the bush, and treat the remaining leaves on the back of the leaf with a fungicide according to the instructions on the package.

  4. Valentine

    The tips of the leaves of the grapes rose up, the leaf itself wrinkled a little, see the photo, what is it? How to process?

    • Natali

      It looks like starting anthractosis. Treatment with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid is recommended.

  5. Glory

    please tell me what kind of disease it is and how is sney fighting

    • Natali

      This is not a disease, but traces of pests. Look closely at the bottom of the sheet plates. Careful processing of grapes with ridomil or a grape protection complex is required. If you don't want to use chemicals, try folk remedies for insects, aphids, midges, whiteflies. I like the action of the ammonia solution. For 10 liters, you will need 30 ml of alcohol and 1/3 of laundry soap. Pay special attention to the bottom of the foliage.

  6. Glory

    ridomil affect the fetus

    • Natali

      Then only folk remedies remain. Ammonia repels insects. The soda solution works as a disinfectant. Use it. Hydrogen peroxide, iodine does not harm the fruit. To disinfect vegetables, I use a solution of 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and 30 drops of iodine per 10 liters. This protects the plants from disease.

  7. Glory

    What can you say about grapes from Muromets, they advised me to

    • Natali

      It is a table grape used mainly for making dessert wines. Medium ripening. Resistant to frost, the bush develops rapidly. It is difficult to tolerate the defeat of mildew and gray rot. It is necessary to do preventive treatments. Diseases spread quickly and are virtually untreatable.

  8. Glory

    and what can you advise an early and tasty variety that is not afraid of diseases

    • Natali

      Resistant grape varieties have been bred: oidium practically does not affect Aligote, Chardonnay, Libya, Harold, Lilla, Kishmish, Merlot, Charlie, Rylines Pinks Sidlis, White miracle, Vera.

  9. Glory

    which one is better

    • Natali

      To each his own. The site has articles describing the grape varieties. Read it.

  10. Glory

    tell me, at the moment, you can feed the grapes or not, very few bunches grow poorly

    • Natali

      It is possible and necessary to feed, but this year there will be no more berries. Fertilizing will help your grapes grow stronger and grow a good vine.

  11. Glory

    what is better to feed and in the spring I did not feed, only poured saltpeter

  12. Vitaly

    Please tell me what this disease is and how to treat it

  13. Glory

    good evening, on my grapes, on the old and on the new, white spots appeared on the back of the leaves on the photo it looks like mildew how to deal with it

    • Olga

      This is mildew. The drugs and methods of their use against the disease are described in great detail in the article above.

  14. lyudmila

    grape fruits the size of beans, the better to deal with Mildew at this stage, so that there is less harm to the crop and more effective

    • Natali

      During the ripening of grapes, chemical preparations cannot be used. From folk remedies use 1. Soda solution - 20 g of soda per 5 liters of cold water. 2. A solution of potassium permanganate - for 10 liters of water 1 tsp of potassium permanganate (process the back of the leaves). 3. Infusion of wood ash - pour 1 kg of ash with 10 liters of cold water and leave for up to 8 days. Process once a week. 4. Add 100 g of chopped garlic to 10 liters of water and boil. Insist for a day.

  15. lyudmila

    Thank you Natalie! Another question. You can now shorten long vines, they are almost 2.5 meters, I'm afraid they will cling to the electric wire.

    • Natali

      Yes, shorten it. This applies to summer green jobs. I pinch all points of growth, which allows the vine to become stronger and ripen to frost.

  16. Sergey

    Is it possible now to process grapes from Bordeaux powdery mildew with liquid

    • Natali

      Bordeaux liquid is a chemical preparation. The choice is yours. I do not process any chemicals during this period. The technology allows the last treatment with chemicals 20 days before the grapes ripen. I have doubts on this score. If an apple or pear can be rubbed with a brush, then there is a problem with grapes. There is no desire to use Bordeaux mixture. Even when processing grapes for wine, there is still a risk.

  17. Ilmira

    Grapes affected by powdery mildew can be consumed

    • Natali

      We carefully select berries that are free of plaque. We rinse with soda water and rinse with running water. We use it fresh.

  18. Nikolay

    Hello! Please tell me. At the end of the young vine of this year, the bark is covered with spots or scabs. Then the vine seems to empty, becomes soft and accordingly dies, but not all, and the spawn goes from the tip, sometimes to the middle. In different varieties. Help identify the disease and how to deal with it. Thank!

  19. Nikolay

    A photo

  20. Nikolay

    Photo 3

  21. Natalia

    Hello, can you find out how the sore on the leaf is called correctly, is it a disease or pests? In five meters, a neighbor's grapes, I don't want to harm the neighbors and save my bush. The spots appeared two days ago. Thank.

    • Natali

      The plant is affected by mildew. You probably missed the spring treatment with copper or iron sulfate. Now it is necessary to remove the affected foliage as much as possible and burn it. Treat the bush with 1% or 0.8% copper sulfate solution. If you don't want to use copper sulphate, try working with baking soda, diluting 4 tbsp. l soda. True, in this case, you will have to repeat the treatment after 14 days.

  22. Natalia

    My leaf from previous posts

  23. Dmitry-Odessa

    Help identify the disease. Thank you.

    • Natali

      This is leaf chlorosis. Apply Iron Chelate.

  24. Dmitry-Odessa

    Isn't that anthracnose? Here's another photo

  25. Dmitry-Odessa

    one more thing…

    • Natali

      If there is no change in leaf color, then most likely anthracnose. The first photo looked more like chlorosis. In the last 2 photos, there is more of a deep defeat with anthracnose. Severely affected leaves are best removed. After that, use chemicals or baking soda solution (4 tablespoons per 10 liters of water + soap solution.

  26. Vladimir

    Hello dear grape connoisseurs. I am still a beginner winegrower. Here is such a sore as in the attached photo. Unfortunately, from what is presented about the disease, I could not determine the disease. Please help. Sincerely, Vladimir.

    • Marina

      Vladimir, have you determined the name of the sore? We found the same on our grapes a few days ago. And what is the name - we do not know. If you found out, please write.

  27. Igor

    What is the disease

    • Natali

      This is phylloxera. The affected leaves are plucked and burned. They are treated with drugs against phylloxera with systemic lesions - Marshal, Confidor, Aktellik, Zolon, Mitak.

  28. Vladimir

    Help identify disease determine treatment

    • Natali

      To accurately determine the disease, it is necessary to see the entire bush and the condition of the berries. Chlorosis begins on the leaves. Grapes lack iron. In such cases, I carry out the treatment with iron chelate once a week until the result appears.

  29. Irina

    Hello please help to recognize the disease of grapes. Such a bad name for all grape varieties. Please tell me when you can spray it and what preparations. And what can be fed, and is it possible to sprinkle it now.

    • Natali

      Now it will not be possible to save the harvest. all affected bumps and leaves will need to be removed. In autumn, process with copper and iron sulfate. If there are fruits not yet affected by mildew and powdery mildew, you can treat it with a baking soda solution. For 10 liters of water, take 4 tbsp. l of baking soda.

  30. Dmitry-Odessa

    Please tell me. After processing the leaves and fruits of grapes. After how many days can grapes be eaten? They say that after a while the grapes take drugs out of themselves?

    • Natali

      After treatment with chemicals, the fruits can be consumed at least 20 days later.

  31. Yuri

    Please tell me what kind of disease it is, why it appears and how to deal with it. In my vineyard, more and more bushes are amazed every year, and, interestingly, in different parts of the vineyard.

    • Natali

      This is bacterial cancer. There are still no drugs that can defeat this fungal disease. It is recommended to destroy diseased plants. It is impossible to plant other grapes in place of the uprooted bush for at least 3 years. As a prophylaxis - autumn and spring treatment with iron sulfate (you can use copper sulfate). At the same time, start the treatment from the top of the bush and finish with the root zone, clearing the upper part of the roots from the soil.

  32. Vvictor

    Thanks to your article, I almost recognized the disease - anthracnose injury. I would like to confirm the diagnosis and advice: what can be urgently done now, during the ripening of fruits (ready to sacrifice the harvest) and what to do in the future?

    • Natali

      Yes, it's anthracnose. If you decide to donate your crop, use a broad spectrum fungicide. Follow the instructions on the packaging. I would try to work with hydrogen peroxide to taste the berries this year. The disease has spread, so the dosage will be strict. The usual pharmacy 3% peroxide is diluted 1:10. The berries can withstand this solution. 10 liters of water will require 5 200 ml bottles. The next year, start peroxide treatment with a vine length of 30 cm.for prevention. Add 300 ml of peroxide to 10 liters of water. at least 6 treatments per season. The result is excellent - the grapes do not get sick at all. This year, in the fall, after the foliage has fallen, treat it with copper sulfate with 35 solution.

  33. Vvictor

    Tell me, is this anthracnose? This photo seems to be better seen

    • Vvictor

      Many thanks!

  34. Svetlana

    Hello! Tell me. please, in the fall of 2017, we planted a 2-year-old grape, it grows very well, formed, but how long should the shoot leave?

  35. Vladimir

    Hello, please tell me what kind of disease and how to treat it. Almost all bushes have such leaves. What is it?

    • Natali

      Add a photo.

  36. Vladimir


    • Natali

      It is not clear what is on the bottom of the leaves. On the spots above it looks like a rubella lesion. Copper or iron sulfate is used to fight.

  37. Irina

    Hello, please help with advice. Brown spots appeared on young stems of grapes and berries, what is it and how to fight? Thank.

    • Natali

      To pinpoint grape disease, you need to see the defeat It can be both mildew and powdery mildew or other diseases.

  38. Irina

    Good evening, yesterday I asked for help with stains on the stems and berries of grapes, today I am attaching a photo (the leaves are clean without spots). Thank you.

    • Natali

      This is powdery mildew or powdery mildew. The disease is easier to prevent than to fight its manifestation. The harvest cannot be saved this year. In the fall, after the foliage has fallen, it is necessary to process the bushes with copper or iron sulfate. Repeat the treatment in spring.

  39. Marina

    Good afternoon, please tell me what the disease is and how to treat it. Young bush 2 years old. Harvest has not yet been


