What attracted our attention to salt in the garden

saltium in the garden Soleirolia is a popular ground cover plant, which is successfully used in decorative floriculture due to its unpretentiousness and rapid growth. Cultivation of culture is a simple, interesting process. It is important to follow agricultural techniques and basic care rules. Then salt in the garden will effectively decorate any inconspicuous corner with a soft green rug, and will give the interior a lively flavor, make it more comfortable and beautiful.

Botanical description of the plant

lush saline bush

Soleirolia belongs to the Nettle family. A perennial herb, not exceeding 20 cm in height, has thin, densely leafy shoots. The roots are small, thin, filamentous. The foliage is small, 0.6 cm in diameter, rounded kidney-shaped, cordate at the base, green in color. Salleuria blooms in the gardenFlowers up to 1 mm, solitary, painted in white or cream shade, without aroma.

In indoor conditions, saltyrolia rarely pleases with flowering and practically does not bear fruit.

Features of growing saline

features of growing saltiumThe homeland of culture is the subtropics, which is why in the temperate and northern regions it is erected indoors in pots. Garden salt can only be grown in areas with warm, humid climates.

Choosing a pot and soil for salt

pots for growing saltiumChoose wide containers for planting. Make holes at the bottom of the pots to drain moisture. It is better to use a spacious pallet, since the crop loves bottom watering.

For planting, you need to select a loose nutrient substrate. It is important that the soil is breathable. Suitable universal soil for indoor plants, which contains peat, humus, sand. nutrient soil for saltYou can also make your own potting mix by taking peat, turf and sand in equal proportions.

Planting process

Landing involves the following processes:

  1. Lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot using expanded clay or pebbles.drainage in a pot
  2. Fill the container with soil mixture, not reaching the edges, moisten a little.fill the pot with soil
  3. Place the seedlings over the surface and press down on the roots.place seedlings in a pot
  4. Sprinkle with nutritious soil so that all shoots are on top.
  5. Spray with a spray bottle.spray plants with a spray bottle

If you plant it correctly, the plant will refresh the atmosphere with its positive energy.

Optimal conditions for growing Saline

comfortable conditions for salineFor the full growth and development of culture, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of its content.

Factor Recommendations
Location Slightly shaded areas. Better put the flower on the north facing windows
Lighting The plant prefers lighted places, and also tolerates light partial shade. Shade from the direct sun to avoid burns
Temperature In spring and summertime, maintain the temperature regime within 20-22 ° С. In autumn and winter, temperature indicators should be at least 10-13 ° С
Air humidity An increased level of moisture is the main condition for breeding crops. In hot weather, spray the flower 2-3 times a day

How to care for a plant

caring for saltium in the gardenCaring for saltium at home includes a set of measures aimed at improving the growth and appearance of the plant.

Watering rules and fertilizing the soil

watering saltThe culture requires regular and abundant watering in the spring-autumn period and moderate moisture in the winter. Water the salt solution near its base using settled water at room temperature.

Try to prevent the soil from drying out and the accumulation of water in the pan.

Feed the plant from March to September, every 2 weeks, using special liquid fertilizers.

Soleirolia is sensitive to excess nutrients, so it is better not to overdo it.


saline after pruningIn the spring, it is recommended to shorten the pagons in order to give the crown the desired shape. It is important to remember to sanitize pruning by removing weak stems and thinning out overly dense plantings. The plant perfectly tolerates haircuts and grows back quickly, so you can trim very regrown shoots throughout the year.

Diseases and pests

the plant needs helpSolerolia demonstrates resistance to diseases and pests. But with poor care, it can be attacked by a mealybug, spider mite. In the fight against insects, both folk remedies and insecticides will help: Vermitek, Intavir.plant recovery after illness

When using chemicals, it is important to adhere to safety measures.

With excessive watering, the culture is susceptible to fungal diseases: gray and brown rot. At the first sign of infection, cut off the affected parts of the plant and spray the bushes with fungicides.


salt in the garden after transplantingIt is recommended to replant the plant every spring. Use pots low, but wide enough. Apply a loose and moisture-retaining primer. In order not to damage the thin roots, it is better to transplant the flower by transferring an earthen coma. When the bush is transplanted, water it abundantly.

Soleirolia in the garden and at home: features of reproduction


reproduction of saline

There are several methods for multiplying saline:

  1. Cuttings. To get a new bush, cut off young shoots with 2-3 internodes and put in water until the first roots form. Then plant in wet soil. Rooting by cuttings takes 2-3 weeks. Then transplant them and take care of them like an adult flower.propagation by cuttings
  2. Division of the bush. The easiest and fastest way to breed a plant. When transplanting from an overgrown bush, separate a part along with a lump of soil. Put the delenka in a separate container.reproduction by dividing the bush
  3. Seeds. Planting material must be purchased from trusted sellers. For planting, use flat containers with peat soil. Distribute seeds on the surface, deepen, do not sprinkle with soil. Cover the containers with polyethylene. Ventilate and spray every day, as the topsoil dries. Seedlings will appear after 7-15 days. The grown seedlings must be planted in separate pots.shoots of seeds of salt
  4. Rooting stems. Dig in part of the shoot without separating it from the mother plant. As the seedlings take root, transplant into a wide container. In order for the plant to quickly form a beautiful cap, plant several seedlings together.rooting of salturolium stems

To make the plant more splendid and more decorative, plant not one, but several cuttings at once.

Problems with growing saltium

saltium in the garden

Even an experienced grower may have difficulties in growing saltérolia:

  1. Burns and drying of foliage. This problem is provoked by excessive exposure of the sun's rays to the plant. It is required to rearrange the pot to another location.
  2. Elongated shoots and slow growth. The reason is the lack of nutrients and lack of light.
  3. Yellowing and falling foliage. This is due to excessive moisture and stagnation of water in the ground. It is important to reduce the amount of watering and remove excess moisture from the pallet.
  4. Rotting stems, roots. Waterlogging of the soil, lack of light and stagnant air lead to decay and drilling of shoots. Limit watering, move the pot closer to the light and provide the plant with fresh air.
  5. Lack of flowering. The plant stops blooming with a lack of nutrients. Therefore, it is required to replenish the soil using liquid fertilizer in spring and summer 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

It is not difficult to take care of saltium, it is important to monitor the condition of the flower and create comfortable conditions for it in a timely manner.

Soleirolia in the garden and in the interior

pots of saline in the interiorThe flower looks spectacular in any interior, adding a special twist to it.

mini-garden with saltThe plant is often grown for decorating aquariums, terrariums.

With the help of salt oil in the garden or on the balcony, they create a carpet with a pattern of varying complexity.

saline in the shade of treesIt is also used for planting in the shade of garden trees.

salt with ficus in one potThe crop is planted in large pots along with larger crops. Looks beautiful and harmonious with ficuses, hibiscus.

salt in the garden along the pathSolleyrolia, surrounded by attention and care, will decorate any interior of the room, give it coziness and sophistication, and will also give the joy of communication with nature. The process of growing a plant will bring many interesting observations and pleasant moments.

How saltium is grown in the garden and at home - video


