Why is oregano useful for women's and men's health?
Miraculous spicy grass grows on the mountain hills, covering their slopes with a thick green carpet. Although oregano (Italian name) is used as a spice, it is still worth learning how oregano is good for the health of both men and women. Dried leaves and flowers are used for medicinal purposes. Teas, decoctions, tinctures and other potions are made from them.
Materinka (Russian name) is famous for its magnificent aroma, which gives piquancy and spice to dishes. Thanks to the huge amount of essential oils, the seasoning gives a breathtaking smell.
Familiarity with the chemical composition
The greenery and inflorescences of the plant contain more than 1.5% volatile oily substances. The use of oregano in folk medicine is due to the high content of medicinal oils. Studies show that the herb contains the following esters:
- sesquiterpenes (from 12.5%);
- thymol - within 10%;
- phenolic acids (12-20%);
- garanyl acetate, which is a monoterpenoid, does not exceed 5%;
- free alcohols are more than 15%;
- kervacrol - about 20%.
Particular attention should be paid to the last component. This compound has an effective effect on cancer cells, especially those that originate in the prostate gland. They are able to completely destroy them. In addition, kervacrol breaks down the coatings of complex viruses, making them vulnerable to the immune system.
Among other things, the chemical composition of oregano includes many vitamin complexes: B, D, K, C and A. It is also worth mentioning such minerals and trace elements as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iodine. However, you do not need to use the spice as an independent medicine. Therapy should be comprehensive. In this case, the motherboard in it takes a secondary role.
The amulet (popular name) contains a high percentage of tannins and ascorbic acid. The calorie content of the herb is 25 kcal per 100 g.
Why is oregano useful for men and women
According to folk tradition, herbaceous culture is used to prepare antidepressant decoctions / teas. The esters contained in oregano relax, calm the nervous system, and relieve stress and emotional tension. With the help of aromatic drinks they treat:
- insomnia;
- neuroses;
- nervous disorders;
- epilepsy.
The impact on the nervous system is what oregano is useful for for men. It helps to cope with severe forms of addiction, both tobacco and alcohol.
Infusions relieve stress and restore emotional balance. The herb is often called "female" because its compounds stimulate the production of female hormones. Therefore, the male half of the population should not be carried away by such drinks.
Homeopathy is a long-term therapy. For this reason, you should not arbitrarily increase the dosage in order to speed up the process. Despite the beneficial properties of oregano, it also has contraindications for men. Frequent consumption of this tea reduces sex drive, which can lead to impotence.
Women's question
Every year it becomes more and more difficult to treat all kinds of gynecological diseases. In addition to drug therapy, doctors recommend using "natural resources". Why is oregano herb useful for women? Infusions, teas and decoctions are used for:
- normalization of the menstrual cycle;
- relieving pain and cramps during menstruation;
- restoration of uterine tone after childbirth;
- full development of the genitals, as well as breasts in girls;
- getting rid of the terrible hot flashes with menopause.
However, oregano should not be consumed (even as a spice) during pregnancy. The active substances of the plant have a negative effect on the development of the fetus, and can also lead to miscarriage. There were cases when women had internal bleeding, which was provoked by the mother. Nevertheless, the unique properties of oregano are used in medicine to treat severe ailments.
The magical effect of oregano: a piggy bank of recipes from nature
It is worth paying attention to people suffering from diseases of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. Its essential oils strengthen the body's immune system. Tea from the leaves of the culture is advised to drink during epidemics, as well as for colds. Mothers restore metabolic processes in the body, therefore it is relevant for obesity. In folk medicine, recipes for oregano potions are stored:
- Tea. Dried leaves / flowers (20 g or tbsp. L. With a slide) are ground. Pour boiling water over - 1 liter. Insist up to 5-10 minutes, and then filtered. Drink 3 times a day for diseases of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract.
- Fresh juice. During flowering, the leaves are plucked, washed and squeezed out. Three times a day (1 tbsp. L. 15 minutes before meals) helps with colds, epilepsy, digestive disorders, and menstruation. Oregano herb is used for muscle repair and is a hemostatic agent.
- Broth. It is prepared according to the standard scheme: 1-2 tbsp is added to 250 ml of water. spoons of raw materials. The mixture is boiled in a water bath for about 15 minutes, and then let it brew for 45 minutes. and filter.
- Infusion. The preparation procedure is as follows: dry grass (up to 2 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water (500 ml or liter) and insisted from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Then the cake is separated from the liquid.
Considering these recipes, you should understand the essence of the technology. Of course, before starting therapy, it is important to consult with your doctor and find out how oregano is useful. Only after the correct diagnosis is made, you can start treatment.
The dosage depends on the severity of the disease. You need to start with 1 tablespoon. The frequency of admission is 3 times a day. The infusions are drunk in 0.3-0.5 cups. Do this half an hour before meals.
Miraculous tincture
To maximize the healing properties of the plant, you need to use alcoholic beverages. It is alcohol that draws out and conserves all biological compounds. Oregano tincture with vodka is made according to the following algorithm:
- chop 20 g of leaves and flowers;
- pour 300 ml of alcohol (it is recommended to use 70%);
- hermetically close the glass container;
- store in a dark place for up to 7 days;
- shake daily;
- after the expiration of the period, filter the tincture several times.
Store such a product in a dark container for many years. It is used in a few drops for stress, during menopause and as a prophylaxis against atherosclerosis. If you drink ½ teaspoon 3 times a day, you can normalize the stool and get rid of constipation. This is one of the areas in which oregano is relevant for men. In addition, the medicine is used for:
- Bronchitis. Drink 5 drops several times a day, and also use it as a rub.
- Cyst. Make 20-minute baths. To do this, add 25 ml of tincture to warm water.
- Sore throat (tonsillitis, tonsillitis or pharyngitis). Dilute the drug in a ratio of 1:10, and then caress the mouth.
- Inflammation of the gums. A cotton swab is moistened with an elixir and applied to the inflamed area for 15-30 minutes.
Many are interested in the question of whether men can drink oregano in this form. This drug is approached with extreme caution, because alcohol tinctures can cause addiction.Moreover, such drugs are strong sedatives, therefore they lower male strength.
The aromatic mixture relieves joint inflammation and back pain. Often knees are rubbed with it, as well as "aching" parts of the body. After the procedure, the organs are wrapped in natural cloth to keep them warm.
Oregano in cooking - an unforgettable combination of flavors
Of course, dry buds and leaves are added to teas and other drinks. This is the only way to give them a more pronounced aroma and spicy taste. Most often, oregano in cooking is used to make mashed soup. At the same time, meat dishes acquire a piquant aftertaste, but only if you add marjoram and basil. Among other things, oregano makes dishes such as:
- pizza;
- all kinds of pickles;
- paste;
- sauces;
- sausages;
- fish;
- meat pies;
- omelet / scrambled eggs;
- marinades;
- pates.
However, the spice must always be supplemented with other spices. Thyme, dill, mint are amazingly combined with it, rosemary and black pepper. Baked potatoes turn out to be unusually appetizing with amulet.
Oregano is not used for making chicken. The spice drowns out the delicate taste of chicken meat and makes it tough.
So, this quick overview has clearly shown why oregano is beneficial. Tinctures and decoctions help in the treatment of disorders of the nervous and genitourinary systems. Also, the miracle herb is used for bronchitis, cystitis, menopause and other diseases. However, you should not use the spice as an independent medicine.