What can be treated Kalanchoe and when it is not worth doing

A couple of years ago I bought a Kalanchoe from my grandmother in the market. In winter, I often walk with a stuffy nose, and as a child, my mother always buried it in the juice of this plant. I decided to start a “green pharmacy” for myself, because purchased medicines do not always help. Tell me, what else can you treat Kalanchoe? I heard that it is good for the stomach.

what can be treated Kalanchoe Kalanchoe pinnate and Degremona are some of the most valuable plants that every home should have. In addition to its beautiful decorative appearance and gentle flowering, Kalanchoe is a medicinal crop. Its juice contains many useful substances, thanks to which it is effectively used in traditional medicine. However, even doctors advise using Kalanchoe as an auxiliary therapy. Of course, it is not able to cope with all diseases. However, knowing that Kalanchoe can be treated, it is not difficult to achieve a positive result in certain cases. What can this "green window sill healer" do, and in what cases will it benefit the body?

What can be treated Kalanchoe


Leaves and young shoots of Kalanchoe are used as medicinal raw materials. They contain juice rich in vitamins, organic acids, enzymes, trace elements and other useful substances. Such a rich composition provides Kalanchoe with anti-inflammatory, healing and diuretic properties. Depending on the specific disease, pure or diluted juice, infusion or ointment based on it, as well as fresh leaves are used for treatment.

When is Kalanchoe juice used?

Kalanchoe juiceJuice squeezed out of fresh leaves is used to treat:

  • runny nose, sinusitis and otitis media (instilled, previously diluted with water);
  • sore throats and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (for rinsing);
  • helminthiasis (mixed with cahors and honey, insisted and drunk three times a day);
  • urolithiasis (drink pure juice twice a day or mix it with lingonberry and honey);
  • eye injuries, erosion and inflammation of the cornea (buried);
  • faces (rubbing wounds);
  • tuberculosis (drink diluted with water);
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach (they drink fresh juice).

What Kalanchoe tincture can handle

kalanchoe tinctureFor the preparation of tincture 2 tbsp. l. chopped fresh Kalanchoe leaves are poured with 500 ml of vodka and insisted for 10 days. Alcohol tincture will help with varicose veins - it is rubbed on the legs.

An aqueous infusion of fresh leaves is a good product for cosmetic purposes. It will tighten the skin, remove oily sheen and relieve acne.

In what cases will Kalanchoe juice ointment help?

Kalanchoe ointmentAn ointment is prepared from freshly squeezed juice (30 ml) by mixing it with petroleum jelly and lanolin (50 g each). The resulting product is stored in the refrigerator. The ointment is good for various skin lesions, relieving inflammation and promoting quick healing. It is widely used in gynecology for the treatment of erosions and birth ruptures. This ointment will also help to quickly get rid of psoriasis.

Are there any contraindications to treatment with Kalanchoe

As with any remedy, the Kalanchoe intake has its limitations. So, you can not use funds based on it for allergy sufferers and pregnant women. Also, do not use Kalanchoe if there are problems with joints, liver and with low pressure.

The healing properties of Kalanchoe - video


