Black Beauty Petunia Debonair Black Cherry

In the summer, while visiting a friend, I noticed that she had an unusual red-black petunia. Although I myself have been growing them for quite some time, I have not yet met such a rich shade. Please tell us about the petunia Debonair Black Cherry. Does this variety still have other varieties? I think they should also be of the original color.

black cherry Among the huge variety petunias there are such varieties, having seen which only once, it is no longer possible to forget. Their original, one might even say, magical coloring begins to dream at night and does not leave flower growers alone until such a desired flower is purchased. One of these amazing species is the Debonair Black Cherry petunia. What is the peculiarity of this petunia and how did it catch flower lovers so much?

Characteristic features of the species

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that Debonair is not a separate variety, but a hybrid series multi-flowered petunias... They grow in the form of a ball, the bush is quite dense, often of the correct shape with a height and diameter within 30 cm. The inflorescences themselves are rather modest in size (no more than 8 cm in diameter), but there are a lot of them.

The name of the species is translated as "graceful or cheerful".

Debonair hybrids have the following characteristics:

  • unique color of inflorescences, which none of the other petunias have;
  • strong growth;
  • the ability to independently take a compact and beautiful shape without additional trimming and pinching;
  • abundant and long flowering;
  • good resistance to diseases and adverse weather conditions.

One of the most unusual hybrids in the Debonair series is the Black Cherry petunia. Its inflorescences are painted in dark cherry color, many growers also call it "rotten cherry". It is noteworthy that in cloudy weather the flowers darken and become almost black.

black cherry flower

The variety is distinguished by strong inflorescences - the petals are not torn in the wind. In addition, even in a rainy summer, he rarely gets sick.

Popular varieties of the series

No less spectacular are such Debonair hybrids:

  1. Lime Green... It has a greenish-yellow color of flowers, the center of the inflorescences is brighter, and closer to the edges of the petals, the color brightens.lime green
  2. Dusty Rose... The middle of the inflorescence is colored yellow, and the petals themselves are pale pink.Dusty Rose

The Debonair series of petunias are widely used for growing in pots and hanging boxes on the balcony.

Blossoming petunia Debonair Black Cherry - video


