What to do with the arrow after the orchid has finished blooming?
In the store, they usually buy a flower in all its glory. But the orchid has faded, what to do with the arrow, this question is asked by novice growers. When beauty fades, you want to create all the conditions for the flowering to repeat. How to create conditions for a flower to delight and surprise with beauty for a long time? Experienced flower growers share their practical knowledge.
What to do with an orchid after flowering - options
- reduce watering;
- stop fertilizing;
- place in a cool, bright room;
- to set new arrows, adjust the night and day temperature.
If the content of the faded bush is treated without due attention, you can not wait for the secondary flowering. By the way, if the plant requires soil replacement, this is the most favorable period. After flowering, care for the orchid should be, as in the period of the triumph of its beauty, carefully.
Human intervention will be required if the plant has dropped flowers, and the arrow does not dry out, continues to grow. But if the peduncle is long, and the bud is formed only at the very top and one, it may be better to shorten or cut off the arrow. Moreover, there is a rule, the lower the flower shoot came out, the longer it will be. After cutting, a new peduncle will appear in 2-3 months. That is why, to continue flowering, the green peduncle must be cut off above the second or third lower bud. A stump 1-1.5 cm above the dormant bud will prevent it from drying out. If the peduncle is cut off at the base, then a new one is formed much later.
Examine the arrow carefully, there are nodules on it - dormant kidneys. They can give rise to children, or they can throw out a new flower arrow, continuing to bloom with a side shoot. Therefore, you need to cut off 1.5 cm above the kidney, giving it a chance for development.
A new flower shoot can grow from the bud and this will continue the emergence of new "butterflies". If leaves with aerial roots are formed, this is material for reproduction, kids. What will grow up is a mystery. Not always, but it happens, the baby develops instead of escape. This wise mother nature provided for the continuation of the genus if problems in the root system appeared on the plant. Sometimes this is due to a violation of the temperature during the rest of the plant.
The orchid has faded, what should I do next to get the kids? You need to know exactly the type of flower. Not all shooters can breed. This is a varietal feature. But arrows can be used for cuttings, and get a new plant from dormant buds. There is only one condition, each part must contain at least one sleeping kidney. The survival rate will not be complete, but you can get a new plant. They need to be kept in a humid environment on a moss mat, in a greenhouse at a temperature of 25-27 degrees.
It happens that, exhausted by flowering, the bush itself begins to turn yellow. Rescue measures must be taken. Then you need to cut off the peduncle below all the buds, with a hemp of 1.5 - 2 cm and give the plant a rest period. If you cut it off higher, a new peduncle will appear, and finally weaken the plant. During the rest period, the arrows can take food on themselves, and the formation of new peduncles will be slowed down.
Depending on the state of the leaves, the number of peduncles, the intensity of flowering, each amateur decides for himself what to do with the arrow when the orchid has faded. You can get a baby on them and grow a new orchid. Sometimes a new flowering does not come immediately, several months pass. But if the leaves are green, and the arrow has not dried up, you can wait for the resumption of flowering by cutting off the crown to the third bud from the ground. The arrow will get a second life.
You only need to remove a dry peduncle. Otherwise, you can destroy the plant. If you cut off the live, green arrow, then this means shorten the flowering period. New flower shoots can form even after three months.
You can trim the orchid after flowering either completely or from the place where the flowers grew. Choose to continue flowering or create peace and get a new bouquet - choose the owner of the plant.
Amateurs doubt whether it is possible to buy a plant with a central arrow, whether it will die after flowering? If the peduncle comes out from the very center of the rosette, this does not mean that pruning the orchid after flowering will destroy the bush. Such an arrow forms daughter rosettes at the base, there will be many peduncles, and the bush will delight with beauty for a long time. Therefore, the purchase of an orchid with a central peduncle can be considered a success.
The orchid has faded, what to do with the arrow if it has branches, but remains green. It is difficult to deliver nutrition from the roots to such a multilevel structure. In this case, it is necessary to carry out formative pruning - to shorten the living branches. Then the flowering bush will look neater. It is important to sprinkle the places of the cuts with coal dust in order to dry the cut quickly. Only an attentive attitude to the beauty will allow you to determine what needs to be done for a long and effective flowering.
Why did the peduncle dry prematurely?
The peduncle is a temporary process on which flowers are located. Therefore, if it began to dry in the midst of flowering or earlier, you should find the reason. It is necessary to determine if watering is sufficient. The roots will tell about it. They should be green without mold. Roots should not be wet, dry and pale too.
Any root care includes flushing, pruning and disinfecting the roots. If the roots are green, the plant is developing. Light silvery roots indicate that the plant is at rest.
The flooded flower needs to be transplanted into a fresh substrate after revision and removal of diseased areas. If it's a lack of moisture, watering needs to be increased, but no frills. An attentive florist distinguishes well the shades of the leaves, observes the condition of the roots and in time notices the slightest deviations from the norm.
cool flowers child of nature hard to care for
Hello, they gave me an orchid, I decided to transplant it, bought soil for orchids, transplanted it, everything seemed to be fine for a week. now it seems to me that the leaves have become lethargic, tell me what to do ???
Most likely, this is the reaction of the flower to the transplant - there was no need to touch the orchid while it blooms. But since this has happened, try wiping the leaves with a solution of succinic acid, it will help the orchid to recover.
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Please tell me! equally transplanted two phalaenopsis in large pots. One has grown and has been blooming for 3 months already, and the second has given a lot of roots, good, healthy, green, coming out of the pot with might and main. What to do with him? transplant into an even larger one?
Hello. Prompt the orchid of the arrow has faded, I did not cut it off, they dried up from above and below the buds appeared and started almost. I have two arrows on one flower. One bud is on one and two grow on the second. Now what to do next?
You don't need to do anything yet, just wait and watch what grows up. It may be new buds and the orchid will continue to bloom. I also once had it like that, half of the peduncle on top dried up, and then buds appeared, which grew into two new branches. There was one, and now there are two, and the orchid bloomed for a long time, after which the arrow was completely dry. And it may not be flower buds, but the embryos of children. Then you will have a great opportunity to propagate a flower. Just wait for the children to form their roots, and then separate them.