What to do if fruiting does not occur after cherry blossoms?

For the second year now, something incomprehensible is happening in my garden - the cherry blossoms, but there are no berries. Tell me, what could be the reason and how to make the tree bear fruit?

blooming cherry branch It would seem that the lush cherry blossoms guarantee a bountiful harvest of tasty and juicy berries. Unfortunately, the presence of flowers on a tree does not always promise a lot of ovary. Often, by the summer, gardeners find empty branches hung with foliage.

Where do the ovaries go, and why does the cherry blossom, but there are still no berries? There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, and the solution to the problem depends on what exactly caused the loss of the crop.

Most often, the lack of fruiting in the presence of flowering is caused by:

  • lack of pollination of flowers;
  • freezing;
  • lack of moisture;
  • poor soil.

In addition, if cherries are affected by a fungal or infectious disease, or have been attacked by pests, this also affects the future harvest. It is important not only to timely identify diseases and parasites, but also to carry out preventive measures to protect the tree from them.

Pollination problems

The Cherry Orchard

If one cherry grows in the garden, and it is also not self-pollinated, you can wait for berries from it for a long time, and where do they come from without pollination of inflorescences? Therefore, you always need to plant at least two different cherry varietiesso that one of them pollinates itself. Then the second tree will also bear fruit.

When planting trees in a large area, the distance between them must be taken into account.

Sometimes pollination does not occur as a result of the absence of pollen-carrying insects such as bees. This is facilitated by the cold spring and the intensive use of various preparations when processing trees. You can cope with attracting bees to the garden by spraying the crown of cherries with sweet syrup (for 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey).

To stimulate the cherry ovary, it is recommended to treat the trees with Bud, Pollen or Ovary.

Exposure to low temperatures

cherry does not bear fruit

Return frosts cause great damage to the future harvest. As a result of spring frosts, the fruit buds freeze and can no longer produce berries. And when the air temperature drops to 1 degree frost, the ovary simply dies and crumbles. To protect the tree, it is recommended to postpone the flowering time, as long as possible without removing the snow from under it. In the event that the cherry blossoms and frosts are predicted, the crown of a small tree can be covered with a cloth. In an old garden with large trees, fires with smoke are burning.

So that the root system does not freeze in autumn, it should be excluded at this time nitrogen fertilization and watering.

Insufficient feeding and watering

cherry care

During the season, cherries must be watered at least three times so that they have enough moisture for development and fruiting. In addition, the lack of nutrients also affects the yield. The tree has enough strength for flowering, but it does not form fruits, therefore it is important to periodically replenish the reserves of trace elements in the soil, feeding the tree with organic matter and complex mineral preparations. It is also necessary to maintain the acidity of the soil in the norm by introducing wood ash.

Why cherry does not bear fruit after flowering and what to do - video


