How to spray a nut in the spring from diseases and pests

Tell me how to spray a nut in spring? In our country house there are several young trees that have only recently begun to bear fruit. In the fall, I noticed that on one of them the leaves were covered with brown spots. Treated with copper sulfate. The rest of the trees seem to be healthy for now, but I would like to protect them.

how to spray a nut in spring Walnut in general is one of the most hardy crops, but even it is not immune from various diseases and pests. If you want to preserve your future harvest, it is important to know how to spray the nut in the spring. After all, this period is the most favorable for preventive treatment of the garden. Timely spraying with the necessary preparations will help protect trees from diseases and pests. And if the trouble did happen, it is all the more necessary to start treatment on time in order to prevent the death of the plant.

How to spray a nut in spring from diseases

nut bacteriosis

One of the most common nut diseases is bacteriosis. It manifests itself in the spring, when young leaves begin to bloom on the branches. At first, small dark spots appear on them. Over time, the spots grow larger, spreading along the veins, until the entire leaf darkens and dries up. Young shoots also get sick. On them, the spots have an elongated shape, and then the branch bends and dries completely, without developing. If the disease manifests itself at the fruiting stage, then it affects the fruits themselves, leading to their shedding.

Another "scourge" of nuts is marsoniasis or bacterial spotting. It also appears in the form of spots, only they are first white, and then darken. The disease begins its development at the tops of the branches, eventually affecting the entire shoot. It dries up, and the kernels of the fruit begin to rot.

bordeaux mixYou can save walnut plantings from these diseases if you spray the trees four times Bordeaux liquid, namely:

  • when the kidneys are just beginning to open;
  • before flowering;
  • at the end of flowering;
  • at the stage of fruit formation.

When spraying for the first time, the concentration of the working solution should be 3%. In the next three times, a 1% solution is enough. For maximum effect, urea (0.3%) can be added.

Spring processing of nuts from pests

nut miteNuts are most loved by pests such as:

  • wart mite;
  • miner moth (speckled);
  • American white butterfly;
  • apple moth.

lepidocideFor prevention and if these insects are found, it is better to spray trees with biological products, for example, Lepidocide. In this case, it is important to have time to do this before flowering. If the moment is missed and there are too many insects, you can use a single treatment with Decis Profi.

Spring sprinkling of nuts with copper sulfate - video


