Aromatic, sweet and juicy - why baked apples in the oven are good for
Aromatic juicy apples are baked with cottage cheese, nuts, honey or just like that, without anything. Besides the fact that such a dessert is very tasty, it is also healthy. Why baked apples in the oven are useful, it is especially important to know for those who have diseases of the digestive system. And it's not so much about which fruits, raw or baked, have more vitamins. And in how our body perceives and assimilates them.
What is the Difference Between Fresh and Baked Apples
Baked apples are even included in many diets, including medicinal ones. And all for the reason that they are more easily absorbed by the body, without stress on the stomach. If, after fresh apples, fiber can lead to bloating and flatulence, but this does not happen with baked apples. Possessing a "softer" assimilation, at the same time they are absolutely safe for the figure.
Why baked apples in the oven are good for you
The benefits of soft sweet fruits itself, in the first place, are of great importance for stomach and intestines. They neutralize inflammatory foci and relieve irritation, remove toxins, excess fluid and prevent constipation.
Baked apples can be eaten even with pancreatitis, which cannot be said about fresh fruits. The softened apple pulp loses its acidity, does not irritate the stomach and is easily absorbed, even if there are not enough enzymes. But you should not overuse apples, even baked ones. The daily allowance for a healthy person is up to 3 apples.
If you regularly consume this delicious dessert, you can only get a positive effect:
- eliminate the deficiency of nutrients;
- strengthen blood vessels, muscles, joints;
- improve the work of the heart and brain;
- get rid of edema and remove excess fluid;
- maintain visual acuity;
- increase hemoglobin;
- normalize blood pressure;
- strengthen immunity.
As for contraindications, even baked apples should not be eaten in the presence of allergies and with exacerbation of an ulcer. And with prostatitis, adenoma and urolithiasis, you can use them, but in limited quantities.