What attracts farmers' attention with the Tason grape variety
The Tason grape variety is one of the most popular table varieties, early maturing varieties, characterized by high yields and resistance to weather and disease. Its fruits have a pleasant nutmeg taste and rich aroma, due to which they are consumed fresh, used for making wine and juice. Tason grapes are successfully grown in almost all regions of Russia, and the ease and simplicity of care provided it with well-deserved popularity among farmers.
Tason grape variety - general description and characteristics
Description of the Tason grape variety:
- The vines are vigorous, grow rapidly and fill large areas with vines.
- The vine ripens along its entire length. Powerful shoots and root system.
- The leaves are five-lobed, dark green, large.
- Flowers are bisexual, capable of self-pollination.
- Tason grapes perfectly tolerate frosts down to -23 ° C.
The grape clusters are large, cylindrical in shape with a conical end. They consist of a large number of berries - the weight of one bunch reaches 1-1.3 kg. The taste of berries is sweet, with pronounced nutmeg notes.
The peels of ripe berries are white-pink in color, the grapes themselves are oval and about the same size. Early maturity is characteristic of Tason grapes - the first harvest can be harvested in July.
Grape planting technology
Planting and caring for Tason grapes is not difficult, but in order to obtain a plentiful, rich harvest, it is necessary to strictly follow the cultivation techniques. The key to success will be the correct choice of seedlings and planting sites, regular care of the grapes, taking into account the characteristics of the variety.
Selection and preparation of seedlings
It is best to choose grape seedlings from specialized seedlings and not buy from hands. When choosing, carefully inspect the seedling - it should have a well-developed, strong root system without signs of dryness and damage. During transportation, wrap the spines with plastic wrap to protect them from moisture loss.
Optimal timing and location
Planting Tason grapes is best done in the last weeks of March or the first decade of April. Such terms are great for the roots to take root well and the grapes to withstand the frost.
For Tason grapes, well and evenly lit areas are suitable, since the crop should receive the maximum amount of sunlight. Saplings are best planted from the southeast or south side of buildings. Make sure trees and other shrubs do not obscure the vine.
The soil
The Tason grape variety "prefers" light and nutritious soils that are perfectly permeable to air and moisture. In areas with heavy soil, an increase in its permeability is required. For this, coarse sand, small stones or broken bricks are used.
Step-by-step landing
The site for planting Tason grape seedlings is being prepared in the fall - carefully dig up the soil and form holes up to 80-100 cm wide and about 70-80 cm deep.Pour compost, mineral fertilizers and rotted manure at the bottom of each hole.
Planting grapes step by step:
- fill the hole with 1/3 fertile soil;
- place a grape seedling in the center of the hole;
- sprinkle the seedling with the remaining soil;
- pour 2-3 buckets of water;
- lightly tamp the trunk circle and mulch.
When planting, make sure that the distance between the bushes remains at least 90-110 cm, between the rows - up to 2.5-3 m.
Agricultural technology of cultivation
Agrotechnology for growing Tason grapes consists of standard procedures - regular watering, pruning and shaping bushes, as well as feeding. Don't forget about disease prevention and timely pest control - this will ensure a generous harvest of Muscat grapes.
Watering the grapes
The Tason grapes need regular and abundant watering, for which warm, settled water is used. Bushes should be watered early in the morning or late in the evening. Avoid liquid stagnation - it is no less negative for the health of grapes than moisture deficiency.
Top dressing
To feed Tason grapes, it is best to combine organic fertilizers with complex fertilizers. Among organic matter, it is better to give preference to chicken manure, compost, rotted manure.
Complex fertilizers are selected depending on their composition and characteristics of the effect on grapes:
- nitrogen- accelerates the growth of green mass, is introduced in the spring (saltpeter or urea);
- potassium chloride - used for autumn dressing, accelerates the ripening of grape bunches and prepares the plant for winter;
- phosphorus - introduced during the flowering period (superphosphate), stimulates the ripening of berries;
- zinc - increases productivity indicators;
- copper - stimulates the growth of the bush.
For feeding Tason grapes, you can use both mono- and multicomponent fertilizers. Popular and effective top dressings include Kemir, Aquarin, Florovit.
Pruning is an essential part of caring for Tason grapes. It improves the flavor characteristics of berries and increases yields. This species belongs to the sun-loving species, so when pruning, make sure that each shoot is evenly lit. One bush should contain 35-40 eyes, up to 7-8 on one shoot.
Preparing for winter
In regions with a cold climate, grapes must be covered for the winter. To do this, you can use a protection built from scrap materials - old linoleum, roofing material, slate, wood. Such a shield should be in the shape of a triangle with a sharp top.
The Tason grape variety is distinguished by its record early maturity and high frost resistance, due to which it attracts close attention not only of summer residents, but also of large farms. Ripe fruits with a rich sweet taste and nutmeg notes are used fresh and used to make elite wines.