How is black walnut used in folk medicine

black walnut in folk medicine Nuts are considered highly nutritious foods. Black walnut is of particular value in folk medicine. The leaves and fruits of this unique tree are used for medicinal purposes. Oil is obtained from the kernels, and a tincture is made on the peel and unripe fruits. Scientists have studied this plant for many years. As a result, many beneficial properties have been established. Its use was successful in oncology, fungal infections, parasite infestation, thyroid dysfunction, hormonal disruptions, and digestive disorders. Black walnut helps to eliminate infections, heal the skin, and strengthen the immune system. With its help, you can lose weight, rejuvenate and restore health.

Plant prevalence and description

Black walnut is ubiquitous in North America. In the vastness of Russia, this is a rare plant that grows only in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. Under natural conditions, it is a powerful and tall tree. Its wood is chocolatey, rare, durable and highly prized. The fruits of black and walnuts are similar. The difference is that the fruit of the black walnut is larger and darker, with a very hard shell. Black walnut is a long-liver; specimens of 70-80 years old are known. For a tree to start blooming and bearing fruit, at least 10-15 years must pass.

Unripe fruits of black walnut have a green color; in the process of ripening, the pericarp considerably hardens and turns black. The brown shell is removed with a knife, the hardened black shell is difficult to open.

Chemical composition and benefits

green fruits of black walnut

The use of black walnut in traditional medicine is based on biologically active elements that make up its composition:

  • polyphenols;
  • alkaloids;
  • phytoncides;
  • enzymes;
  • hormones;
  • glycosides and others.

They contain a high content of vitamins, macro and microelements, there are dietary fiber, acids, mono and disaccharides, starchy and zolous compounds. The kernels are 60% fat, therefore they are a high-calorie food product.

It has been scientifically established that there are 18 amino acids in black walnut that have great benefits for human health.

The substance juglone has been isolated from black walnut. We can say that it is a strong antibiotic of natural origin.

It is used for:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • elimination of infections;
  • suppression of inflammatory processes and oxidative reactions in the body.

The plant has an antioxidant, bactericidal, laxative, healing, tonic, hemostatic effect on the body. It is used to normalize hormonal levels, improve intestinal microflora, stop bleeding, improve scarring of internal and external injuries, and reduce pain.

Black walnut in folk medicine

medicinal properties of black walnutThe medicinal properties of black walnut have been known for a long time.

The plant is used in many areas of modern medicine:

  • gynecology;
  • urology;
  • proctology;
  • pediatrics, neurology;
  • endocrinology.

Its general positive effect on the body has been noticed - rejuvenation, healing, cleansing, strengthening, restoration. Funds based on it are used to treat diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis.

New varieties of black walnut have been developed for human consumption.They have large kernels and less hard shells. At the same time, the rich composition corresponds to the species originally taken as a basis.

What diseases will black walnut help to cope with in folk medicine:

  • avitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • neurosis;
  • oncology;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • skin and venereal diseases;
  • ARI and ARVI;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • obesity.

Recipes and methods of application

black walnut fruitTreatment with black walnut is carried out externally and internally. Folk remedies based on it can be prepared independently, or purchased ready-made. Black walnut oil and extract are very popular. Tablets and capsules based on it are used as an auxiliary measure in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as to improve well-being and general strengthening of the body.

Black walnut oil application:

  • for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, 1 tablespoon early in the morning;
  • with intestinal dysbiosis, a tablespoon of oil is drunk at night;
  • as a laxative spoon 3 times daily before meals;
  • for direct treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • as a cold compress on trophic ulcers, bedsores, purulent and non-healing wounds;
  • external application for resorption of various kinds of tumors at any localization site;
  • in the form of oil swabs for gynecological inflammation and infections;
  • added to cosmetics to enhance their beneficial properties.

Black walnut kernels contain 50 times more ascorbic acid (vitamin C) than citrus fruits.

How Black Walnut Extract is used:

  • drink in pure form, 1 teaspoon each to strengthen the body's defenses, normalize blood sugar, replenish vitamin reserves;
  • for lotions for skin diseases - dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, acne and others;
  • add a little to tea and other drinks for rickets in children;
  • to expel worms from the body, drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, dissolving in clean water;
  • for diseases of the genitourinary sphere, once a day, 1 teaspoon before breakfast;
  • treat the lesion site with shingles, herpes, skin abscesses and boils;
  • do steam inhalations for laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, coughs and colds;
  • prepare a solution for rinsing the throat and oral cavity for angina, gingivitis, and other dental and ENT diseases;
  • in case of food poisoning, it helps to suppress nausea and vomiting (1 teaspoon per glass of plain water, drink in small, frequent sips).

Black walnut tincture

tincture of black walnutFor the preparation of black walnut tincture, unripe fruits are suitable, which are usually harvested in late August or early September. It was found that it was during this period that the maximum amount of useful substances was concentrated in them. Usually they are placed entirely in jars and filled with vodka. The tincture is prepared for 14 days, after which it is filtered and used as directed. In the future, the finished product is stored in a glass container in a dark and cool place away from children and animals.

Black walnut peel is also used for self-preparation of the tincture. The shell is tamped into jars, poured with high-quality vodka or alcohol, insisted for a long time (about a month or two). The tincture on the peel is ready when it acquires a pleasant brown tint and looks like cognac. Then the shell is filtered off, and the medicinal liquid is poured into a glass bottle with a tightly screwed cap. The shelf life of the finished tincture is 5 years.

General rules for the use of black walnut tincture:

  1. The number of receptions is 3 times a day.
  2. A single treatment dose is 30 drops.
  3. For prevention, 15-20 drops are enough at a time.
  4. The tincture is always dissolved in water.
  5. The average course duration is 1 month.
  6. The course can be extended to 6 months.

Treatment with black walnut tincture should be started with a minimum dose (5-8 drops).The dose of the drug should be increased gradually, adding 2-3 drops daily per dose. The maximum allowable dose of the tincture is 35-40 drops.

Contraindications and harm

moderate consumption of black walnutOnly the excessive use of black walnut in traditional medicine can be harmful. As with any medication, moderation and regularity are important. Special care should be taken in treatment for people with allergies, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is not recommended to give products based on black walnut to children under the age of 2-3 years. It is forbidden to use spoiled nuts in any form. A preliminary consultation with the attending physician is required.

Black walnut against parasites - video


