Getting ready for a new season in the garden: how to process peonies in spring
For your peonies to bloom luxuriantly and every year, they must be healthy. And the health of plants depends, first of all, on strong immunity and prevention of diseases, as well as good nutrition. Therefore, it is important for every gardener to know how to process peonies in spring. Preventive fungicide treatments can help reduce the risk of developing fungal diseases. And fertilizing with fertilizers will provide peonies with nutrients that are needed for the growth of bushes and the formation of flower stalks.
How to process peonies in spring from diseases and pests
To treat flowers against fungi:
- in early spring, spill the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate;
- after germination - spray young shoots and the soil under it with a fungicide, for example, Previkur;
- the grown bushes are treated with the preparation Topsin-M (it can be applied in warm weather, during flowering, every 2 weeks).
To prevent and get rid of pests (beetles, caterpillars, ants), spray plants with insecticides. The drugs Fufanon, Iskra, Karbofos work well.
How to feed peonies
Young one-year-old peonies do not need feeding. Their root system is still small and does not require much. It will be quite enough for the season of those fertilizers that you added when planting. Begin feeding for such bushes from the second year of life.
You need to take care of the nutrition of adult garden beauties already at the beginning of spring, as soon as they show their sprouts. In general, all feeding can be divided into four stages:
- When sprouts appear, apply nitrogen fertilizers under them. It can be ammonium nitrate (20 g per 1 sq. M.), A small amount of wood ash. After a couple of weeks, feed the flowers with organic matter. Peonies respond well to mullein solution (1 part concentrate for 10 parts of water).
- During the budding phase, feed the bushes with phosphorus-potassium preparations, adding them to the water when watering. For example, one bush will need 25 g of nitrophoska.
- During flowering, treat the peonies on the leaf with Plantafol (marked 20.20.20.). Such treatments can be done every 10 days in the evening.
- After flowering, peonies need potassium. It will help them winter better and lay new flower buds for the next season. If your soil is alkaline, add potassium sulfate, if acidic, add ash.
Best of all, peonies absorb fertilizers in liquid form. Just do not forget to water them a little beforehand so that the ground is moist.
Peonies in spring: processing, feeding, treatment