How to fertilize onions in spring, summer and autumn
Not every gardener knows how to fertilize onions during vegetative development in order to get a good harvest. Top dressing for this plant must be selected correctly, otherwise the tops will begin to develop, and not the bulb. In this case, it is difficult to get a good harvest. In our article, we will talk about the nuances of the formation of the composition of dressings and the periods of introducing nutrients into the soil.
Why feed sevok and onions
To obtain a good harvest of greens or turnips, plants are fed up to 3 times per season.
Fresh manure and onions are incompatible; to enrich the soil with nutrients, shortly before planting the plant, compost or humus is applied at the rate of 5-7 kg of organic fertilizers per square meter of area. The same nutrients can be applied in the fall. On poor in composition lands, one cannot do without mineral fertilizers. Before digging the beds for the winter, they introduce nitroammofosk.
Fertilization and dressing time
The first introduction of nutrients into the soil is carried out 12-15 days after planting. The best fertilizer for green onions is carbamide, ammonium nitrate or other substances that contain nitrogen. This trace element stimulates the development of green mass. After 20 days from the moment of the first feeding for crops, fertilizers with a high concentration of potassium and phosphorus are applied, the amount of nitrogen in the composition is reduced.
The smell of the nutrients attracts pests, treat the beds with tobacco dust or wood ash before applying them.
The second dressing of onions in the spring per head with a minimum amount of nitrogen will promote the development of the root crop, which will allow you to get a good harvest.
The gardener must constantly monitor the crops and add additional trace elements as needed:
- nitrogen deficiency is determined by yellow spots on the leaves, pale color and slow plant growth;
- the lack of potassium can be recognized by necrosis in the upper part of the feather;
- phosphorus deficiency is determined by slow growth of crops and brown spots on greenery;
- twisted greens indicate a lack of zinc in the soil.
With a deficiency of nutrients in the soil, an integrated approach to solving the problem is needed. Feeding onions with yeast in spring helps to increase the amount of nutrients in the soil. On rich lands pre-filled with organic matter and mineral fertilizers, such signs do not appear.
How to fertilize onions in spring
The feeding schedule is made taking into account the peculiarities of crop cultivation, per turnip or per feather. The easiest way to get greens is to add nitrogen to the soil. When feeding onions on a turnip, an integrated approach is needed.
In early spring, after the snow melts and the soil thaws, it is necessary to dig up the site. In the presence of dense clay soils, add peat or sand.Such substances improve the structure of the soil, making it looser.
If the nutrients were not introduced into the ground during the autumn preparation, you need to prepare the following fertilizer composition for onions when planting, per m2 of plot area:
- 5-6 kg of humus;
- 30 g superphosphate;
- 25 g of urea;
- 20 g of potassium salt.
Complex mineral fertilizers compensate for the deficiency of trace elements, which will facilitate the care of the crop. Refuse to apply fresh manure, the plant reacts poorly to such a substance.
Not every gardener knows how to feed perennial onions in spring. The soil under the crop should be enriched with humus, wood ash or peat. When the first greenery appears, nitrogenous fertilizers are applied.
Postpone the treatment of the culture with karbofos or ammonium nitrate, because nitrogen dissolves quickly in water and the benefits of its use will be minimal.
Top dressing plants in the summer
What fertilizers are needed when planting onions - this question worries many gardeners. Trace elements can be omitted if they were added to the soil in the fall before digging or nitrogen was added in the spring. You should not completely abandon feeding, because such a procedure increases the quantity and quality of the harvest of onions and other types of this plant, for example, batuna.
Trace elements are introduced into the soil for the third time from the last decade of June to mid-July. Not all gardeners know how to feed onions so that they are large. To do this, you need to use a special composition with a high concentration of phosphorus, potassium, copper and other trace elements. The enrichment of the soil with such useful substances accelerates the growth of the crop, contributes to an increase in yield.
The use of granules of mineral fertilizers will not create the desired effect, they must be embedded in the soil. How to fertilize onions in this case? To improve the digestibility of plants, fertilizers are introduced into the ground in liquid form. It is recommended to water crops in the evening or on cloudy days after precipitation. When working with nutrient solutions, you must be extremely careful. The ingress of liquid on the leaves of the plant provokes their burns and yellowing.
Feeding onions in autumn
Autumn is the ideal time to prepare the garden for the crop in question. At the initial stage of work, it is necessary to disinfect the soil on the beds. The day before the introduction of micronutrients, the soil is impregnated with a solution of copper sulfate at the rate of 15 g of substance per 10 liters of water. This volume of liquid is enough to process a 5 m2 plot.
Now we will find out how to fertilize onions in the fall. For digging the beds, compost or humus is applied at the rate of 4-6 kg of organic fertilizers per square meter. After that, the site is cleared of weeds and their rhizomes. Before sowing seedlings, dolomite flour is added to the soil with 150 g of substance per square meter. This substance helps to reduce the acidity of the soil. For the same purpose, wood ash or fluff lime is used.
Many gardeners do not know what fertilizers to apply in autumn under onions on impoverished lands. In such areas, in addition to organic matter, special mixtures with a high content of potassium and phosphorus are used. Such components will restore the balance of the soil. If the gardener plans to grow sweet and red onions on the plot, then he should give preference to fertilizers with a high potassium content.
By growing onions with regular nutrients in the soil, the gardener can get a good harvest. These root vegetables will taste great and have a long shelf life. Additional microelements in the soil stimulate the intensive growth of the culture, onion feathers quickly coarsen and become inaccessible to pests.