What does Lakonos herb heal - recipes and use cases, useful properties and possible harm

useful properties of the herb Lakonos Lakonos is a tall flowering plant with thick, branched stems on which black berries form. Traditional medicine knows that the herb Lakonos cures many diseases. In Europe and Russia, the flower is grown for decorative purposes, and in its homeland, in America, it grows everywhere like a weed. On its basis, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs, pills for hypertension and constipation, many homeopathic medicines, including those for weight loss and strengthening the immune system, are produced. Lakonos coloring pigments are used in the food industry and for dyeing fabrics.

Description and features

what does the herb lakonos heal?

Initially, the plant appeared in North America, where the phytolacca laconos is most common. Outwardly, it is a tall and powerful perennial with thick stems and large elliptical leaves. It blooms in mid-summer, the inflorescences gradually change color from white to red. In the fall, purple-black berries ripen on it. Reproduction takes place by seeds. In natural nature, they are carried by birds eating fruits. The unpretentious lakonos grows quickly and can occupy a fairly large territory. The culture contains poisonous substances, a separate species is grown for consumption - berry lakonos.

Lakonos produces phytoncides that repel harmful insects, so it is recommended to plant it near fruit or vegetable crops.

Beneficial features

ripe lakonos berriesThe greatest benefits are concentrated in the root part of the lakonos; green parts and ripe berries are also used for medicinal purposes.

They contain a lot of biologically active substances:

  • saponins;
  • alkaloids;
  • vitamins;
  • flavonoids;
  • enzymes;
  • essential oils;
  • acids;
  • bitterness;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • sugars and other elements.

It is they that determine the beneficial properties of the lakonos. The plant has a pronounced diuretic, laxative, tonic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bactericidal, healing, antioxidant effect on the human body.

What does Lakonos herb heal?

medicinal lakonos in the gardenLakonos products help people cope with joint and back pain. As an adjuvant, this plant is used to treat and prevent colds and viral diseases. They are treated for renal failure, radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, migraine, dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels. Lakonos is beneficial for dropsy, edema, hormonal disruptions. Purulent skin lesions, wounds and growths are treated with fresh juice. They clean the intestines and expel worms.

Lakonos herb heals:

  • throat - with angina and laryngitis, it is used internally and for the treatment of mucous membranes;
  • joints - relieves pain and inflammation, eliminates crunching and improves mobility;
  • spine - gives relief after rubbing painful areas, stops the growth of intervertebral hernias;
  • stomach - increases the production of gastric juice, helps the digestion of heavy food;
  • intestines - enhances peristalsis, which contributes to regular cleansing of the body;
  • kidneys - relieves infections, prevents the formation of sand and stones;
  • gallbladder - activates the secretion and outflow of bile, is the prevention of gallstone disease.

Traditional medicine recipes

the use of lakonos in traditional medicineThe use of the lakonos is possible inside and outside. The plant has a positive effect on immunity, activates metabolic and energy processes in the body, therefore it can be used for general health promotion and for the purpose of losing weight. The external method of treatment is justified for purulent skin lesions, malignant and benign tumors, hemorrhoids, trophic ulcers, bedsores, lichen.

Before harvesting the plant, you need to check the root, on the cut it should be white or yellowish, but not red.

Lakonos - recipes in traditional medicine:

  1. Leaves and stems. If you have a sore throat, it is recommended to chew a leaf of a lakonos, this will relieve irritation and reduce discomfort. The ground parts are dried and ground into powder, on the basis of which medicinal decoctions and ointments are prepared.
  2. Berries. Fresh fruits help improve digestion. To do this, you need to eat 2-3 dark purple berries per day. It is forbidden to use them in green form. Also, the dark fruits of the lakonos are dried and added to tea. They are useful for the immune system, lower blood pressure, and improve overall health.
  3. Root. The greatest health-improving effect is provided by the lakonos tincture. For its preparation, the root part of the plant is used, which is at least 3 years old. The rhizome is crushed and poured with high-quality vodka (1 liter per 1 root). The tincture is prepared in a dark place for 2 weeks.

lakonose rootLooking at the root of the lakonos in the photo, you can see that it is large and grows vertically. For this reason, the plant is called the mighty American root.

Lakonos based products

lakonos tincture

The herb lakonos is used in folk medicine in different forms:

  1. Water infusion. Pour boiling water over the dried roots and leaves and infuse for an hour. For 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials, take a glass of hot water. The finished infusion is drunk in several sips during the day.
  2. Alcohol tincture. As a preventive measure, they drink 15-20 drops in the morning. For intensive treatment, the dose is increased to 20-25 drops, and the frequency of administration is up to 2 or 3 times a day.
  3. Throat rinse solution. One teaspoon of tincture is enough for a glass of warm water. Rinses are carried out 3 times a day before meals. One last time for the night.
  4. Rubbing. Tincture of lakonos on alcohol is taken in pure form and rubbed on the painful area of ​​the body until the person feels relief. The procedure is repeated daily until the moment of recovery.
  5. Compress. They are done on the joints and spine. For this, the tincture is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. The compress is kept for an hour or two.
  6. Ointment. To prepare the ointment, 100 grams of butter is mixed with a pinch of powder from the roots of the lakonos. The ointment can be used immediately after preparation.

Potential harm

lakonos can be harmful to healthThe use of the lakonos plant must be carried out in accordance with certain rules and permissible dosages. Deterioration of health and the appearance of symptoms of poisoning indicates an early discontinuation of treatment. For external use, you should also observe moderation and take into account the possible allergic reaction. Contraindications of the lakonos concern pregnant and lactating women, children.

Knowing what the Lakonos herb heals, you can significantly alleviate the condition for colds and sore throats, get rid of coughs, infections, relieve swelling, and reduce muscle and joint pain. In general, the plant is recognized as poisonous, but in small quantities it provides a good healing effect.

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