Useful properties of red rowan, possible contraindications
Bright scarlet clusters, sprinkled with snow, are created not only to decorate a gray tree in winter. The beneficial properties of red mountain ash have long attracted the attention of traditional healers. They actively used it to fight colds. Vitamin drinks were prepared from berries, prescribed raw or insisted on vodka. Biological research has confirmed the health benefits of the product. Therefore, red rowan is still used in folk medicine as a medicine. Let's take a closer look at a magnificent tree decorated with valuable fruits.
External features of the plant
The leaves are arranged in small groups of 8-15 pieces on one cutting. They have a dark green tint. The back of the plate is slightly lighter. In spring, white inflorescences with an unpleasant aroma appear on the tree. They are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The diameter is about 10 cm. By autumn, the buds turn into graceful berries that resemble miniature spherical apples. The juicy pulp does not have a special taste. However, their value trumps the perceived disadvantages. Some cultivated species are sweet.
In their natural environment, there are about 100 species of mountain ash, 30 of them grow in Russia.
The beneficial properties of red rowan, hidden inside the fruit
The beneficial properties of red rowan are determined by its chemical composition. Berries contain up to 8% glucose, sucrose and fructose. The same amount is found in raspberries. However, the taste is influenced by the abundance of glycosides that produce bitterness.
In addition, a number of trace elements were found in mountain ash:
- calcium;
- phosphorus;
- sodium;
- potassium;
- iron;
- copper;
- zinc;
- manganese.
Each of them is an important component of the human body. A huge amount of vitamin supplements the list of nutrients that are stored in berries:
- beta-carotene (A);
- thiamine (B1);
- riboflavin (B2);
- folic acid (B 9);
- ascorbic acid (C);
- tocopherol (E);
- nicotinic acid (PP).
The benefits of fruits are due to the presence of tannins, essential oils, organic acids (citric, sorbic, tartaric, malic). Due to their low calorie content, berries are included in the diet for weight loss.
Once in the human body, bitterness is transformed into a poisonous substance (hydrocyanic acid). Therefore, the berries must be frozen before eating.
Raw material procurement tips
Collect red mountain ash away from highways, railways, sedimentation tanks and garbage dumps. A great option is a forest and remote city parks.
Almost all parts of the plant are considered medicinal:
- bark;
- kidneys;
- leaves;
- flowers;
- ripe fruits.
The bark is removed from thin shoots before the sap begins to move inside the tree. In early spring, after the snow melts, the buds are harvested. The foliage is harvested during the flowering period of the culture. The inflorescences are cut off when most of the buds have blossomed. The bunches are harvested in late autumn before the onset of severe frosts.
Dried red rowan berries can be purchased at the pharmacy.They are part of various herbal preparations and herbal teas.
So that the beneficial properties of red rowan do not lose their relevance, they must be properly stored. Ripe bunches, which are harvested before frost, do not lose valuable substances for 6 months. The main condition is that the storage temperature should not exceed + 6 ° C. It is important to take into account that throughout the entire period, the fruits lose moisture and color. As a result, the berries darken and the skin becomes wrinkled.
Dried raw materials are obtained by following a few simple procedures:
- the collected clusters are thoroughly washed under the tap;
- carefully remove the berries;
- laid out on a baking sheet;
- sent to the oven;
- stir periodically with a wooden spatula.
The product is ready if, when pressed, the berries do not stick together. Dried red rowan is used to make medicinal meal or flour. The fruits are stored in a glass container, under a tight lid for 12 months.
Bark, inflorescences and leaf plates are harvested in a well-ventilated area. The raw materials are hung from a wall or ceiling away from sunlight. The finished product is ground into powder. Store in paper bags at a temperature not exceeding + 10 ° C until the new season.
Useful properties of red rowan for the body as a whole
According to scientists, human health directly depends on nutrition, habits and lifestyle. The more plant food, the stronger the defenses. And if you include the components of red rowan in the diet, you can say goodbye to ailments. The unique composition of the fruit stimulates the production of red blood cells. A drink made from dried bark helps to restore strength after a serious illness. Due to the abundance of astringents, the bark is used in the treatment of uterine bleeding and hepatitis.
To combat colds, decoctions of inflorescences and red rowan berries are used. The agent removes phlegm, relieves coughing attacks, lowers body temperature. It removes excess fluid, slags, toxins from the body.
The juice is prescribed to increase hemoglobin, treat kidney and liver. It is drunk as an additional "drug" in the treatment of tuberculosis, cholecystitis.
Fresh fruits cleanse blood vessels, which contributes to the smooth functioning of the heart. In addition, cosmetologists appreciated the benefits of red rowan. It is used to cleanse the skin of the hands and face. Red fruit gruel is applied to warts, fungal formations on the limbs are treated. Berry broth helps women with heavy and painful periods. Puree restores appetite in patients with anorexia.
Contraindications to use
Despite the abundance of useful properties of common mountain ash, there are some prohibitions. Any drug that is used to treat disease has side effects. Scarlet berries are a natural antibiotic. Therefore, people over 45 years of age need to be careful when using mountain ash tinctures, decoctions or raw fruits. Pregnant women should not get carried away with the fruits, otherwise the baby will develop allergies.
It is important to exercise caution with such pathologies:
- drops in blood pressure;
- high acidity;
- ischemia of the heart;
- heart attack;
- stroke hemorrhages;
- stomach ulcer;
- phlebotrambosis;
- varicose veins;
- allergy.
Cautions apply to children under 7 years of age. They disrupt the acid balance of the digestive system. Hives appear on the skin. Toddlers often reach out to the bright fruit. However, parents should carefully monitor the nutrition of their children.
Popular healing potions
Having considered how the red mountain ash is useful for the body, we will try to prepare the drug with our own hands. To do this, we will use proven recipes from traditional healers.
Tincture for diabetics
The drink exudes a spicy aroma and has a tart taste. It is prepared without granulated sugar, using only water (0.5 l) and berries (2 tablespoons). Washed fruits are poured with boiling water. They put on low heat. Cook for 10-15 minutes under a closed lid. The cooled drug is filtered through 2 layers of gauze. Take 2 tablespoons before meals.
To lower blood glucose, it is advisable to regularly eat red rowan in frozen, fresh or dry form.
Vodka medicine
The berries are poured with boiling water. Insist 10 minutes. Then simmer over moderate heat for 15 minutes. When the drink has cooled down, filter it through a metal sieve. Add vodka. Mix thoroughly. Cover with a lid. They are taken to a cold place for 14 days. When the time is up, the container is carefully turned upside down, being careful not to shake the tincture. The procedure is repeated every 14 days for 8 weeks. The finished product is drunk 50 g on an empty stomach.
If you add a few spoons to the tincture flower honey, you get a healing balm. It is used for anemia, cough and female diseases.
Effective collection to combat alcoholism
Drunkenness often knocks out the close relatives of the "sick" person.
There is an interesting recipe for the drug, which consists of the following components:
- fruits of red rowan;
- hawthorn;
- flax seed;
- wild strawberry foliage;
- shepherd's bag;
- motherwort;
- mint;
- Dill seeds.
Take 1 teaspoon of herbs and 1 tablespoon of berries. The components are mixed in a glass jar. Pour in hot water. Insist 3-4 hours. Filter through 3 layers of gauze. Consumed before meals (30 minutes), 0.5 cups. The course of treatment is not more than 6 months. Take a break every 4 weeks.
It is advisable to cook the broth every day.
Healthy red rowan dishes
The active use of scarlet fruits for the treatment of diseases aroused interest among culinary specialists. They offer simple recipes for delicious mountain ash dishes.
Fresh or frozen fruits are covered with granulated sugar and mixed. When the juice appears, add a little water (for 1 kg of mountain ash you need 0.5 liters of liquid). The mass is put on moderate heat and cooked until it turns into a puree. Remove from the stove. Leave to cool. Grind through a metal sieve. Cook to a jelly consistency. Poured into jars. Seal with lids. Stored in the basement
The drink contains an abundance of beneficial vitamins and minerals. It is made from products:
- red rowan;
- granulated sugar;
- yeast;
- water.
For 1 kg of berries, take 1.5 kg of sugar, 5 liters of cold water. Yeast is enough for 10 g. The fruits are thoroughly washed and placed in an enamel pan. Pour in some water. Put on fire. Bring to a boil. When they become soft, knead to make a gruel. The remaining water is added and boiled for another 15 minutes. Strain through a sieve.
Granulated sugar is dissolved in the broth. Cool and put yeast. The drink is bottled. Withstand 3 days in a cool room. Kvass is drunk as a soft drink to strengthen the immune system.
Spicy sauce
For meat dishes, a vitamin filling is prepared. You will need products:
- rowan berries;
- apples;
- garlic;
- shredded ginger;
- chilli;
- raisins;
- granulated sugar;
- spices to taste.
Washed fruits are combined with peeled apples, cut into pieces. Sprinkle with granulated sugar and mix. They put it on the stove. Cook at moderate temperature for 2 hours. Raisins (pre-soaked in water), pepper, chopped garlic, ginger are put in the resulting puree. The mass is brought to a boil, stirring continuously. The cooled product is ground and served with pork, beef, poultry.
Having got acquainted with the chemical composition of red rowan, we understand the value of this tree. From its leaves, bark, buds and berries, drugs are prepared for the treatment of various diseases. At the same time, we remember the contraindications of the product. No less useful are dishes made from scarlet fruits, which strengthen the immune system and bring true pleasure.