How to solder turkey poults in the first days of life?

I want to buy daily turkey poults in early spring. I have no experience in breeding them, and my friend also scares that chicks are very capricious and often get sick Tell me how to care for and how to drink turkey poults in the first days of life in order to protect them from death?

As with any poultry, turkeys require attention and proper care when growing. After all, just feeding and watering the chicks is not enough, it is still necessary to timely prevent and treat diseases. For this, turkey poults from the first days begin to be soldered with special preparations.


The main requirements for breeding domestic turkey poults are:

  • providing suitable conditions of detention;
  • the right choice of feed;
  • drinking for the prevention of diseases.

Conditions for keeping turkeys

grown turkey poults

Small chicks are especially sensitive to cold, so at home, day-old turkeys should be kept in an enclosure where the floor will not be cold. If there are not very many chicks (up to 2 dozen), it is better to use a box 1 m wide and 1.5 m long with high, at least 50 cm, sides. A piece of styrofoam is placed at the bottom of the box, and covered with something warm on top. At night, it is recommended to put a heating pad with warm water or connect a heating pad.

Until turkey poults reach 7 days of age, the air temperature in the aviary should be at least 35 degrees Celsius. From the second week of life, it is gradually lowered to 25 degrees. When the chicks are almost a month old, a daytime temperature of about 22 degrees is allowed. However, at night it is important to either install underfloor heating or turn on the lights.

Turkey feed

little turkeys

Little chicks are fed only with special compound feed for turkey poults or broilers, while not moisturizing it. Of the additives, raw millet is used, which helps to improve the functioning of the stomach. Cottage cheese is introduced into the diet when the turkey poults are 1 week old, but no more than 3 g per day for one chick.

It is not recommended to feed turkey poults with boiled porridge.

Drinking turkey poults

vaccination schedule

For prevention turkey poultry diseases they are drunk with special preparations according to the following scheme:

  1. In the first two days - with a solution of ascorbic acid at the rate of 10 ml of the drug per liter of water, as well as sweet water (1 tablespoon sugar per liter of water). Instead of sugar, you can use an 8% glucose solution.
  2. From the third day to the fifth, inclusive - antibiotics such as Flosan, Baytril or Enroxil. The course is repeated once a month for three days.
  3. From 6 to 9 days inclusive - complex vitamins (Chiktonik, Nutril, Trivit).
  4. On the 10th day - to protect from coccidiosis, a course of drinking with Baykoks or Koktsidiovit is carried out, which is repeated after 4 weeks.

Beginning at 20 days of age, prevention of infectious diseases such as histomoniasis should be started. For this, Metranidazole or Trichopolum is used. Tablets (0.5 g) grind and dilute in 1 liter of water or mix with a kilogram of feed. Give the drug with water or feed for 10 days in a row, then a break for 10 days. The course is repeated until the turkeys reach 3 months of age (at this time they are especially vulnerable to histomonosis).

We grow strong healthy turkeys - video


