Last autumn work in the garden - how to process garlic before planting for the winter

Last year, my garlic beds got pretty sick, I don't even know what, but less than half rose. Or some kind of disease killed, or pests. It is already time to plant again, and I really would not like a repetition of the situation. How to process garlic before planting for the winter? If I just soak it with potassium permanganate, will that be enough, or do I need some special preparations?

how to process garlic before planting for the winter The winter garlic planted in autumn pleases with an early harvest and large cloves. And so that this is really so, and the culture does not suffer from fungi and various insects, it is important to know how to process garlic before planting for the winter. Often, a culture already has signs of incipient bacteriosis. The causes of bacterial rot can be different, for example, garlic was dug up early or stored incorrectly. But the saddest thing is that this disease, if nothing is done, will be transmitted to new plants that will grow from garlic cloves. Therefore, preventive treatment is not only a desirable procedure, but also a mandatory one. If there is even the slightest doubt, it is better to play it safe in advance. Moreover, this is not so difficult to do, because every summer resident has most of the funds at home.

How to process garlic before planting for the winter - folk ways

soaking garlic in ash lye before planting

Many gardeners, especially for preventive purposes, use more gentle processing options. For example, the following have worked well:

  1. Plain rock salt, 1 tbsp l. for 1 liter of water. Soak the garlic for 20 minutes.
  2. Ash, especially from birch or pine wood. For 3 liters of water 3 tbsp. ash, heat up, allow to cool and settle. Collect clear ash liquor and soak the cloves in it for 2 hours.
  3. Potassium permanganate. Soak for 5-10 minutes in a pink solution.
  4. Birch tar - saves from onion flies and diseases. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a liter of water. l. tar and soak the garlic for 3 hours.

Soaking in ash lye will kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, to destroy nematodes, and secondly, it is a natural fertilizer, thanks to which garlic grows better.

Chemicals for pre-planting garlic

soaking garlic in maximIf there are obvious signs of illness, it is better to call for heavy artillery. If you follow the instructions and do everything correctly, there will be no harm to the garlic, but the fungus will be completely destroyed.

The following drugs are most effective against bacteriosis and other diseases of garlic:

  1. Copper sulfate. Dissolve 5 g of the preparation in a liter of water, soak in garlic for 10 minutes and dry.
  2. Fitosporin... Prepare a concentrated solution of 0.5 l of water and 10 g of the drug. Then take 1 tsp. this concentrate and dilute it in a liter of water. Soak the teeth for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Maksim. Soak the planting material for 30 minutes in a solution of a liter of water and one ampoule of the drug.

How to prepare garlic for winter planting and how to process it


