What to do with the bulb when the hyacinth has faded?

Beautiful composition of hyacinths Spring is gradually losing its bright colors and everything around is dressed in summer pastel colors. The close arrival of summer heat is also confirmed by the faded heads of spring flowers. They have already lost their beauty and are preparing to renew their strength in order to please us with a new, even better flowering next year.

The last of the spring flowers, at the end of May, are the hyacinths. Such is the fate of this plant: to bloom one of the first and keep the inflorescences to the last. That's when many growers are faced with a problem: the hyacinth has faded, what to do with the bulb? The flowerbed should always look festive, and sloppy hyacinth inflorescences spoil the whole look. There is a desire to dig out a plant and plant something more aesthetic in its place, with elegant bright petals. Just do not rush, because a plant, like a person, needs a tasty meal and renewed strength after hard work.

Hyacinth has faded

Blooming hyacinth in the garden

What to do next when bloomed hyacinths will give advice from professionals and amateur florists.

  1. Trim the peduncle at the very base to prevent seed pods from forming. When seeds ripen on a plant, it expends a lot of energy. The hyacinth flower stalk takes power not only from the ground, but also from the bulb and thereby weakens it. If a flower from such a bulb appears next year, it will be small and ugly. Most often, such bulbs are affected by diseases and disappear or do not bloom.
  2. The last days of spring are often accompanied by intense heat, so the evening watering in row spacings, hyacinths will be useful for weakened bulbs.

It is necessary to water abundantly, between the rows, and not under the plant and not more than once a week. After a yellowish tint appears on the leaves, watering should be stopped.

  1. Top dressing potash and phosphorus fertilizers help the bulb recover faster and have a beneficial effect on young children that form near the plant. Fertilizers can be applied only a few hours after watering or heavy rain. Otherwise, you can burn the roots of the hyacinth and damage the bulb. It is enough to feed the hyacinth once during the formation of the bulb. From an overabundance of trace elements, hyacinth bulbs are poorly stored and overwinter.
  2. In order for the baby to grow large, after flowering, the plant must be spud. Hilling will also protect the plant from the summer sun. The growth point of the peduncle must remain free of soil.
  3. When to dig out hyacinths after flowering, the leaves of the plant will tell you. Evenly yellowed leaf plates serve as a signal that it is time to remove the bulbs from the ground.

Waterlogging or illness can also cause yellowing of hyacinth leaves. In case of waterlogging, the plant is immediately dug up with a lump of earth, carefully folded into a box or on a net, and placed in a shaded, dry room. After the earthen coma has dried, the bulbs are separated from the soil, placed in a dark solution of potassium permanganate for several minutes, dried and sent for storage. In case of illness, they act similarly to frozen plants, but it is better to treat the onion with drugs for viruses. Next year, such plants will not give full bloom, but these measures will help preserve the variety.

  1. After digging, the hyacinths are dried until the leaves completely wither and only after that the onions are treated with drugs for diseases and pests. This can be done by soaking in a solution or by spraying the planting material from a spray bottle.Preparing the bulbs for storage
  2. Until September, the bulbs are best stored in mesh bags, hanging in a dark, dry room. It is advisable to calibrate the planting material. Large onions are always healthy and are less likely to be affected by diseases, pests during storage.

What to do when the hyacinths in the flowerpot have faded?

Amazing beauty at homeIf everything is already clear with street plants, then what to do when the hyacinths in a flowerpot have faded in June or September? The main thing is not to throw out the pot with the plant - it will still delight you with beauty. You can do it in several ways:

  1. Trim the flower stalk and care for the hyacinth, as for an ordinary houseplant, gradually reducing watering throughout the month, until the leaves turn completely yellow. You do not need to feed the potted hyacinth, since the purchased soil contains a sufficient amount of trace elements. After the leaves fall off, you need to put the pot with soil in a dark, dry place and store there until spring. In the spring, by means of transshipment, plant the plant in the garden. Most often this is done with hyacinths, during summer or autumn flowering.
  2. If the hyacinth in a pot was presented for the spring holidays and faded before the onset of May, then after the leaves wither, the bulb is removed from the soil, dried and stored in the refrigerator until September. In the fall, it is planted in the soil on a par with others.

With regular abundant watering in a flowerpot, hyacinth can please the flower again, but this will finally deplete the bulb. She will no longer be fit for landing.

Do I need to dig out hyacinths after flowering: pros and cons

Bulb, stem and hyacinth flowerOften novice gardeners are tormented by doubts: is it necessary to dig out hyacinths after flowering, because they will not go anywhere from the soil and will bloom again in spring. That's right, the plants will bloom in the spring, but not so beautiful. Regular digging of spring bulbs is carried out in order to:

  • get more planting material with the help of children, and in the summer in the soil, most of them die from heat or waterlogging;
  • protect planting material from decay and disease;
  • prevent the degeneration of the variety that occurs when infected with viruses.

Healthy and diseased plantsIt is also important to know when to dig up the hyacinth bulbs. The best time is the second decade of June. Do not dig up the bulbs immediately after heavy rains, as they contain a lot of moisture, and during periods of extreme heat. It is better to do this in the afternoon or on a cloudy day.

With proper hyacinth care after flowering, the bulb will always be large and healthy, with plenty of large babies that will thrive next spring. Now the question of what to do when the hyacinths have faded will not baffle anyone. It is important not only to buy a plant, but also to find out everything about the conditions of its cultivation.

Hyacinth care after flowering - video


