How to process grain from weevils and save the harvest

Tell me how to process grain from a weevil? We have a small land share, we used to lease it, but for the last couple of years we have been processing it ourselves. We have built a large hangar, where we take the crops for storage. This spring, they were unpleasantly surprised to find that a significant part of the wheat left for sowing is infected with a pest. Of course, I had to throw it away and buy new planting material. What drugs are there for weevil? I would not like a repetition of the situation, besides, it is also unnecessary financial losses.

how to process grain from weevil In agriculture, losses from damage by weevils account for up to 30% of the crop. The question of how to process grain from a weevil always remains relevant, because it is one of the most dangerous pests. Small bugs hide in secluded corners of the warehouse and begin to actively multiply during the warm season. During the winter, they destroy wheat, barley, corn, buckwheat and other grain crops. Moreover, it is impossible to notice insects, because weevils develop and grow inside the grains themselves. Why are they dangerous, and how to preserve the harvest?

"Harmful properties" of weevil


The life cycle of the beetle lasts up to 5 months, during which time it lays up to 300 eggs. Females gnaw a grain, hide an egg there and seal the course with a flour plug. Growing up, the larvae completely eat away the grain from the inside, leaving only a shell. In less than a month, the younger generation emerges from the devastated grain and continues to spoil the remaining stocks. Up to 4 generations of insects can grow in a granary per year.

Weevils differ in that they can adapt to conditions. They need warmth to develop, but when the temperature drops, they simply hibernate. As soon as it gets warmer, the larvae continue to develop again. Pests can die only if the temperature in the storage drops below 5 ° frost.

Is it possible to get rid of the pest without the use of chemicals

damaged grainIf the pests have not yet managed to infect most of the grain, you can try to carry out the following measures:

  1. In winter, in dry weather, ventilate the warehouses so that the room temperature drops to -10 ° C, controlling the humidity.
  2. Sift the grain on a sieve or move it with aspiration preparations.

How to process grain from a weevil

treatmentWhatever they say, but chemical treatment remains one of the most effective ways to combat weevils. It is carried out by special organizations by processing grain and premises with certain preparations. Most often, two methods of disinfection are used:

  1. Aerosol. It consists in spraying the premises with insecticides such as Karate, Actellik, Fufanon, Arrivo.
  2. Gas. Special tablets are placed in the grain that neutralize pests, or they are fumigated with gas. Alfos, Fostoksin, Foskom, Magtoksin are used against the weevil.

Aerosol disinfection is more suitable for grain intended for sowing the next season. The crop processed in this way cannot be sold for a long time, but it will be well preserved until spring.

Gas fumigation of grain to protect against weevil - video


