Why onion peel is useful for the body - we make a cheap but effective medicine
There are even more nutrients in golden onion scales than in the vegetable itself. Adherents of traditional medicine have long known how onion peels are useful for the body, and prefer it instead of chemistry sold in pharmacies. And really, what's the point of buying expensive drugs, if the medicine can be made at home, while completely free. Every housewife always has onions, which means that there will be no problems with finding the main component, the husk.
Why onion peel is useful for the body
- strengthen the immune system and help in the treatment of colds;
- remove toxins and toxins, acting as an excellent diuretic;
- heal wounds and inflammations on the skin, disinfecting them along the way;
- strengthen blood vessels and cleanse them of cholesterol, preventing the formation of blood clots;
- increase the tone of the heart muscle and lower blood pressure;
- stimulate blood circulation;
- prevent the manifestation of allergic reactions;
- normalize the menstrual cycle;
- strengthens and slightly dyes hair.
It is not recommended to use husk-based products for exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and individual intolerance. Also, you cannot take them at the same time as certain medications and alcohol.
How to make a natural medicine from husk
What the scales are universal is because of them you can make a healing agent in any form, from infusion to ointment. The form of the medicine depends on the purpose of its use, namely:
- Water infusion. In 2 tbsp. Pour hot water 2 tbsp. l. husks and roast for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. Insist for at least 5 hours. Take orally, first diluted with water, for colds, stomach diseases, edema, cystitis, hypertension. You can also gargle with infusion with sore throat, wipe off inflammation on the skin and even wash your hair.
- Alcohol tincture. Pour 1 part of the crushed husk with 5 parts of vodka or alcohol. Insist 1 week in a dark bowl. Use for rubbing with fungal skin diseases, as well as internally with atherosclerosis.
- Peel-infused oil. Toss the crushed flakes with olive, grape or castor oil in a 1: 2 ratio. Insist 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. Keep refrigerated. The oil is effective for various skin diseases, varicose veins, or simply for cosmetic purposes.
- Ointment. Any cream or petroleum jelly can be used as a fatty base. Grind the scales well and stir with the cream (for 2 parts of the husk - 3 parts of the cream). Store in the refrigerator, lubricate skin inflammation or swelling.
And the most delicious medicine can be considered tea Is a husk mixed with green or black tea. This drink lowers blood pressure, soothes, strengthens the immune system.