What to do if the cabbage is frozen in the garden

Tell me what to do if the cabbage is frozen in the garden? This year the first frosts came to us unexpectedly, and the late cabbage has not yet been harvested. Arriving at the weekend at the dacha, they found that the heads of cabbage were in ice clothes - the top leaves were frozen. The interior seems to have remained untouched by frost. Will such heads be stored and can they be used for fermentation?

what to do if the cabbage is frozen in the garden Sauerkraut and stewed cabbage, borscht, cabbage soup or cabbage rolls are some of the most favorite and often cooked dishes in every family. So housewives are trying to plant this vegetable in large quantities, but at the same time they do not always have time to harvest. Early winter often makes its own adjustments and puzzles the question: what to do if the cabbage is frozen over in the garden. Yesterday your plants stood and rejoiced at the last autumn sun, and the next morning they were chained in a frosty embrace? Do not rush to throw away or give the heads of cabbage for livestock feed, although this option is also possible. However, there is almost always an opportunity to save at least part of the crop. There will remain something for the animals to crunch, after you sort out your stumps.

What to do if the cabbage is frozen in the garden

cabbage under the snow

Frozen cabbage does not lose its taste after thawing. It can be used to prepare a variety of dishes, just like a regular vegetable. Moreover, twisting cabbage rolls will become much easier: thawed leaves become soft and do not need preliminary processing. This cabbage is suitable for both first courses and second courses. But keep in mind that it will prepare faster.

In addition, frozen cabbage can also be stored, but the shelf life is significantly reduced. Completely frozen heads will last a month if you remove them correctly from the garden:

  1. Do not rush to cut and bring it into a warm house, let it thaw in the garden if possible.
  2. If the sun has not returned, then cut off the cabbage and bring it to a cool room with a temperature of no more than 5 ° C. Let it lie there for a couple of days.
  3. Then transfer your crop to a place 2 times warmer. At 10 ° C the cabbage will thaw itself and can be used for cooking.

And if only the upper ball of leaves (5 - 6) is frozen, such cabbage will completely lie for up to 3 months. The main thing is not to bring it into the warmth right away.

Is it possible to ferment frozen cabbage

slightly frozen cabbageIn this matter, it all depends on the degree of freezing and how long the vegetable is in this state. If the heads are frozen to the stump and have been standing like this for a week, after thawing they can become slimy. Such cabbage is definitely not worth souring.

Heads of cabbage, in which only the upper layer of leaves is frozen, for fermentation will do quite well. But not for long-term workpieces for future use. Sauerkraut from frozen heads will not stand for a long time. In addition, it turns out to be soft, not crunchy. But for further use in side dishes or cabbage soup it is suitable, it just does not need to be stored for a long time.

Marinating slightly frozen cabbage - video


