What to do when hyacinths are blooming?
The intoxicating aroma of hyacinth and a chic rocking chair-flower of a wide variety of colors ... Seeing this beauty once, inhaling the aroma, you want to enjoy it always. Therefore, you should not throw away the flower after flowering, because hyacinths can bloom for almost 10 years if properly looked after and stored.
What can be done with hyacinths when they have faded so that the plant continues to please the eye? The answer to this question depends on where these flowers grow. In general, hyacinth is considered to be a garden flower, but it is often grown in pots in order to obtain early flowering.
Hyacinths have faded in pots, what to do next?
When growing hyacinth in room conditions after the end of flowering, there are two options for actions that differ in the time the flower is planted in open ground:
- Autumn landing. Cut off the peduncle and continue further caring for the plant as usual - water as needed until the leaves dry out.
Only the peduncle is cut off, the green leaves must first dry out on their own. After the foliage is completely dry, carefully remove the bulb from the pot and dry. Store it in a cool dark place until autumn. Then they are planted in open ground, where the hyacinth will bloom next season. Experienced growers do not recommend using the mother bulb for re-forcing, especially if you need to get a large flower. Of course, flowering will come in any case, but the peduncle grinds over time. It is better to use babies for these purposes, which by autumn will already appear on the main bulb. Hyacinth is also propagated with their help.
- Spring landing. After cutting the peduncle, transfer the hyacinth bulbs to a larger pot, add new nutrient soil on top and place in a cool but well-lit place until the end of spring. In early May, the grown hyacinth with young shoots should be planted in a flower bed. Over the summer, it will grow stronger in the open field, and the bulbs can be grown again in a pot.
Faded hyacinth in the flowerbed
If the hyacinth is grown outdoors, after flowering, the plant is not touched until the leaves turn yellow. When this happens, the bulbs need to be dug up and prepared for storage:
- make cuts in the form of a cross on the bottom of the bulbs with a knife;
- after each onion, the knife must be wiped with alcohol;
- dry the cuts well;
- put the bulbs in storage.
In early autumn (September), hyacinths need to be planted back into the flower bed. They dug a garden bed under the flowers, apply mineral fertilizers.
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