What are the benefits of peas grown in your garden
According to paleobotanists and historians, peas can rightfully be called the most ancient culture used by humans for food. Dry petrified peas are found in layers dating back to the Bronze Age. And thanks to their amazing unpretentiousness, amicable harvest and nutritional properties, peas quickly spread from the Middle East and Mediterranean and to other regions of the world.
In Russia, peas have been cultivated for a long time, and in our country preference is traditionally given to shelling varieties, while in the southern regions of Europe sugar varieties are more common. At the same time, peas are rich in nutrients and biologically active substances, and in some cases can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. What are the health benefits of peas and how can you best take advantage of them?
The composition and calorie content of peas
In terms of the amount of protein and its quality, the legume culture is superior to beef, but it is easier to digest and even one and a half times more nutritious than this type of meat.
Sugar juicy pods and peas are considered the most valuable dietary product. What are the benefits of green peas in pods, and how is their composition different from dry ripe beans? There are about 300 kcal per 100 grams of peas, and of this weight, 20.5 grams are proteins, 49.5 grams are carbohydrates, and only 2 grams are fats.
What are the benefits of peas consumed in the form of soups, cereals, canned food and salads?
- The vitamins contained in peas are beta-carotene, vitamins A, E, H, B1 and B2, B5, B6 and B9, PP and choline.
- The mineral composition of the fruit includes calcium, iron and zinc, copper and iodine, sodium and magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur, manganese, selenium and chromium.
- Fresh pods contain chlorophyll and amino acids that are beneficial to humans.
Green peas, which are most beneficial for the body, are leading in the amount of sugars, which are converted into starch when ripe.
And the vitamins in dry peas are much less than in healthy green peas in the pods.
Useful properties of peas
Inclusion in the diet peas, the beneficial properties of which are capable of beneficially affecting the performance of many systems and internal organs, becomes a serious help in providing the body with energy and in the fight against various diseases. Even a small amount of peas in the menu has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and vascular system, helps to normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients and reduce the risk of developing a heart attack.
Dishes with the addition of legumes have a pronounced choleretic property.
No other plant can match peas in their ability to deal with cholesterol harmful to blood vessels so effectively. Only 100 grams of green peas in the pods, and the benefits in the form of a daily dose of vitamin PP, in the prevention of asthma attacks and exacerbations of atherosclerosis becomes evident. In addition, nicotinic acid is the body's natural defender against cancer.
In addition, dishes made from tender green peas are an excellent prophylactic agent that supports liver function and helps to overcome anemia and some heart problems.The beneficial properties of green peas are used by folk medicine for diabetes and tuberculosis, diseases of the nervous and immune systems, as well as for the risk of obesity. For therapeutic, preventive and culinary purposes, not only juicy green and ripe peas are used, but also bean blades, as well as young shoots.
Pea greens are used to make vitamin snacks and salads.
A decoction of shoots and pods is an effective diuretic used in inflammatory processes and urolithiasis.
The benefits of peas for the body are obvious if a person has digestive problems. For example, pea puree, which does not irritate the gastric mucosa and effectively lowers acidity, will be very useful for those who suffer from peptic ulcer disease. And the fiber contained in the pods of green peas is useful if it is necessary to cleanse the intestines from toxins. Therefore, pea dishes can be safely included in the menu for those who want to lose weight and improve the body.
Pea flour is no less effective, when using just a spoonful of which, for a day, you can forget about constipation and sluggish digestion.
Among the beneficial properties of green peas is the ability to quickly increase brain performance and supply all body systems with energy, which is extremely important for children, adolescents and people of active age. In addition, dishes with fresh peas stimulate metabolic processes, stimulate growth and maintain muscle tone. All this is the merit of thiamine, which is part of the vitamin composition of peas.
Getting into the body of adult gardeners, thiamine slows down the natural aging processes and becomes a natural defense of cells from adverse environmental factors.
What else are green peas in pods useful for? So this is a powerful action aimed at stopping the development of tumor processes and diseases.
Pea broth has the ability to relieve toothache, and vitamins and trace elements that get into the liquid from beans and shoots help to strengthen the gums and relieve inflammation. But with all the benefits of fresh peas, and the harm from eating the beans of this culture is possible, if you do not take into account the existing contraindications and the characteristics of your own body.
For headaches, pea flour will be useful, which is taken two tablespoons before meals. The same remedy can be used in therapy aimed at lowering sugar levels. The flour consumed daily improves blood flow to the brain and metabolism. However, the benefit peas for the body is not limited to the influence on the work of internal organs. This natural source of minerals and vitamins can and should be used externally, for example, when solving cosmetic and skin problems.
Useful properties of peas in cosmetology
In this area, the benefits of green peas in pods and already ripe dried grains are most obvious. Lotions with pea flour have long established themselves as an effective remedy for eczema, abscesses and inflammatory processes on the skin.
Pea flour, mixed in equal parts with milk, is a refreshing mask that neutralizes excess activity of the sebaceous glands. If you add olive oil and egg yolk to flour, then such a composition will soften and nourish the skin in the autumn-winter season. The beneficial properties of green peas, mashed, depending on the type of skin, with sour cream or cream, help restore tone to the face and gently whiten.
Women of mature age can use masks with peas to relieve puffiness and return a youthful face contour. And green peas will help young beauties cope with acne.
In the presence of a mass of useful properties, there are also contraindications to the use of peas and dishes from it. Most of them are associated with the ability to cause violent gas separation.It is possible to soften, and in some cases completely remove such an unpleasant effect by soaking the peas for a couple of hours in ordinary water before cooking. This will not affect the useful qualities of the raw product and the taste of the finished dish, but it will remove the unpleasant consequences of its use.
Adding dill or fennel to the water where the beans are boiled will add a spicy flavor to the dish, enhance the benefits of peas, and neutralize the harm.
And yet, those who suffer from acute inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary sphere and digestion will have to reduce the amount of peas in the diet or exclude this product completely, as well as legumes can cause exacerbation of gout, cholecystitis and thrombophlebitis.
Peas contain high quality protein, so they are included in a protein powder blend. There will be no side effects from the use of such powders, unlike mixtures that contain dairy products or soy.
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